
Hidden Machines, Courageous Minds: A School Project Triumph

Aug 20, 2024 · 17m 10s
Hidden Machines, Courageous Minds: A School Project Triumph

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 11s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Hidden Machines, Courageous Minds: A School Project Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Sončni žarki so previdno sijali...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Hidden Machines, Courageous Minds: A School Project Triumph
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Sončni žarki so previdno sijali skozi razbita okna zapuščene skladiščne stavbe na obrobju mesta.
En: The sun's rays cautiously shone through the broken windows of an abandoned warehouse building on the outskirts of the city.

Sl: Prah v zraku je lesketajoče plesal na soncu, ko sta Matej in Anja stopila skozi velike rjavkaste kovinska vrata.
En: Dust in the air sparkled and danced in the sunlight as Matej and Anja stepped through the large rusty metal doors.

Sl: Matej je imel oči široko odprte, zebra njegov obraz je pokrival smehljaj.
En: Matej's eyes were wide open, a grin spread across his face.

Sl: Anja je počasi hodila za njim, rahlo zaskrbljena zaradi zvitih desk na tleh.
En: Anja walked slowly behind him, slightly worried about the warped boards on the floor.

Sl: "Mislil sem, da bo tukaj veliko stvari, ki jih lahko uporabiva," je Matej rekel, ko je pregledoval kovinske škatle, zložene do stropa.
En: "I thought there would be a lot of things here we could use," Matej said as he examined the metal boxes stacked to the ceiling.

Sl: Anja je zavzdihnila.
En: Anja sighed.

Sl: "Matej, to je nevarno.
En: "Matej, this is dangerous.

Sl: Ne bi smela biti tukaj.
En: We shouldn't be here."

Sl: ""Prav imaš, a poglej," je Matej pokazal.
En: "You're right, but look," Matej pointed out.

Sl: "V pedagog v šoli nimamo takih starih naprav.
En: "In school, we don’t have machines like these.

Sl: Če jih dobro uporabiva, dobimo najboljšo oceno.
En: If we use them well, we'll get top marks."

Sl: "Anja je vedela, da ima Matej pogosto dobre ideje, a skrb za varnost je bila na prvem mestu.
En: Anja knew that Matej often had good ideas, but her concern for safety was paramount.

Sl: Pokimala je, a zadržano.
En: She nodded, albeit reluctantly.

Sl: "Dobro, a bodimo previdni.
En: "Alright, but let's be careful."

Sl: "Potem ko sta preiskala del skladišča, sta naletela na skrito območje.
En: After searching part of the warehouse, they stumbled upon a hidden area.

Sl: Vrata so bila naslikana v isti barvi kot stena in le malo so izstopala.
En: The door was painted the same color as the wall and barely stood out.

Sl: Ko jih je Matej odprl, je zadišalo po starem olju.
En: When Matej opened it, the scent of old oil filled the air.

Sl: "Neverjetno!
En: "Incredible!"

Sl: " je zavpil Matej.
En: Matej shouted.

Sl: Območje je bilo polno starih strojev in nenavadnih naprav.
En: The area was full of old machines and strange devices.

Sl: Nekateri so bili prekriti s platnom, drugi so bili kar razpršeni okoli.
En: Some were covered with cloth, others were scattered around.

Sl: Matej je bil navdušen.
En: Matej was thrilled.

Sl: Še preden ga je Anja uspela ustaviti, je Matej pritisnil na en gumb na največji napravi v prostoru.
En: Before Anja could stop him, Matej pressed a button on the largest machine in the room.

Sl: Nenadoma je vklopila, mašina je začela vibrirati in oddajati čudne zvoke.
En: Suddenly, it turned on, the machine started vibrating and making strange noises.

Sl: Matej je stopil nazaj, prestrašen.
En: Matej stepped back, frightened.

Sl: "Ugasni!
En: "Turn it off!

Sl: Hitro!
En: Quickly!"

Sl: " je kričala Anja.
En: Anja shouted.

Sl: Matej je panično poskušal najti stikalo, a naprava se je nerodno tresla.
En: Matej frantically tried to find the switch, but the device was shaking awkwardly.

Sl: Anja je hitro ugotovila, kje je glavno stikalo, in ga pritisnila.
En: Anja quickly figured out where the main switch was and pressed it.

Sl: Aparat se je ustavil, njunim srcem pa je bilo olajšano.
En: The machine stopped, and their hearts were relieved.

Sl: "No," je Matej dahnil.
En: "Well," Matej gasped.

Sl: "Ne bomo se igrali z nevarnimi stvarmi.
En: "We won't mess around with dangerous stuff.

Sl: Ampak mislim, da bi lahko uporabili princip izgradnje te naprave za naš projekt.
En: But I think we could use the construction principle of this machine for our project."

Sl: "Anja se je strinjala in skupaj sta si ogledala notranjost naprave.
En: Anja agreed, and together they examined the inside of the machine.

Sl: Čez čas sta iznašla način za ustvarjanje podobnega, a varnejšega modela za svoj projekt.
En: Over time, they devised a way to create a similar, yet safer, model for their project.

Sl: Delal je na principu gibanja in energije, a s sodobnimi, varnejšimi materiali.
En: It worked on the principle of motion and energy, but with modern, safer materials.

Sl: Ko sta se vrnila v šolo in predstavila svoj projekt, so bili učitelji navdušeni.
En: When they returned to school and presented their project, the teachers were thrilled.

Sl: Projekt ni bil le praktičen, imel je tudi skrito zgodbo poguma in premagovanja ovir.
En: The project was not only practical, it also had a hidden story of courage and overcoming obstacles.

Sl: Matej se je naučil, da je vredno prisluhniti prijateljem in da previdnost nikoli ni odveč.
En: Matej learned that it's worthwhile to listen to friends and that caution is never too much.

Sl: Anja pa je spoznala, da včasih tveganje lahko prinese veliko dobrega, če mu le pametno pristopiš.
En: Anja realized that sometimes taking a risk can lead to great benefits if approached wisely.

Sl: In tako sta znova postala zmagovalca šolskega projekta.
En: And so, they once again became the winners of the school project.

Vocabulary Words:
  • cautiously: previdno
  • abandoned: zapuščene
  • outskirts: obrobju
  • sparkled: lesketajoče
  • rusty: rjavkaste
  • grin: smehljaj
  • warp: zvitih
  • examined: pregledoval
  • stacked: zložene
  • sigh: zavzdihnila
  • paramount: na prvem mestu
  • reluctantly: zadržano
  • stumble: naletela
  • hidden: skrito
  • scent: zadišalo
  • frantically: panično
  • awkwardly: nerodno
  • principle: princip
  • construction: izgradnje
  • devices: naprav
  • vibrating: vibrirati
  • thrilled: navdušen
  • embrace: sprejeti
  • obstacles: ovir
  • courage: poguma
  • worthwhile: vredno
  • overcome: premagovanja
  • press: pritisnil
  • frightened: prestrašen
  • devised: iznašla
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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