
Lake Bled's Secrets: A Timeless Journey Through Folklore

Sep 23, 2024 · 17m 12s
Lake Bled's Secrets: A Timeless Journey Through Folklore

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 11s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lake Bled's Secrets: A Timeless Journey Through Folklore Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Meglica se je dvigovala nad...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lake Bled's Secrets: A Timeless Journey Through Folklore
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Meglica se je dvigovala nad jezerom Bled, ko je Matej, mladi vodič, zagnal svoj čoln.
En: The mist was rising over Lake Bled as Matej, a young guide, started his boat.

Sl: Jesen je jezeru dodala pravljično podobo.
En: Autumn added a fairytale charm to the lake.

Sl: Rjavkasto-rdeči listi so ustvarjali čudovito kuliso za obiskovalce.
En: Brownish-red leaves created a beautiful backdrop for visitors.

Sl: Nika je s svojim fotoaparatom že ure lovila popolne posnetke.
En: Nika had been capturing perfect shots with her camera for hours.

Sl: Prišla je iz mesta, da bi fotografirala ikonični otoček in grad.
En: She had come from the city to photograph the iconic island and castle.

Sl: Nenadoma je njen objektiv ujel nekaj nepričakovanega: kovinsko škatlo, ki je plavala ob bregu.
En: Suddenly, her lens caught something unexpected: a metal box floating by the shore.

Sl: Matej je opazil njeno zanimanje: "Kaj si našla, Nika?
En: Matej noticed her interest: "What did you find, Nika?"

Sl: "Skupaj sta odprla škatlo in notri našla staro kuverto.
En: Together they opened the box and found an old envelope inside.

Sl: Na njej je bil napisan naslov v prašnem, skoraj izginulem črnilu.
En: The address on it was written in dusty, almost faded ink.

Sl: V kuverti je bil zemljevid.
En: Inside the envelope was a map.

Sl: "Kaj misliš, kam vodi?
En: "What do you think, where does it lead?"

Sl: " je Matej vprašal z iskrico v očeh.
En: Matej asked with a spark in his eyes.

Sl: Nika se je nasmehnila, rahlo skeptična.
En: Nika smiled, slightly skeptical.

Sl: "Mogoče k izgubljenemu zakladu," je v šali rekla.
En: "Maybe to lost treasure," she joked.

Sl: Vendar je videla, da je Matej resen.
En: But she saw that Matej was serious.

Sl: Njegova ljubezen do folklore ga je vodila k želji po avanturi.
En: His love of folklore drove him to seek adventure.

Sl: Ugotovila sta, da potrebujeta pomoč.
En: They realized they needed help.

Sl: Jan, lokalni zgodovinar, je bil znan po svojem znanju, a tudi po skrivnostnosti.
En: Jan, a local historian, was known for his knowledge, but also for his mystery.

Sl: Matej ga je obiskal in mu pokazal zemljevid.
En: Matej visited him and showed him the map.

Sl: Jan je molčal nekaj trenutkov, nato pa rekel: "Nekatere zgodbe so bolje pozabljene.
En: Jan was silent for a few moments, then said, "Some stories are better forgotten."

Sl: "A Matej ni popustil.
En: But Matej was persistent.

Sl: Pojasnil je, kako bodo Nika fotografirala novo odkrito mesto.
En: He explained how Nika would photograph the newly discovered location.

Sl: "S tem lahko oživimo preteklost," je poudaril.
En: "We can bring the past to life with this," he emphasized.

Sl: Jan se je rahlo nasmehnil: "V redu, vendar bodita previdna.
En: Jan gave a slight smile: "Alright, but be careful."

Sl: "Matej in Nika sta sledila zemljevidu.
En: Matej and Nika followed the map.

Sl: Oba sta čutila naraščajoče navdušenje in strah hkrati.
En: Both felt growing excitement and fear at the same time.

Sl: Prečkala sta gozd, kjer so visoka drevesa šepetala svoje starodavne skrivnosti.
En: They crossed a forest where tall trees whispered their ancient secrets.

Sl: Po dolgi hoji sta naletela na majhno kamnito kapelo, pozabljeno in skrito v naravi.
En: After a long walk, they stumbled upon a small stone chapel, forgotten and hidden in nature.

Sl: Ko sta vstopila, je Jan nenadoma pristopil.
En: As they entered, Jan suddenly approached.

Sl: "Ta kraj je poseben.
En: "This place is special.

Sl: Ljudje so izgubljali vero in upanje.
En: People were losing faith and hope.

Sl: Kapela pa je nudila zatočišče," je pojasnil.
En: The chapel offered refuge," he explained.

Sl: Njegove oči so se lesketale v mehki svetlobi.
En: His eyes glimmered in the soft light.

Sl: Matej je nenadoma začutil globoko spoštovanje do tega kraja, zgodovine in Janove vednosti.
En: Matej suddenly felt a deep respect for this place, its history, and Jan's knowledge.

Sl: Nika je s svojim fotoaparatom zajela magijo trenutka.
En: Nika captured the magical moment with her camera.

Sl: Tiho so sklenili, da bodo zgodbo pripovedovali previdno, spoštljivo.
En: Quietly, they agreed to tell the story cautiously and respectfully.

Sl: Ko so se vračali k jezeru, je Matej spoznal pomembnost uravnoteženja med strastjo do zgodovine in spoštovanjem do tistih, ki so te zgodbe živeli.
En: As they returned to the lake, Matej realized the importance of balancing passion for history with respect for those who lived these stories.

Sl: Nika je začutila novo obliko izražanja skozi objektiv.
En: Nika discovered a new form of expression through her lens.

Sl: Jan pa je odprl srce za navdušenje, ki so ga prinesli mladi vedoželjneži.
En: Jan opened his heart to the enthusiasm brought by curious young minds.

Sl: Tako je jezero Bled jeseni oživelo s skrivnostjo, ki jo je odkrila mlada radovednost, povezana z modrostjo starejših.
En: Thus, Lake Bled came alive in the autumn with a mystery unveiled by youthful curiosity, connected with the wisdom of the elders.

Sl: Ta zgodba je zdaj del legend, ki bijejo v ritmu vode in šepeta listov.
En: This story is now part of the legends that beat in the rhythm of the water and the whisper of the leaves.

Vocabulary Words:
  • mist: meglica
  • fairytale: pravljično
  • backdrop: kulisa
  • capturing: lovila
  • iconic: ikonični
  • unexpected: nepričakovanega
  • metal: kovinsko
  • shore: bregu
  • envelope: kuverto
  • dusty: prašnem
  • faded: izginulem
  • spark: iskrica
  • skeptical: skeptična
  • treasure: zaklad
  • folklore: folklore
  • adventure: avantura
  • mystery: skrivnostnosti
  • persistent: popustil
  • discover: odkrito
  • excitement: navdušenje
  • fear: strah
  • whispered: šepetala
  • ancient: starodavne
  • stumbled: naletela
  • refuge: zatočišče
  • captured: zajela
  • magical: magijo
  • respectfully: spoštljivo
  • balancing: uravnoteženja
  • curiosity: radovednost
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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