
Friendship Blossoms: A Tale of Loneliness and Connection

Aug 9, 2024 · 19m 46s
Friendship Blossoms: A Tale of Loneliness and Connection

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 45s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Friendship Blossoms: A Tale of Loneliness and Connection Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Langit biru dengan awan putih...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Friendship Blossoms: A Tale of Loneliness and Connection
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Story Transcript:

Id: Langit biru dengan awan putih menggantung rendah di atas GPIB Boarding School.
En: The blue sky with white clouds hung low over the GPIB Boarding School.

Id: Hawa dingin musim dingin selatan menyelimuti sekolah ini yang terletak di dataran tinggi hijau Pulau Jawa.
En: The chill of the southern winter enveloped the school situated in the green highlands of Java Island.

Id: Bangunan sekolah berarsitektur perpaduan modern dan tradisional Jawa, dikelilingi taman yang terawat dan jalan setapak dihiasi bunga-bunga yang mekar.
En: The school buildings exhibited a blend of modern and traditional Javanese architecture, surrounded by well-maintained gardens and pathways adorned with blooming flowers.

Id: Putra duduk di tepi jendela kamarnya, memandang jauh ke luar.
En: Putra sat by his bedroom window, staring out into the distance.

Id: Ia merindukan keluarganya.
En: He missed his family.

Id: Ia adalah anak yang pendiam dan sering merasa sendiri.
En: He was a quiet boy who often felt lonely.

Id: Sementara itu, Ayu, teman sekelasnya, selalu ceria dan ramah.
En: Meanwhile, Ayu, his classmate, was always cheerful and friendly.

Id: Namun, di balik senyuman Ayu, ada rasa sepi yang ia sembunyikan.
En: However, behind Ayu's smile, there was a hidden loneliness.

Id: Mereka berdua adalah siswa di GPIB Boarding School.
En: Both of them were students at GPIB Boarding School.

Id: Setiap hari, mereka mengikuti pelajaran dan aktivitas sekolah.
En: Every day, they attended lessons and participated in school activities.

Id: Tapi hati Putra selalu merasa jauh dari semua orang.
En: But Putra's heart always felt distant from everyone.

Id: Ia ingin menyesuaikan diri, tapi sulit baginya membuka diri.
En: He wanted to fit in, but it was difficult for him to open up.

Id: Ayu, di sisi lain, merasa kesepian meski selalu dikelilingi teman.
En: Ayu, on the other hand, felt lonely even though she was always surrounded by friends.

Id: Ia mencari seseorang yang benar-benar mengerti dirinya.
En: She longed for someone who truly understood her.

Id: Tapi ia takut menunjukkan kelemahannya.
En: But she was afraid to show her vulnerabilities.

Id: Ia khawatir orang lain tidak akan memahami perasaannya.
En: She worried that others would not understand her feelings.

Id: Saat Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia semakin dekat, sekolah sibuk mempersiapkan perayaan.
En: As Indonesia's Independence Day approached, the school was busy preparing for the celebration.

Id: Para siswa diminta untuk berpasangan dalam proyek kelas.
En: The students were asked to pair up for a class project.

Id: Secara kebetulan, Putra dan Ayu dipasangkan.
En: By coincidence, Putra and Ayu were paired together.

Id: Mereka harus membuat dekorasi untuk upacara.
En: They had to create decorations for the ceremony.

Id: "Mari kita mulai," kata Ayu dengan senyum ceria.
En: "Let's get started," Ayu said with a cheerful smile.

Id: Putra mengangguk pelan, masih merasa canggung.
En: Putra nodded slowly, still feeling awkward.

Id: Mereka bekerja bersama di ruang seni.
En: They worked together in the art room.

Id: Suasana hening.
En: The atmosphere was quiet.

Id: Putra merasa hatinya berdebar.
En: Putra's heart was pounding.

Id: Ia ingin berbicara, tapi tidak tahu harus dari mana memulai.
En: He wanted to speak, but he didn't know where to begin.

Id: Ayu, meskipun ceria, merasakan ketegangan.
En: Ayu, despite her cheerfulness, sensed the tension.

Id: Ia mencoba menghibur Putra dengan lelucon, tapi Putra hanya tersenyum kecil.
En: She tried to cheer Putra up with jokes, but he only managed a small smile.

Id: Akhirnya, Putra memberanikan diri.
En: Finally, Putra gathered his courage.

Id: "Ayu," katanya perlahan, "aku merasa... sangat rindu dengan keluargaku. Aku kesulitan menyesuaikan diri di sini."
En: "Ayu," he said slowly, "I feel... very homesick. I'm struggling to adjust here."

Id: Ayu terdiam sejenak.
En: Ayu paused for a moment.

Id: Hatinya merasa tersentuh.
En: Her heart felt touched.

Id: "Aku juga," kata Ayu dengan suara lembut, "meskipun aku selalu terlihat ceria, sebenarnya aku juga merasa kesepian. Tidak ada yang benar-benar mengerti diriku."
En: "Me too," Ayu said softly, "Even though I always seem cheerful, I actually feel lonely. No one really understands me."

Id: Putra merasa lega mendengar pengakuan Ayu.
En: Putra felt relieved hearing Ayu’s confession.

Id: "Terima kasih sudah berbagi," katanya. "Mungkin kita bisa saling mendukung?"
En: "Thank you for sharing," he said. "Maybe we can support each other?"

Id: "Ya, tentu," jawab Ayu dengan senyum tulus.
En: "Yes, of course," Ayu replied with a sincere smile.

Id: Mereka melanjutkan pekerjaan dengan semangat baru.
En: They continued their work with renewed spirit.

Id: Mereka berbagi cerita tentang keluarga dan perasaan mereka.
En: They shared stories about their families and feelings.

Id: Hari-hari selanjutnya, mereka selalu bersama, saling mendukung dan memahami.
En: In the days that followed, they were always together, supporting and understanding each other.

Id: Pada akhirnya, Putra merasa lebih percaya diri dan mulai membuka diri kepada teman-teman lainnya.
En: In the end, Putra felt more confident and started to open up to his other friends.

Id: Ayu juga belajar bahwa menjadi jujur tentang perasaannya tidak membuatnya lemah, namun justru menguatkannya.
En: Ayu also learned that being honest about her feelings didn’t make her weak but actually strengthened her.

Id: Mereka berdua membentuk persahabatan yang kuat, saling mendukung dan menerima satu sama lain apa adanya.
En: They forged a strong friendship, supporting and accepting each other as they were.

Id: Di tengah taman yang mekar, di bangku kecil dekat jalan setapak itu, mereka tahu kini tidak perlu lagi merasa sendiri.
En: Amidst the blossoming garden, on the small bench near the pathway, they knew they no longer needed to feel alone.

Id: Mereka telah menemukan satu yang lain.
En: They had found each other.

Vocabulary Words:
  • chill: hawa dingin
  • envelop: menyelimuti
  • highlands: dataran tinggi
  • architecture: arsitektur
  • blend: perpaduan
  • well-maintained: terawat
  • pathways: jalan setapak
  • blooming: mekar
  • staring: memandang
  • lonely: sendiri
  • cheerful: ceria
  • hidden: sembunyikan
  • lessons: pelajaran
  • adjust: menyesuaikan
  • vulnerabilities: kelemahan
  • worried: khawatir
  • preparing: mempersiapkan
  • coincidence: kebetulan
  • awkward: canggung
  • cheer: menghibur
  • manage: tersenyum kecil
  • courage: memberanikan
  • struggling: kesulitan
  • confession: pengakuan
  • sincere: tulus
  • renewed: baru
  • confidence: percaya diri
  • forged: membentuk
  • amidst: di tengah
  • accepting: menerima
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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