
From Clumsy to Charming: Dario's Delightful Festival Fiasco

Aug 22, 2024 · 16m 59s
From Clumsy to Charming: Dario's Delightful Festival Fiasco

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 17s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Clumsy to Charming: Dario's Delightful Festival Fiasco Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: U poljskom bolnici, visoko pod...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Clumsy to Charming: Dario's Delightful Festival Fiasco
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Story Transcript:

Hr: U poljskom bolnici, visoko pod vedrim ljetnim nebom, osjećao se miris svježe posteljine.
En: In a field hospital, high under the clear summer sky, there was the scent of fresh linens.

Hr: Bilo je mnogo šatora, glasova i smijeha, dok je bolnica bila prepuna pacijenata.
En: There were many tents, voices, and laughter, as the hospital was crowded with patients.

Hr: Proslava Velike Gospe upravo je prošla, stvarajući veselo ozračje.
En: The celebration of the Assumption had just passed, creating a cheerful atmosphere.

Hr: Dario je bio tu.
En: Dario was there.

Hr: Malo nespretan, ali uvijek nasmijan, želio je donijeti radost svima.
En: A bit clumsy but always smiling, he wanted to bring joy to everyone.

Hr: Njegov prijatelj Marin često je bio uz njega, pomažući mu kada bi stvari krenule po krivu.
En: His friend Marin was often with him, helping him when things went wrong.

Hr: Danas je Marin imao pune ruke posla u bolnici, ali je uvijek pazio na Daria.
En: Today, Marin had his hands full in the hospital but always kept an eye on Dario.

Hr: "Treba nam nešto za podizanje raspoloženja," rekao je Marin.
En: "We need something to lift the spirits," Marin said.

Hr: Svi su bili umorni od vrućeg ljeta i posla.
En: Everyone was tired of the hot summer and work.

Hr: Dario se složio.
En: Dario agreed.

Hr: Htio je biti taj koji će razveseliti ljude.
En: He wanted to be the one to cheer people up.

Hr: Ali, mogao je biti malo zbunjen kada su bile u pitanju riječi.
En: But he could be a bit confused when it came to words.

Hr: Tijekom jednog sastanka s osobljem, spomenuli su potrebu za zabavom tijekom bolničkog ljetnog festivala.
En: During a meeting with the staff, they mentioned the need for entertainment during the hospital's summer festival.

Hr: Dario je glasno rekao: "Ja ću biti klaun!
En: Dario loudly exclaimed, "I'll be the clown!"

Hr: " Mislio je na šalu.
En: He meant it as a joke.

Hr: Svi su to shvatili ozbiljno, praveći popis za festival.
En: Everyone took it seriously, making a list for the festival.

Hr: Marin ga je gurnuo laktom.
En: Marin nudged him with his elbow.

Hr: "Dario, jesi li siguran?
En: "Dario, are you sure?

Hr: Nisi prije bio klaun.
En: You've never been a clown before."

Hr: "Dario je uzdahnuo, ali se nasmiješio.
En: Dario sighed but smiled.

Hr: "Nema veze, uvijek sam želio napraviti ljude sretnima," rekao je s nadom.
En: "It doesn't matter, I've always wanted to make people happy," he said hopefully.

Hr: Njegovo srce bilo je na pravom mjestu.
En: His heart was in the right place.

Hr: Dok se dan festivala približavao, Dario se nervozno pripremao.
En: As the day of the festival approached, Dario nervously prepared.

Hr: Otišao je bez kostima, ali s crvenim nosom i šarenim kapom.
En: He went without a costume but with a red nose and a colorful cap.

Hr: Tijekom performansa, hodao je nespretno među šatorima.
En: During his performance, he walked clumsily among the tents.

Hr: Pacijenti su ga gledali s osmijehom.
En: Patients watched him with smiles.

Hr: Ali, naravno, dogodila se nesreća.
En: But, of course, an accident happened.

Hr: Dario je naletio na poslužavnik s medicinskim potrepštinama.
En: Dario stumbled into a tray of medical supplies.

Hr: Sve je palo s velikom bukom.
En: Everything fell with a loud crash.

Hr: Marin je zapanjeno promatrao, ali Dario se brzo oporavio.
En: Marin watched in shock, but Dario quickly recovered.

Hr: Pao je, napravio kotrljanje i ustao.
En: He fell, rolled, and got back up.

Hr: Glasno se nasmijao, što je zarazilo i publiku.
En: He laughed loudly, which was infectious to the audience.

Hr: Svi su se smijali.
En: Everyone laughed.

Hr: U tom trenutku, nije bilo važno što nije profesionalni klaun.
En: At that moment, it didn't matter that he wasn't a professional clown.

Hr: Bio je Dario, onaj koji je donio smijeh.
En: He was Dario, the one who brought laughter.

Hr: Uspio je unatoč nespretnosti.
En: He succeeded despite his clumsiness.

Hr: Na kraju večeri, Dario je bio heroj dana.
En: By the end of the evening, Dario was the hero of the day.

Hr: Nakon što je publika zapljeskala i smijala se, Marin ga je potapšao po leđima.
En: After the audience clapped and laughed, Marin patted him on the back.

Hr: "Pokazao si im kako se to radi, zar ne?
En: "You showed them how it's done, didn't you?"

Hr: " rekao je Marin.
En: Marin said.

Hr: Dario se smijao.
En: Dario laughed.

Hr: "Nisam bio savršen klaun.
En: "I wasn't a perfect clown.

Hr: Ali, bio sam dobar u nečem drugom.
En: But, I was good at something else."

Hr: "Od tog dana, Dario je shvatio snagu smijeha.
En: From that day on, Dario realized the power of laughter.

Hr: Njegova nesavršenost donijela je radost.
En: His imperfections brought joy.

Hr: Bio je drukčiji, ali najbolji na svoj način.
En: He was different but the best in his own way.

Hr: To ga je ispunilo zadovoljstvom i novopronađenom samopouzdanjem.
En: It filled him with satisfaction and newfound confidence.

Vocabulary Words:
  • field: poljskom
  • linens: posteljine
  • tents: šatora
  • crowded: prepuna
  • Assumption: Velike Gospe
  • clumsy: nespretan
  • spirits: raspoloženja
  • entertainment: zabavom
  • clown: klaun
  • nudge: gurnuo
  • elbow: laktom
  • sigh: uzdahnuo
  • costume: kostim
  • performance: performansa
  • tray: poslužavnik
  • supplies: potrepštinama
  • stumble: naletio
  • crash: bukom
  • recover: oporavio
  • infectious: zarazilo
  • audience: publiku
  • hero: heroj
  • pat: potapšao
  • satisfaction: zadovoljstvom
  • confidence: samopouzdanjem
  • atmosphere: ozračje
  • prepare: pripremao
  • cheerful: veselo
  • imperfect: nesavršenost
  • different: drukčiji
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