
Ghostly Giggles: A Dubrovnik Adventure

Apr 6, 2024 · 16m 1s
Ghostly Giggles: A Dubrovnik Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 32s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ghostly Giggles: A Dubrovnik Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Na ulicama starog grada Dubrovnika, gdje kamen priča...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ghostly Giggles: A Dubrovnik Adventure
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Na ulicama starog grada Dubrovnika, gdje kamen priča priče stoljeća, Ivan je hodao i smijao se u mraku noći.
En: In the streets of the old city of Dubrovnik, where the stone tells stories of centuries, Ivan walked and laughed in the dark of the night.

Hr: Nebo bijaše posuto zvijezdama i mjesec je bacio srebrni odsjaj na tvrđave koje su štitile grad.
En: The sky was sprinkled with stars, and the moon cast a silver glow on the fortresses that protected the city.

Hr: Ivan, mladić duhovitog osmijeha, bio je zadivljen pričama o duhovima koje su kružile starim gradom.
En: Ivan, a young man with a witty smile, was fascinated by the stories of ghosts that circulated through the old city.

Hr: Tog toplog ljetnog dana Ivan se spremao za noćnu turu duhova po Dubrovniku.
En: On that warm summer day, Ivan was getting ready for a ghost tour of Dubrovnik.

Hr: Njegova dva prijatelja, Marija i Petar, odlučili su mu se pridružiti u ovoj pustolovini.
En: His two friends, Marija and Petar, decided to join him on this adventure.

Hr: Marija, uvijek znatiželjna, donijela je fotoaparat kako bi zabilježila bilo kakve neobične pojave, dok je Petar, iako skeptičan, bio spreman na bilo kakvu šalu.
En: Marija, always curious, brought a camera to capture any unusual occurrences, while Petar, though skeptical, was ready for any prank.

Hr: Dok su šetali uskim uličicama, Ivan je primijetio grupu osoba odjevenih u svijetle odore.
En: As they strolled through the narrow streets, Ivan noticed a group of people dressed in bright robes.

Hr: "To moraju biti profesionalni lovci na duhove!
En: "They must be professional ghost hunters!"

Hr: " povikao je Ivan, pokazujući prema nasmijanoj skupini časnih sestara.
En: Ivan exclaimed, pointing to the smiling group of nuns.

Hr: Očaran što će susresti prave stručnjake za paranormalno, ponešto uzbuđen ali i pomalo zbunjen, Ivan je prišao grupi.
En: Charmed by the prospect of meeting real experts in the paranormal, somewhat excited but also a little bewildered, Ivan approached the group.

Hr: Iznenađenje je bilo veliko kada su časne sestre, zadržavajući smirenost, odgovorile kako one nisu lovac na duhove već su došle u Dubrovnik na hodočašće.
En: The surprise was great when the nuns, maintaining their composure, replied that they were not ghost hunters but had come to Dubrovnik on a pilgrimage.

Hr: Plavetnilo Marijinih očiju se svijetlilo od smijeha, a Petar nije mogao prestati smijati se Ivanovoj pomutnji.
En: The blue of Marija's eyes shone with laughter, and Petar couldn't stop laughing at Ivan's confusion.

Hr: Ivan se, zbunjen i ne malo postiđen, ispričao časnim sestrama.
En: Confused and somewhat embarrassed, Ivan apologized to the nuns.

Hr: Ipak, njegov duh nije bio slomljen.
En: Nevertheless, his spirit was not broken.

Hr: Okrenuo se prema Mariji i Petru, rekavši: "Čini se da sam malo pogriješio.
En: He turned to Marija and Petar, saying, "It seems I made a little mistake.

Hr: Ali, neka avantura počne!
En: But let the adventure begin!"

Hr: "I tako su trojica prijatelja nastavili sa svojom noćnom turu, povremeno izmjenjujući šale o Ivanovoj zabuni.
En: And so, the three friends continued their night tour, occasionally exchanging jokes about Ivan's mix-up.

Hr: Dubrovački zidine šaputale su im stare legende, a tik iznad njih, na Orlandovom stupu, činilo se kao da se kip uz osmjeh sprema ispričati svoju vlastitu duhovitu priču.
En: The walls of Dubrovnik whispered old legends to them, and just above them, on Orlando's Column, it seemed as if the statue was smiling and ready to tell its own witty tale.

Hr: Na kraju, nakon što su obišli predivne znamenitosti i uživali u misterioznim pričama, Ivan, Marija i Petar sjeli su na kamene stepenice jedne od mnogobrojnih uskih ulica.
En: In the end, after visiting the beautiful sights and enjoying mysterious stories, Ivan, Marija, and Petar sat on the stone steps of one of the many narrow streets.

Hr: Zvijezde su i dalje sjale, a tišinu noći prekidali su samo njihovi smijeh i tihi zvukovi grada koji spava.
En: The stars still shone, and the silence of the night was interrupted only by their laughter and the quiet sounds of the sleeping city.

Hr: I dok je noć polako prelazila u zoru, a priče o duhovima ostajale su tajna starog kamena, njihova prijateljstva postala su još čvršća.
En: As the night slowly turned into dawn, and the ghost stories remained a secret of the old stone, their friendships became even stronger.

Hr: Ivan se nije mogao prestati smijati svojoj zbrki s časnim sestrama, a priča o njegovoj pogrešci postala je jedna od najdražih anegdota koje će pamtiti i pričati godinama koje dolaze.
En: Ivan couldn't stop laughing about his mix-up with the nuns, and the story of his mistake became one of the dearest anecdotes that they would remember and retell for years to come.

Hr: U gradu punom starih duhova, najveće otkriće noći bilo je da prave avanture i smijeh čine život zaista čarobnim.
En: In a city full of ancient spirits, the greatest discovery of the night was that real adventures and laughter truly make life magical.

Vocabulary Words:
  • streets: ulice
  • stone: kamen
  • centuries: stoljeća
  • witty: duhovit
  • ghosts: duhovi
  • tour: tura
  • occurrences: pojave
  • professional: profesionalni
  • paranormal: paranormalno
  • pilgrimage: hodočašće
  • confusion: pomutnja
  • embarrassed: postiđen
  • adventure: avantura
  • walls: zidine
  • legends: legende
  • anecdotes: anegdote
  • whispered: šaputala
  • silence: tišina
  • friendships: prijateljstva
  • laughter: smijeh
  • mysterious: misteriozan
  • sat: sjao
  • secret: tajna
  • spirits: duhovi
  • discovery: otkriće
  • stranger: postiđen
  • ancient: stari
  • anecdotes: anegdote
  • magic: čarobno
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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