
Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle

Jul 3, 2024 · 19m 8s
Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 37s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Lukáš, Petra...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Lukáš, Petra a Jozef stáli na kamennom nádvoria Devínskeho hradu.
En: Lukáš, Petra, and Jozef stood in the stone courtyard of Devín Castle.

Sk: Bola horúca letná sobota.
En: It was a hot summer Saturday.

Sk: Slnko sa vysoko blýskalo a ich tiene boli krátke a tmavé.
En: The sun was shining brightly, casting short and dark shadows.

Sk: Ruiny hradu boli majestátne.
En: The castle ruins were majestic.

Sk: Staré hradby poskytovali nádherný výhľad na sútok riek Dunaj a Morava.
En: The old walls offered a stunning view of the confluence of the Danube and Morava rivers.

Sk: Lukáš miloval takéto miesta.
En: Lukáš loved places like this.

Sk: Dnes chcel ukázať svoje vedomosti a zanechať dojem.
En: Today, he wanted to show off his knowledge and make an impression.

Sk: "Kedysi tu stál mocný hrad," začal Lukáš, "a postavili ho v deviatom storočí.
En: "Once, there stood a mighty castle here," Lukáš began, "and it was built in the ninth century."

Sk: " Petra s nadšením počúvala a Jozef prikyvoval, no ich pohľady rýchlo upierali na sokola, ktorý lietal nad hradbami.
En: Petra listened with enthusiasm, and Jozef nodded, but their gazes quickly turned to a hawk flying over the walls.

Sk: Zrazu Petra padla na kolená a začala sa škrtiť.
En: Suddenly, Petra fell to her knees and began to choke.

Sk: Oči mala červené a opuchnuté.
En: Her eyes were red and swollen.

Sk: Lukáš okamžite vedel, že to je vážne.
En: Lukáš immediately knew it was serious.

Sk: "Allergická reakcia," zavrčal Jozef a kľakol si k Petre.
En: "Allergic reaction," Jozef growled and knelt beside Petra.

Sk: Petra sa chvela a prudko dýchala.
En: Petra was shaking and breathing heavily.

Sk: Bohužiaľ, mobilný signál v ruinách bol nestály.
En: Unfortunately, the mobile signal in the ruins was unstable.

Sk: Lukáš cítil paniku.
En: Lukáš felt panic rising.

Sk: Musel rýchlo rozhodnúť.
En: He had to decide quickly.

Sk: Ísť po pomoc alebo zostať s Petrou a Jozefom?
En: Go for help or stay with Petra and Jozef?

Sk: Čas bežal.
En: Time was running out.

Sk: "Musím nám nájsť pomoc," povedal rozhodne Lukáš.
En: "I have to find us help," Lukáš said decisively.

Sk: "Jozef, drž ju stabilnú!
En: "Jozef, keep her stable!"

Sk: "Lukáš sa rozbehol cez rozpadnuté nádvoria a tmavé chodby hradu.
En: Lukáš sprinted through the crumbling courtyard and dark corridors of the castle.

Sk: Srdce mu búchalo ako nikdy predtým.
En: His heart pounded like never before.

Sk: Stále bežal rýchlejšie.
En: He ran faster and faster.

Sk: Narazil na schody vedúce von a dúfal, že nájde niekoho, kto by mohol pomôcť.
En: He came upon stairs leading outside and hoped to find someone who could help.

Sk: Ale nikde nikoho.
En: But there was no one.

Sk: Ruiny boli skoro prázdne.
En: The ruins were almost empty.

Sk: Lukáš sa nevzdal.
En: Lukáš did not give up.

Sk: Mal strach, no ten strach teraz použil ako palivo.
En: He was scared, but he used that fear as fuel.

Sk: V spomienkach myslel na Petru.
En: In his thoughts, he focused on Petra.

Sk: Vedel, že musí byť statočný a rýchly.
En: He knew he had to be brave and quick.

Sk: Našťastie, po niekoľkých minútach bežal na turistov na nižšej terase.
En: Luckily, after a few minutes, he came upon some tourists on a lower terrace.

Sk: "Prosím vás," kričal zadýchane, "moja priateľka potrebuje pomoc!
En: "Please," he shouted breathlessly, "my friend needs help!

Sk: Má vážnu alergickú reakciu!
En: She’s having a severe allergic reaction!"

Sk: "Jedna z turistiek, mladá žena, vytiahla z batohu Adrenalinový perok.
En: One of the tourists, a young woman, pulled an epinephrine pen out of her backpack.

Sk: "Mám ju!
En: "I've got it!"

Sk: " zvolala.
En: she exclaimed.

Sk: Spolu bežali späť za Petrou.
En: Together, they ran back to Petra.

Sk: Keď sa dostali na miesto, Petra už bola veľmi slabá.
En: When they arrived, Petra was very weak.

Sk: Turistka bez váhania aplikovala Adrenalin.
En: Without hesitation, the tourist administered the epinephrine.

Sk: Petra začala pomaly ožívať.
En: Petra began to gradually revive.

Sk: Lukáš si kľakol vedľa nej a Jozefa.
En: Lukáš knelt beside her and Jozef.

Sk: Bol vyčerpaný, ale šťastný.
En: He was exhausted but relieved.

Sk: Petra sa začala normálne dýchať.
En: Petra started breathing normally.

Sk: Všetci si hlboko vydýchli.
En: Everyone let out a deep sigh of relief.

Sk: Petra sa jemne usmiala na Lukáša.
En: Petra gently smiled at Lukáš.

Sk: "Ďakujem ti," zašepkala.
En: "Thank you," she whispered.

Sk: Lukáš ju vzal za ruku.
En: Lukáš took her hand.

Sk: Vedel, že urobil správne rozhodnutie.
En: He knew he had made the right decision.

Sk: Cestou späť premýšľal o tom, čo sa stalo.
En: On the way back, he thought about what had happened.

Sk: Jeho vedomosti o histórii boli síce dôležité, ale dnes sa naučil niečo nové.
En: His knowledge of history was certainly important, but today he learned something new.

Sk: Jeho skutočná sila sa ukázala v odvahu a starostlivosť o druhých.
En: His true strength lay in his courage and care for others.

Sk: V ten deň sa Lukáš zmenil.
En: That day, Lukáš changed.

Sk: Už sa nebál svojej nedostatočnosti.
En: He no longer feared his inadequacies.

Sk: Veril si viac.
En: He had more confidence.

Sk: Naučil sa, že skutočný hrdina nie je ten, kto vie všetko, ale ten, kto koná vtedy, keď je to najviac potrebné.
En: He learned that a true hero is not the one who knows everything, but the one who acts when it is most needed.

Sk: Jozef mu podal ruku a pevne sa zasmial.
En: Jozef shook his hand and laughed heartily.

Sk: "Dobrý práca, kamoš," povedal obdivne.
En: "Good job, buddy," he said admiringly.

Sk: Spoločne sa vydali späť, vedia, že aj zasnežený hrad má svoje skryté poklady.
En: Together, they set off back, knowing that even a ruined castle had its hidden treasures.

Sk: Ale najväčší poklad boli ich priateľské vzťahy a odvaha, ktorú v ten deň ukázali.
En: But the greatest treasure was their friendship and the courage they had shown that day.

Vocabulary Words:
  • courtyard: nádvorie
  • confluence: sútok
  • shadow: tieň
  • majestic: majestátne
  • ruins: ruiny
  • enthusiasm: nadšenie
  • hawk: sokol
  • choke: škrtiť
  • swollen: opuchnuté
  • growl: zavrčať
  • unstable: nestabilný
  • decisively: rozhodne
  • crumbling: rozpadnuté
  • exclaim: zvolať
  • administer: aplikovať
  • revive: ožívať
  • courage: odvaha
  • inadequacy: nedostatočnosť
  • confidence: sebavedomie
  • hero: hrdina
  • admire: obdivovať
  • treasure: poklad
  • sigh: výdych
  • signal: signál
  • hope: dúfať
  • exhausted: vyčerpaný
  • backpack: batoh
  • severe: vážny
  • brave: statočný
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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