
Homegrown Tourist: A Dubrovnik Discovery

May 3, 2024 · 15m 57s
Homegrown Tourist: A Dubrovnik Discovery

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 20s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Homegrown Tourist: A Dubrovnik Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce je blistalo visoko na nebu dok je...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Homegrown Tourist: A Dubrovnik Discovery
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Sunce je blistalo visoko na nebu dok je Dubrovnik živnuo u novi dan.
En: The sun was shining brightly high in the sky as Dubrovnik stirred to life in a new day.

Hr: Ana je šetala uskim kaldrmama starog grada, uživajući u mirisu mora i cvrkutu golubova.
En: Ana was strolling through the narrow cobblestone streets of the old town, enjoying the scent of the sea and the cooing of doves.

Hr: Ana je voljela svoj grad i uvijek je s radošću pomagala izgubljenim turistima, pokazujući im skrivene dragulje Dubrovnika.
En: Ana loved her city and always joyfully helped lost tourists, showing them Dubrovnik's hidden treasures.

Hr: Tog posebnog jutra, naletjela je na Marka.
En: On that special morning, she came across Marko.

Hr: Bio je visok, nosio je šešir i ruksak te izgledao je kao da traži nešto.
En: He was tall, wearing a hat and a backpack, and seemed to be searching for something.

Hr: Ani se činilo kako ulice grada poznaje slabije od ruke turista koji sa zanimanjem gledaju oko sebe.
En: Ana felt like he knew the streets of the city less than the tourists who looked around with interest.

Hr: "Oprostite," započela je Ana s osmijehom, "je li vam potrebna pomoć?
En: "Excuse me," Ana started with a smile, "do you need any help?"

Hr: "Marko je podigao pogled s mape i zbunjeno ju je pogledao.
En: Marko looked up from the map and glanced at her in confusion.

Hr: "Govorite li hrvatski?
En: "Do you speak Croatian?"

Hr: " upitala je Ana, pretpostavljajući da je stranac.
En: Ana asked, assuming he was a foreigner.

Hr: Vidjela je priliku da se okuša kao vodič i pomogne nekome u učenju jezika.
En: She saw an opportunity to try being a guide and help someone learn the language.

Hr: "Dobro jutro," odgovorio je Marko na čistom hrvatskom, ali s laganim smiješkom.
En: "Good morning," Marko replied in fluent Croatian, but with a faint smile.

Hr: "Da, govorim.
En: "Yes, I do."

Hr: "Ana se smijala na svoj račun, ali nastavila je svesrdno.
En: Ana laughed at herself, but she continued enthusiastically.

Hr: "Onda ću vam pokazati nešto zanimljivo.
En: "Then I will show you something interesting.

Hr: Vidiš onu zgradu tamo?
En: See that building over there?

Hr: Zove se Knežev dvor.
En: It's called the Rector's Palace.

Hr: Jako je stara i puna priča.
En: It's very old and full of stories."

Hr: "Zajedno su šetali prema dvoru i Ana je s pažnjom objašnjavala sve što je znala o povijesti dubrovačkih zidina, o Sponzi i Orlandovom stupu.
En: They walked together towards the palace, and Ana carefully explained everything she knew about the history of the Dubrovnik walls, about the Sponza Palace and Orlando's Column.

Hr: Marko je slušao, klimajući glavom i dopuštajući Ani da uživa u svojoj ulozi vodiča.
En: Marko listened, nodding, and allowing Ana to enjoy her role as a guide.

Hr: Poslije nekog vremena, Ana je stala i pogledala Marka.
En: After some time, Ana stopped and looked at Marko.

Hr: "A čime se vi bavite?
En: "What do you do?

Hr: Sigurno imate zanimljivu priču zašto ste ovdje u Dubrovniku.
En: You must have an interesting reason for being here in Dubrovnik."

Hr: "Marko se nasmijao.
En: Marko smiled.

Hr: "Pa, zanimljivo je.
En: "Well, it's interesting...

Hr: Ja sam ovdje rođen.
En: I was actually born here.

Hr: Živim u ovom lijepom gradu.
En: I live in this beautiful city.

Hr: Baš kao i ti, čini mi se.
En: Just like you, it seems.

Hr: Samo sam danas odlučio biti turist u svom gradu i gledati ga drugačijim očima.
En: I just decided to be a tourist in my city today and see it with different eyes."

Hr: "Ana se osjećala pomalo smiješno, ali to ju nije omelo.
En: Ana felt a little silly, but it didn't stop her.

Hr: "Oh, pa to je divno!
En: "Oh, that's wonderful!

Hr: I ja ponekad volim hodati gradom kao da ga prvi put vidim.
En: Sometimes, I also like to walk around the city as if I'm seeing it for the first time."

Hr: "Razgovarali su još malo i shvatili da imaju mnogo zajedničkog.
En: They talked a little more and realized they had a lot in common.

Hr: Oboje su voljeli Dubrovnik, njegovu povijest i kulturu.
En: Both of them loved Dubrovnik, its history, and culture.

Hr: Ana je naučila Marka nešto novo o gradu, a Marko je Ani pružio priliku da se osjeća kao prava vodička, čak i ako je samo na trenutak.
En: Ana taught Marko something new about the city, and Marko gave Ana the chance to feel like a real guide, even if only for a moment.

Hr: Traženje turističkog iskustva u vlastitom gradu dovelo ih je do novog prijateljstva.
En: Seeking a tourist experience in their own city led them to a new friendship.

Hr: Smijeh je odjekivao starim zidinama dok su zajedno nastavili razgledavanje, sada kao dvoje lokalaca s novom pričom za ispričati.
En: Laughter echoed through the old walls as they continued their sightseeing together, now as two locals with a new story to tell.

Vocabulary Words:
  • cooing: cvrkut
  • unique: poseban
  • stirred: živnuo
  • backpack: ruksak
  • treasures: dragulje
  • narrow: uskim
  • opportunity: priliku
  • palace: dvor
  • nodding: klimanjući
  • special: posebnog
  • faint: laganim
  • excitedly: svesrdno
  • curiously: zanimljivo
  • confusion: zbunjeno
  • enthusiastically: oduševljeno
  • wonderful: divno
  • silly: smiješno
  • laughter: smijeh
  • echoed: odjekivao
  • continued: nastavili
  • sightseeing: razgledavanje
  • locals: lokalaca
  • foreigner: stranac
  • assuming: pretpostavljajući
  • fluent: čistom
  • role: ulozi
  • moment: trenutak
  • common: zajedničkog
  • decision: odlučio
  • realized: shvatili
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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