
Friendship and Courage at Tatralandia: A Thrilling Adventure

May 29, 2024 · 15m 29s
Friendship and Courage at Tatralandia: A Thrilling Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 44s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Friendship and Courage at Tatralandia: A Thrilling Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Slnečný deň v Tatralandia Aquaparku...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Friendship and Courage at Tatralandia: A Thrilling Adventure
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Slnečný deň v Tatralandia Aquaparku bol plný radosti a smiechu.
En: A sunny day at the Tatralandia Aquapark was full of joy and laughter.

Sk: Jana a Peter, dvaja najlepší priatelia, sa rozhodli stráviť deň v bazénoch a na tobogánoch.
En: Jana and Peter, two best friends, decided to spend the day in the pools and on the water slides.

Sk: Jana milovala vodu a Peter zasa adrenalínové jazdy.
En: Jana loved water, and Peter loved adrenaline rides.

Sk: "Pozri, tam je nový tobogán," ukázal Peter prstom. Mal v očiach radosť.
En: "Look, there's a new water slide," Peter pointed with excitement in his eyes.

Sk: Jana súhlasne prikývla a obaja šprintovali smerom k tobogánu.
En: Jana nodded in agreement, and they both sprinted towards the slide.

Sk: Rady boli dlhé, ale oni trpezlivo čakali.
En: The lines were long, but they waited patiently.

Sk: Konečne, keď prišiel ich čas, Peter vkročil na schodíky vedúce nahor.
En: Finally, when it was their turn, Peter stepped onto the stairs leading upwards.

Sk: Keď sa Peter dostal na vrchol, cítil sa výborne.
En: When Peter reached the top, he felt great.

Sk: Skočil na tobogán a začal sa kĺzať nadol.
En: He jumped onto the slide and started gliding down.

Sk: Voda špliechala, srdce mu búšilo.
En: The water splashed, and his heart raced.

Sk: Ale hneď ako vyplával na hladinu bazéna, pocítil bolesť na ruke.
En: But as soon as he surfaced in the pool, he felt a pain in his arm.

Sk: "Dostal som žihadlo!" skríkol Peter a chytil si ruku.
En: "I got stung!" Peter shouted, grabbing his arm.

Sk: Jana okamžite pochopila, že niečo nie je v poriadku.
En: Jana immediately realized something was wrong.

Sk: Vzala Petra za ruku a odviedla ho na lavičku blízko bazéna.
En: She took Peter by the hand and led him to a bench near the pool.

Sk: Peter začal dýchať rýchlejšie a jeho ruky začali opúchať.
En: Peter began to breathe faster, and his hands started to swell.

Sk: Jana sa bála.
En: Jana was scared.

Sk: Vedela, že Peter je alergický na včely.
En: She knew Peter was allergic to bees.

Sk: "Musíme ísť k lekárovi," povedala presvedčivo.
En: "We need to see a doctor," she said convincingly.

Sk: Bez váhania, obehla celý aquapark a našla pracovníka.
En: Without hesitation, she ran around the entire aquapark and found a staff member.

Sk: "Pomôžte nám, môj priateľ má alergickú reakciu na žihadlo," prosila Jana.
En: "Help us, my friend is having an allergic reaction to a sting," Jana pleaded.

Sk: Pracovník rýchlo zareagoval a zavolal pomoc.
En: The staff member quickly responded and called for help.

Sk: Prišla záchranná služba a Petra okamžite ošetrili.
En: The rescue service arrived and treated Peter immediately.

Sk: Po pár minútach, ktoré sa Janke zdali večnosťou, Petra stabilizovali.
En: After a few minutes that seemed like an eternity to Jana, Peter was stabilized.

Sk: Sedel na lavičke a dýchal pomaly.
En: He sat on the bench and breathed slowly.

Sk: Jana bola pri ňom, držala ho za ruku.
En: Jana was beside him, holding his hand.

Sk: "Ďakujem, Jana," povedal Peter a usmial sa unavene.
En: "Thank you, Jana," Peter said with a tired smile.

Sk: "Si moja hrdinka."
En: "You’re my hero."

Sk: O pár hodín neskôr, obaja sedeli v kaviarni v aquaparku, pili čaj a smiali sa.
En: A few hours later, they were both sitting in a café in the aquapark, drinking tea and laughing.

Sk: "Pamätáš na to, keď si šprintovala ako blesk?" smial sa Peter.
En: "Remember when you sprinted like lightning?" laughed Peter.

Sk: "Áno, ale všetko pre teba," odpovedala Jana s úprimným úsmevom.
En: "Yes, but it was all for you," Jana replied with a genuine smile.

Sk: V ten deň sa ich priateľstvo ešte viac posilnilo.
En: That day, their friendship grew even stronger.

Sk: Tatralandia im priniesla nielen adrenalín, ale aj lekciu o odvaha a priateľstve.
En: Tatralandia brought them not only adrenaline but also a lesson about courage and friendship.

Sk: Nakoniec, deň skončil šťastne.
En: In the end, the day ended happily.

Sk: Jana a Peter odišli domov plní spomienok na nezabudnuteľný deň.
En: Jana and Peter went home full of memories of an unforgettable day.

Sk: A Peter si sľúbil, že si vždy bude nosiť epi-pen, aby sa niečo podobné už nikdy nezopakovalo.
En: And Peter promised himself that he would always carry an epi-pen to ensure something like this never happened again.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: slnečný
  • joy: radosť
  • laughter: smiech
  • pools: bazény
  • water slide: tobogán
  • excitement: radosť
  • sprinted: šprintovali
  • patiently: trpezlivo
  • stairs: schodíky
  • leading upwards: vedúce nahor
  • gliding: kĺzať
  • splashed: špliechala
  • heart raced: srdce mu búšilo
  • pain: bolesť
  • stung: žihadlo
  • bench: lavička
  • hands started to swell: ruky začali opúchať
  • scared: bála
  • allergic: alergický
  • convincingly: presvedčivo
  • hesitation: váhania
  • staff member: pracovník
  • pleaded: prosila
  • rescue service: záchranná služba
  • eternity: večnosť
  • stabilized: stabilizovali
  • hero: hrdinka
  • courage: odvaha
  • memories: spomienok
  • epi-pen: epi-pen
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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