Hidden Relic of Lake Bled: A Friendship Tested and Found
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Hidden Relic of Lake Bled: A Friendship Tested and Found
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Hidden Relic of Lake Bled: A Friendship Tested and Found Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/hidden-relic-of-lake-bled-a-friendship-tested-and-found/ Story Transcript: Sl: Malo popoldan je...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Malo popoldan je bil na Blejskem jezeru, ko so sončni žarki pozlatili površino jezera.
En: It was a late afternoon at Lake Bled when the sun's rays gilded the surface of the lake.
Sl: Mateja je stala ob obali, ko je opazila nekaj nenavadnega.
En: Mateja was standing by the shore when she noticed something unusual.
Sl: V travi je ležal star, usnjen dnevnik.
En: In the grass lay an old, leather-bound diary.
Sl: Prekrit z mahom in prahom je izgledal, kot da bi tam ležal mnogo let.
En: Covered in moss and dust, it looked as if it had been there for many years.
Sl: Luka je bil s svojimi mislimi pri Tihani, ki je stala nekaj metrov stran in občudovala jezero.
En: Luka's thoughts were with Tihana, who stood a few meters away, admiring the lake.
Sl: "Mateja, poglej kaj sem našla!" je navdušeno zavpila proti njemu.
En: "Mateja, look what I found!" she called out excitedly towards him.
Sl: Luka je pohitel k njej in strmel v dnevnik.
En: Luka hurried over to her and stared at the diary.
Sl: "Kaj mislita, da je notri?" je tiho vprašala Tihana, ki jih je slišala in se jima pridružila.
En: "What do you think is inside?" asked Tihana quietly, who had heard them and joined them.
Sl: Odpeli so dnevnik.
En: They unfastened the diary.
Sl: Strani so bile polne zapiskov v starinskem rokopisu.
En: The pages were filled with notes written in an old-fashioned handwriting.
Sl: Mateja je hitro listala skozi zapise, ki so se izkazali za dnevnik nekega preteklega rezidenta, verjetno pred stoletji.
En: Mateja quickly flipped through the entries, which turned out to be a journal of a former resident, probably from centuries ago.
Sl: Vendar je kazalo, da so zapisi šifrirani.
En: However, it appeared the entries were encrypted.
Sl: "Moramo to raziskati," je rekla Mateja, ki je bila vedno željna novih pustolovščin.
En: "We have to investigate this," said Mateja, who was always eager for new adventures.
Sl: Luka jo je podporno prijel za ramo.
En: Luka supportively put his hand on her shoulder.
Sl: "Pa dajmo. Vidiš kaj pomeni tista šifra?"
En: "Let's do it. Do you see what that code means?"
Sl: Tihana je sumljivo pogledala dnevnik.
En: Tihana looked at the diary suspiciously.
Sl: "Ni nujno, da je to varno. Legende o Blejskem jezeru skrivajo temne skrivnosti," je previdno razložila, a tudi njo je zanimalo, kaj bi lahko našli.
En: "It's not necessarily safe. The legends of Lake Bled hide dark secrets," she explained cautiously, yet she was also curious about what they could find.
Sl: Mateja je kljub njeni previdnosti trmasto vztrajala.
En: Despite her caution, Mateja stubbornly insisted.
Sl: "Tihana, ti poznaš te legende. Morda nam lahko pomagaš dešifrirati te zapise."
En: "Tihana, you know these legends. Maybe you can help us decipher these writings."
Sl: Po nekaj premisleka je Tihana privolila.
En: After some thought, Tihana agreed.
Sl: "Prav, ampak previdni moramo biti."
En: "Alright, but we need to be careful."
Sl: Kot ekipa so začeli preučevati dnevnik in skupaj so odkrivali drobne dele zgodovine, skrivnosti in legende.
En: As a team, they began to study the diary and together, they uncovered small pieces of history, secrets, and legends.
Sl: Luka je ponoči raziskoval nekdanje vaščane in zgodovino jezera, da bi bil prepričan, da so varni.
En: At night, Luka researched former villagers and the lake's history to ensure their safety.
Sl: Dekodiranje zadnjega sporočila v dnevniku jih je privedlo do skrivnostne relikvije, za katero je bila skrita legenda.
En: Decoding the final message in the diary led them to a mysterious relic, about which a legend was hidden.
Sl: "Relikvija naj bi bila skrita tik pod vodno gladino blizu zvonika," je šepnila Tihana.
En: "The relic should be hidden just below the water's surface near the bell tower," Tihana whispered.
Sl: Zato so v hladnem jutru zaplavali proti majhnemu otoku s cerkvijo.
En: So, in the cold morning, they swam towards the small island with the church.
Sl: Ko so prišli do točno določenega mesta, so se potopili in tam našli starodavno posodo.
En: When they reached the exact spot, they dived and found an ancient vessel there.
Sl: Ko so jo dvignili, je Tihana vzdihnila.
En: As they lifted it, Tihana sighed.
Sl: "To je resnično dragocen del naše zgodovine. Nikoli si nisem mislila, da ga bomo našli."
En: "This is truly a precious part of our history. I never thought we would find it."
Sl: Mateja je s spoštovanjem gledala Tihano.
En: Mateja respectfully looked at Tihana.
Sl: "Hvala, ker si nam dovolila to raziskati."
En: "Thank you for allowing us to investigate this."
Sl: Luka je končno zbral pogum.
En: Luka finally gathered the courage.
Sl: "Tihana, vedno sem te občudoval. Rad bi bil več kot le prijatelj."
En: "Tihana, I have always admired you. I would like to be more than just friends."
Sl: Tihana se mu je nasmehnila in priznala svoja čustva.
En: Tihana smiled at him and admitted her feelings.
Sl: "Luka, tudi jaz sem čutila enako."
En: "Luka, I have felt the same way too."
Sl: Z relikvijo v rokah in novo pridobljenim spoštovanjem do legend so se prijatelji vrnili na obalo.
En: Holding the relic and with newfound respect for the legends, the friends returned to the shore.
Sl: Mateja se je naučila ceniti pomembnost tradicionalnih zgodb in previdnosti.
En: Mateja learned to appreciate the importance of traditional stories and caution.
Sl: Luka pa je pridobil samozavest.
En: Luka gained confidence.
Sl: Tihana je našla ravnotežje med ohranjanjem tradicije in raziskovanjem neznanega.
En: Tihana found a balance between preserving tradition and exploring the unknown.
Sl: Jezero Bled je še naprej ohranjalo svoje skrivnosti, toda za Matejo, Luko in Tihano je poletni dan prinesel novo razumevanje prijateljstva in spoštovanja do preteklosti.
En: Lake Bled continued to keep its secrets, but for Mateja, Luka, and Tihana, the summer day brought a new understanding of friendship and respect for the past.
Vocabulary Words:
- gilded: pozlatili
- unusual: nenavadnega
- shore: obali
- leather-bound: usnjen
- moss: mahom
- dust: prahom
- resident: rezidenta
- encrypted: šifrirani
- investigate: raziskati
- cautiously: previdno
- stubbornly: trmasto
- decipher: dešifrirati
- team: ekipa
- former: nekdanje
- villagers: vaščane
- decode: dekodiranje
- relic: relikvijo
- legend: legenda
- surface: gladino
- bell tower: zvonika
- precious: dragocen
- respectfully: spoštovanjem
- gained: pridobil
- confidence: samozavest
- admired: občudoval
- balanced: ravnotežje
- hidden: skrita
- appreciate: ceniti
- secrets: skrivnosti
- unknown: neznanega
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Website | www.fluentfiction.org |
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