Healing Harmonies: Ancient Herbal Wisdom in Beacons
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Healing Harmonies: Ancient Herbal Wisdom in Beacons
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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Healing Harmonies: Ancient Herbal Wisdom in Beacons Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/healing-harmonies-ancient-herbal-wisdom-in-beacons/ Story Transcript: Cy: Wrth i lawr yr awyr gynnar...
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Story Transcript:
Cy: Wrth i lawr yr awyr gynnar goleuo'r goedwig gyda gwawr euraidd, Brecon Beacons National Park edrychodd fel tirlun o hud.
En: As the early morning light illuminated the forest with a golden dawn, Brecon Beacons National Park looked like a magical landscape.
Cy: Roedd y coed yn tywallt eu dail lliwgar fel cawod hael.
En: The trees were shedding their colorful leaves like a generous shower.
Cy: Roedd Emrys yn cerdded ar hyd yr hen lwybr cerrig, ei set o lysiau yn y sach ar ei gefn.
En: Emrys walked along the old stone path, his bundle of herbs in the bag on his back.
Cy: Roedd yn benderfynol.
En: He was determined.
Cy: Roedd y clwyf dirgel yn lledaenu trwy'r pentref, ac roedd yn rhaid iddo ddod o hyd i iachâd.
En: The mysterious ailment was spreading through the village, and he had to find a cure.
Cy: "Mae'n rhaid bod yna rywbeth," meddai Emrys wrtho'i hun.
En: "There must be something," Emrys said to himself.
Cy: Roedd ei ffrind plentyndod, Gwyn, wedi'i gynhyrfu dros ei frawd iau a oedd wedi dal y clwyf.
En: His childhood friend, Gwyn, had been worried about his younger brother who had caught the ailment.
Cy: Roedd ei wên fel haul, ond erbyn hyn, roedd yn wan gyda ofn.
En: His smile was like the sun, but now, he was pale with fear.
Cy: Cerys, y meddyg deallus, doedd ddim yn credu mewn ystrydebau.
En: Cerys, the intelligent doctor, did not believe in stereotypes.
Cy: "Mae angen meddyginiaeth safonol," dywedodd hi wrth Emrys yn ffyrnig.
En: "We need standard medicine," she said fiercely to Emrys.
Cy: "Nid rhai dail anghofiedig."
En: "Not some forgotten leaves."
Cy: Ond teimlodd Emrys yn gryf.
En: But Emrys felt strongly.
Cy: Roedd y chwedlau am lysiau cyfrinachol yn y Beacons wedi'i swyno.
En: The legends of secret herbs in the Beacons had captivated him.
Cy: Gan adael ffrae Cerys ar ôl, cychwynodd Emrys ar antur dywyll i geisio'r lysiau.
En: Leaving Cerys's argument behind, Emrys embarked on a dark adventure to seek the herbs.
Cy: Roedd yr awyr llaw ydyw, rhoddai iddynt deimlad hen.
En: There was a timeless quality to the air, giving them an ancient feeling.
Cy: Roedd unrhyw symudiad yn ymddangos yn gyfrinachol.
En: Every movement seemed mysterious.
Cy: Ar ôl oriau o ymchwilio, cyrhaeddodd Emrys gwar llawn blodau yn y coed.
En: After hours of searching, Emrys reached a glade full of flowers in the woods.
Cy: Y lysiau, yn llysni disglair, roeddent yn gwenu arno.
En: The herbs, glowing brilliantly, seemed to smile at him.
Cy: Roedd rhywbeth am eu persawr yn rhoi bodlonrwydd i'w galon.
En: There was something about their fragrance that filled his heart with contentment.
Cy: Ysbrydolwyd gan werthoedd hynafol, paratodd gymysgedd.
En: Inspired by ancient values, he prepared a concoction.
Cy: Roedd angen llwyddiant arno, ac roedd y pentref yn awyddus am ateb.
En: He needed success, and the village was eager for an answer.
Cy: Wrth iddo ddychwelyd, roedd Cerys yn aros iddo.
En: As he returned, Cerys was waiting for him.
Cy: "Os nad yw hyn yn gweithio..." dechreuodd hi, ond tawelodd Emrys ei drafferthion.
En: "If this doesn't work..." she began, but Emrys calmed her worries.
Cy: "Mae angen rhoi cynnig.
En: "We need to try.
Cy: Wedi'r cyfan, dydy gwyddoniaeth ddim bob amser yn cael yr atebion," esboniodd Emrys.
En: After all, science doesn't always have the answers," Emrys explained.
Cy: Pan brofodd y gymysgedd lysieuol, dechreuodd pentrefwyr sylwi ar welliant.
En: When the herbal mixture was tested, villagers began to notice an improvement.
Cy: Er wrth lywio drwy galedi'r clwyf, fe wnaeth taeredd Emrys sicrhau gobaith newydd ar gyfer eu dyfodol.
En: While navigating through the hardships of the ailment, Emrys's persistence ensured new hope for their future.
Cy: Yn dilyn y digwyddiad, deallodd Cerys arwyddocâd dull holistig Emrys.
En: Following the event, Cerys understood the significance of Emrys's holistic approach.
Cy: Fe ddysgon nhw gwerth cydweithio, diflannodd rhwystr rhwng gwybodaeth hen a newydd.
En: They both learned the value of collaboration, and the barrier between old and new knowledge disappeared.
Cy: Ym Mharc Cenedlaethol y Beacons, lle mae pob dail yn dal anghofion gorffennol, roedd yr hydref yn hanner distawrwydd braf.
En: In Beacons National Park, where every leaf holds memories of the past, autumn was a half-quiet delight.
Cy: Roedd stôr barddonol Emrys a Cerys yn creu trefn newydd, lle'r oedd confensiynau a thraddodiadau, llaw yn union â llaw, yn byw gyda'i gilydd mewn harmoni.
En: The poetic journey of Emrys and Cerys created a new order, where conventions and traditions, hand in hand, lived together in harmony.
Cy: Roedd y melltith yn gawl o faddeuant, ac roedd y pentref eto'n gwenu.
En: The curse was a broth of forgiveness, and the village once again smiled.
Vocabulary Words:
- illuminated: goleuo
- magical: hud
- shedding: tywallt
- ailment: clwyf
- determined: benderfynol
- pale: wan
- stereotypes: ystrydebau
- fiercely: ffyrnig
- embarked: cychwynodd
- glade: cwar
- concoction: cymysgedd
- fragrance: persawr
- contentment: bodlonrwydd
- holistic: holistig
- collaboration: cydweithio
- hardships: caledi
- barrier: rhwystr
- half-quiet: hanner distawrwydd
- broth: cawl
- forgiveness: maddeuant
- delight: braf
- timeless: llaw ydyw
- ancient: hynafol
- captivated: swyno
- poetic: barddonol
- landscape: tirlun
- values: gwerthoedd
- conventions: confensiynau
- traditions: traddodiadau
- memories: anghofion
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Website | www.fluentfiction.org |
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