
Fountain Fiasco: A Splash of Humor in Dubrovnik

Dec 23, 2023 · 14m 41s
Fountain Fiasco: A Splash of Humor in Dubrovnik

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 5s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Fountain Fiasco: A Splash of Humor in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Bilo je to toplo ljeto...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Fountain Fiasco: A Splash of Humor in Dubrovnik
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Bilo je to toplo ljeto u Dubrovniku, a sunčeve zrake igrale su se na staklenoj mirnoći Adrije.
En: It was a warm summer in Dubrovnik, and the sun's rays were playing on the glassy calmness of the Adriatic.

Hr: Marko, Ana i Ivan odlučili su istražiti kamene uličice starog grada, punih šuštanja povijesti i šaputanja mora.
En: Marko, Ana, and Ivan decided to explore the narrow stone streets of the old city, full of the rustling of history and the whispering of the sea.

Hr: Marko je bio nespretnjaković koji uvijek nađe način da nasmije svoje prijatelje.
En: Marko was a clumsy little fellow who always found a way to make his friends smile.

Hr: Bio je visok i mršav, s uvijek nestašnim osmijehom na licu.
En: He was tall and lean, with a perpetually mischievous smile on his face.

Hr: Ana je bila puna razumijevanja, uvijek spremna pomoći, dok je Ivan bio promišljen i tiho je uživao u avanturama svoje trojke.
En: Ana was understanding and always ready to help, while Ivan was thoughtful and quietly enjoyed the adventures of their trio.

Hr: Hodajući kroz uzak prolaz, došli su na glavni trg gdje je blistala fontana, okružena starim zgradama, koje su pričale priče o nekim davno prošlim danima.
En: Walking through a narrow passage, they arrived at the main square where a fountain sparkled, surrounded by old buildings that told stories of days long gone.

Hr: Marko je krenuo prema fontani pokušavajući zaintrigirati Anu i Ivana nekim svojim trikom.
En: Marko headed towards the fountain, trying to intrigue Ana and Ivan with one of his tricks.

Hr: Razigrano je skakutao oko ruba, šireći ruke kao ptica koja će poletjeti.
En: Playfully, he hopped around the edge, spreading his arms like a bird about to take flight.

Hr: Međutim, njegovo kaskadersko umijeće iznenada je izdalo.
En: However, his acrobatic skills suddenly failed him.

Hr: Noga mu je skliznula na vlažnoj kamenim ploči, učinivši njegov let manje gracioznim, a više komičnim.
En: His foot slipped on the wet cobblestone, making his leap less graceful and more comedic.

Hr: S gromoglasnim pljuskom, Marko je završio u fontani, potpuno mokar, dok su Ana i Ivan jecali od smijeha.
En: With a loud splash, Marko ended up in the fountain, completely soaked, while Ana and Ivan laughed uncontrollably.

Hr: Ana, brišući suze smijeha, pružila je ruku da pomogne Marku.
En: Wiping tears of laughter, Ana reached out to help Marko.

Hr: Ivan je iz torbe izvadio ručnik i dodao ga Marku kako bi se mogao osušiti.
En: Ivan took a towel from his bag and handed it to Marko to dry himself.

Hr: Ljudi oko trga su se zbližili kako bi vidjeli što se događa, a Markov pad postao je glavna atrakcija tog jutra u Dubrovniku.
En: People around the square gathered to see what was happening, and Marko's fall became the main attraction of the morning in Dubrovnik.

Hr: Marko se uspravio, voda mu je kapala s lica i odjeće, ali njegov osmijeh nije izblijedio.
En: Marko stood up, water dripping from his face and clothes, but his smile did not fade.

Hr: U tom trenutku nije mogao biti ljut ni sramiti se, jer njegovo nepredviđeno štivo oduševilo je publiku.
En: At that moment, he couldn't be angry or embarrassed, because his unforeseen stunt had delighted the audience.

Hr: "Ha, mora da sam se pretopio u ovom suncu," našalio se Marko, odmahivši ručnikom.
En: "Ha, I must have melted in this sun," Marko joked, waving the towel.

Hr: Ana i Ivan su se smirili, a njihova briga za prijatelja pretvorila se u toplinu.
En: Ana and Ivan calmed down, and their concern for their friend turned into warmth.

Hr: Marko je prihvatio svoj maler sa smijehom i dugim će se vremenom prisjećati ovoga dana, kao jednog od mnogih veselih trenutaka koje su proveli zajedno.
En: Marko embraced his mishap with laughter and would remember this day for a long time as one of the many joyful moments they spent together.

Hr: Na kraju su se svi složili da je to bio dan za pamćenje, a Dubrovnik, sa svim svojim ljepotama, dodao je još jednu priču svom bogatom mozaiku.
En: In the end, they all agreed that it was a day to remember, and Dubrovnik, with all its beauty, added another story to its rich mosaic.

Hr: Marko, Ana i Ivan nastavili su svoju šetnju, sada još bliži nego prije, svoje srce i dalje puno smijeha.
En: Marko, Ana, and Ivan continued their stroll, now even closer than before, their hearts still full of laughter.

Vocabulary Words:
  • warm: toplo
  • summer: ljeto
  • Dubrovnik: Dubrovniku
  • sun's rays: sunčeve zrake
  • glassy calmness: staklena mirnoća
  • Adriatic: Adrije
  • explore: istražiti
  • narrow: uzak
  • stone: kamene
  • streets: uličice
  • old city: stari grad
  • rustling: šuštanje
  • history: povijest
  • whispering: šaputanje
  • sea: more
  • clumsy: nespretnjaković
  • fellow: kolega
  • lean: mršav
  • perpetually: uvijek
  • mischievous: nestašan
  • understanding: razumijevanje
  • ready: spremna
  • thoughtful: promišljen
  • trio: trojke
  • passage: prolaz
  • main: glavni
  • square: trg
  • sparkled: blistala
  • surrounded: okružena
  • buildings: zgradama
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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