
Ghost Hunt in Conwy's Historic Castle!

Mar 15, 2024 · 14m 16s
Ghost Hunt in Conwy's Historic Castle!

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 30s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Ghost Hunt in Conwy's Historic Castle! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ynghanol noson stormus ym Mhethau Conwy, roedd...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Ghost Hunt in Conwy's Historic Castle!
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Ynghanol noson stormus ym Mhethau Conwy, roedd y Castell yn sefyll yn falch uwchben y dref.
En: In the midst of a stormy night in Conwy, the Castle stood proudly above the town.

Cy: Dyna le cychwyn ein hanes hynod Gwyneth, Dylan, a Rhys.
En: This is where our extraordinary story of Gwyneth, Dylan, and Rhys begins.

Cy: Roedd Gwyneth yn ferch chwilfrydig a phenderfynodd ymweld â Chastell Conwy ar noson arbennig o ailadroddiadau hanesyddol.
En: Gwyneth was a curious girl who decided to visit Conwy Castle on a special night of historical reenactments.

Cy: Ei ffrindiau Dylan a Rhys oedd yn mynd gyda hi, gan addo noson o antur a chwedlau.
En: Her friends Dylan and Rhys accompanied her, promising a night of adventure and legends.

Cy: Wrth ddringo'r cerrig hynafol, gwelodd Gwyneth rywun yn gwisgo dillad o'r canrifoedd a fu'n sefyll yn llonydd ym mherfeddion y castell.
En: While climbing the ancient stones, Gwyneth saw someone dressed in clothes from centuries past standing silently in the castle's depths.

Cy: Gellid gweld gwisg ddwyn goleuni'r lleuad, sy'n ymddangos fel ysbryd go iawn.
En: The moonlight illuminated the clothing, making it look like a real spirit.

Cy: Gyda thwmffat calon, troes Gwyneth i ddweud wrth Dylan a Rhys am yr ysbryd.
En: With a pounding heart, Gwyneth told Dylan and Rhys about the spirit.

Cy: Ond cyn gynted ag y trodd hi'n ôl, roedd y “ysbryd” wedi diflannu.
En: But as soon as she turned back, the "spirit" had vanished.

Cy: “Ges i weld ysbryd!
En: "I saw a ghost!"

Cy: ” meddai Gwyneth wrth ei ffrindiau, ei llygaid yn lledu â chyffro a dychryn.
En: exclaimed Gwyneth to her friends, her eyes widening with excitement and fear.

Cy: Dylan chwarddodd yn anghrediniad tra bod Rhys yn llawn amheuaeth.
En: Dylan scoffed in disbelief while Rhys was full of doubt.

Cy: Nid oedd yntau'n credu mewn ysbrydion.
En: He didn't believe in ghosts.

Cy: I brofi ei bod hi’n siarad gwir, gyrru Gwyneth ei ffrindiau i chwilio am yr ysbryd, ac fel hyn cychwynnodd y ras ddoniol trwy'r castell.
En: To prove that she was telling the truth, Gwyneth urged her friends to search for the ghost, and so the comical race through the castle began.

Cy: Trowyd pob cornel a chrac, edrychwyd y tu ôl i bob colofn a chwiliwyd ym mhob ystafell.
En: Every corner and crevice was turned, every room was searched thoroughly.

Cy: Ar ôl rhedeg am yr hyn oedd yn teimlo fel oriau, roedden nhw'n anadlu'n drwm, yn sefyll yn llonydd yn noson dywyll y castell.
En: After running for what felt like hours, they breathed heavily, standing quietly in the castle's dark night.

Cy: Pan oedd y lleuad yn goleuo yn sydyn, gwelesant yr "ysbryd" eto, ond tro hwn Dylan a Rhys oedd y cyntaf i'w weld.
En: When the moon suddenly lit up, they saw the "ghost" again, but this time Dylan and Rhys were the first to see it.

Cy: Roedd y 'ysbryd' mewn gwirionedd yn dywysydd wedi gwisgo fel milwr canoloesol ar gyfer y digwyddiad hanesyddol.
En: The 'spirit' was actually a guide dressed as a medieval soldier for the historical event.

Cy: Gydag ychydig o chwerthin a llawer iawn o ryddhad, sylweddolodd Gwyneth ei chamgymeriad ac ymddiheurodd i'r tywysydd.
En: With a little laughter and a lot of relief, Gwyneth realized her mistake and apologized to the guide.

Cy: Y tywysydd chwerthin mawr ac egluro ei bod yn amlwg bod their Castell Conwy wedi’u swyno gan yr hanes hyfryd.
En: The guide laughed heartily and explained that it was obvious that Conwy Castle had been enchanted by the lovely history.

Cy: O'r diwedd, daeth Gwyneth, Dylan, a Rhys i werthfawrogi hanes Castell Conwy nid fel lle ysbrydoedd, ond fel lle llenwi â hanes byw.
En: In the end, Gwyneth, Dylan, and Rhys came to appreciate the history of Conwy Castle not as a place of spirits, but as a place filled with living history.

Cy: Ac er i'r noson ddechrau gyda dychryn, daeth i ben gyda chwerthin ac atgofion bythgofiadwy am y tro roeddent wedi rhedeg ar ôl 'ysbryd' yng nghastell hynafol Conwy.
En: And although the night began with fear, it ended with laughter and unforgettable memories of the time they chased a 'ghost' in the ancient Conwy Castle.

Vocabulary Words:
  • castle: Castell
  • stood: sefyll
  • extraordinary: hynod
  • curious: chwilfrydig
  • visit: ymweld
  • accompany: cyfeilio
  • climbing: dringo
  • centuries: canrifoedd
  • moonlight: lleuad
  • vanished: diflannu
  • exclaimed: meddai
  • widening: lledu
  • scoffed: chwarddodd
  • relief: ryddhad
  • apologized: ymddiheurodd
  • enchanted: wedi’u swyno
  • filled: llenwi
  • living: byw
  • unforgettable: bythgofiadwy
  • chased: rhedeg ar ôl
  • stormy: stormus
  • reenactments: ailadroddiadau
  • pounding: thwmffat
  • heart: calon
  • crevice: crac
  • breathed: anadlu
  • searched: chwilio
  • laughter: chwerthin
  • doubt: amheuaeth
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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