
Ivan's Culinary Adventure: From Market Mishap to Masterpiece

Sep 24, 2024 · 17m 34s
Ivan's Culinary Adventure: From Market Mishap to Masterpiece

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 47s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivan's Culinary Adventure: From Market Mishap to Masterpiece Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Ivan je hodao kroz Dolac,...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivan's Culinary Adventure: From Market Mishap to Masterpiece
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Ivan je hodao kroz Dolac, poznatu zagrebačku tržnicu.
En: Ivan walked through Dolac, the well-known market in Zagreb.

Hr: Jesenji zrak bio je svjež, a sunce je sijalo visoko na nebu.
En: The autumn air was crisp, and the sun shone high in the sky.

Hr: Tržnica je bila puna života.
En: The market was full of life.

Hr: Mirisi svježeg povrća i voća širili su se oko njega.
En: The scents of fresh vegetables and fruits spread around him.

Hr: Glasovi prodavača odjekivali su tržnicom, svatko je hvalio svoje proizvode.
En: The voices of vendors echoed through the market, each praising their products.

Hr: Ivan je došao s ciljem.
En: Ivan had a goal.

Hr: Spremao je važnu večeru, a taj obrok mogao bi mu otvoriti vrata snu o vlastitom restoranu.
En: He was preparing an important dinner, and this meal could open the door to his dream of owning his own restaurant.

Hr: Tražio je najbolju mrkvu, najcrveniju papriku, najsvježije začine.
En: He was seeking the best carrots, the reddest peppers, the freshest spices.

Hr: Kava, šafran, kadulja – sve je trebalo biti savršeno.
En: Coffee, saffron, sage—everything needed to be perfect.

Hr: Sa njim je bila njegova sestra Marija.
En: With him was his sister Marija.

Hr: Za razliku od Ivana, Marija je bila opuštena.
En: Unlike Ivan, Marija was relaxed.

Hr: Voljela je šetati tržnicom bez plana, otkrivajući svakojake zanimljivosti.
En: She loved strolling through the market without a plan, discovering all sorts of curiosities.

Hr: "Opusti se, Ivek," smijala se dok bi Ivan hodao s popisom i ozbiljnim izrazom lica.
En: "Relax, Ivek," she laughed as Ivan walked with a list and a serious expression on his face.

Hr: Problem je nastao kad su stigli na jednu od najprometnijih sekcija.
En: A problem arose when they reached one of the busiest sections.

Hr: Ovdje su sve police bile gotovo prazne.
En: Here, all the shelves were nearly empty.

Hr: Neke ključne namirnice više nisu bile dostupne.
En: Some essential ingredients were no longer available.

Hr: Ivana je obuzela panika.
En: Panic engulfed Ivan.

Hr: Njegov plan bio je poremećen.
En: His plan was disrupted.

Hr: No, Marija ga je privukla za ruku, "Ne brini se.
En: But Marija grabbed his hand, "Don't worry.

Hr: Pogledaj ove lijepe tikvice.
En: Look at these beautiful zucchinis.

Hr: Možda možemo nešto smisliti?"
En: Maybe we can figure something out?"

Hr: Ivan je sumnjičavo pogledao.
En: Ivan looked skeptically.

Hr: "Tikvice umjesto paprika? Ne znam..."
En: "Zucchinis instead of peppers? I don't know..."

Hr: Ali onda, dok je stajao i slušao Marijine prijedloge, misli su mu se počele slagati.
En: But then, as he stood listening to Marija's suggestions, his thoughts began to align.

Hr: "Možda... Da, zašto ne?" pomislio je.
En: "Maybe... Yes, why not?" he thought.

Hr: Počeo je birati tikvice, mediteranske začine i nešto drugog povrća.
En: He started choosing zucchinis, Mediterranean spices, and some other vegetables.

Hr: Spoj novih boja i okusa počeo je oblikovati jelo koje nije bilo na Ivanovom prvotnom popisu.
En: A blend of new colors and flavors began to form a dish that wasn't on Ivan's original list.

Hr: Na kraju, improvizirali su i pronašli sve što im je trebalo.
En: In the end, they improvised and found everything they needed.

Hr: Kada su stigli doma, Ivan je s entuzijazmom počeo pripremati obrok.
En: When they got home, Ivan enthusiastically began preparing the meal.

Hr: Ovaj put, s osjećajem slobode i radosti zbog nepredviđene kreacije.
En: This time, with a sense of freedom and joy for the unforeseen creation.

Hr: Večer je stigla, a stan je bio ispunjen ugodnim mirisima hrane.
En: Evening came, and the apartment was filled with delightful aromas of food.

Hr: Obitelj i prijatelji su počeli pristizati.
En: Family and friends began to arrive.

Hr: Ivanovo jelo bilo je pravi pogodak.
En: Ivan's dish was a real hit.

Hr: Okusi su se skladno stapali, a svi su bili oduševljeni.
En: The flavors blended harmoniously, and everyone was delighted.

Hr: Obitelj prijatelja, za kojeg su svi znali da bi mogao pomoći Ivanu ispuniti njegov san, pohvalio je obrok i izrazio zanimanje za Ivanove planove.
En: A family friend, known to have the potential to help Ivan fulfill his dream, praised the meal and expressed interest in Ivan's plans.

Hr: Te večeri, Ivan je shvatio nešto važno.
En: That evening, Ivan realized something important.

Hr: Ne mora sve biti savršeno i prema planu.
En: Not everything has to be perfect and according to plan.

Hr: Ponekad najveće uspjehe postižemo kada dopustimo sebi biti kreativni i fleksibilni.
En: Sometimes, we achieve the greatest successes by allowing ourselves to be creative and flexible.

Hr: Tada je Mariji nasmiješeno priznao: "Hvala, sestrice.
En: He smiled and admitted to Marija, "Thank you, sis.

Hr: Tvoj savjet danas je bio zlata vrijedan."
En: Your advice today was worth gold."

Hr: Marija se nasmijala i zagrlila Ivana.
En: Marija laughed and hugged Ivan.

Hr: Zajedno su slavili, gledajući prema budućnosti koja je sada izgledala svjetlija nego ikada prije.
En: Together they celebrated, looking toward a future that now seemed brighter than ever.

Hr: Razumio je vrijednost spontanosti i kako ga ona može voditi prema ostvarenju njegovih snova.
En: He understood the value of spontaneity and how it could lead him toward achieving his dreams.

Vocabulary Words:
  • crisp: svjež
  • vendor: prodavač
  • praise: hvaliti
  • essential: ključne
  • engulf: obuzeti
  • skeptically: sumnjičavo
  • align: slagati
  • blend: spoj
  • improvise: improvizirati
  • harmoniously: skladno
  • delight: oduševiti
  • spontaneity: spontanost
  • curiosity: zanimljivosti
  • disrupted: poremećen
  • unforeseen: nepredviđen
  • potential: potencijal
  • admit: priznati
  • embrace: zagrliti
  • sister: sestra
  • market: tržnica
  • dream: san
  • meal: obrok
  • spices: začini
  • empty: prazne
  • mediterranean: mediteranske
  • freedom: sloboda
  • prepare: pripremati
  • creative: kreativni
  • future: budućnost
  • flavor: okusi
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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