
Finding Serenity in Chaos: A Bali Retreat's Unexpected Lesson

Sep 4, 2024 · 17m 18s
Finding Serenity in Chaos: A Bali Retreat's Unexpected Lesson

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 29s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Serenity in Chaos: A Bali Retreat's Unexpected Lesson Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah pagi yang...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Serenity in Chaos: A Bali Retreat's Unexpected Lesson
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di tengah pagi yang hangat dan cerah, retreat spiritual di pegunungan Bali tampak begitu tenang.
En: On a warm and sunny morning, the spiritual retreat in the Bali mountains appeared so peaceful.

Id: Pohon-pohon hijau subur melingkupi area tersebut, seolah membisikkan kedamaian kepada setiap pengunjung.
En: Lush green trees surrounded the area, as if whispering peace to every visitor.

Id: Budi duduk bersila di atas tikar yoga, mencoba fokus pada pernapasannya.
En: Budi sat cross-legged on a yoga mat, trying to focus on his breathing.

Id: Ayu, instruktur yoga yang berpengalaman, memandu sesi meditasi dengan suara lembut.
En: Ayu, the experienced yoga instructor, guided the meditation session with a gentle voice.

Id: "Tarik napas," ujarnya lembut, "rasakan kedamaian masuk.
En: "Inhale," she said softly, "feel the peace entering."

Id: "Budi berharap menemukan ketenangan di sini.
En: Budi hoped to find tranquility here.

Id: Hidupnya di kantor penuh stres dan kekacauan.
En: His life at the office was full of stress and chaos.

Id: Ayu, di sisi lain, ingin memastikan semua berjalan sempurna tanpa gangguan.
En: Ayu, on the other hand, wanted to ensure everything went perfectly without disturbances.

Id: Sayangnya, mereka tak menduga kehadiran seekor monyet jahil yang diam-diam mengintip dari balik pohon.
En: Unfortunately, they had not anticipated the presence of a mischievous monkey secretly peeking from behind the trees.

Id: Saat meditasi berlangsung, tiba-tiba suasana hening terusik.
En: As the meditation went on, the silence was suddenly disturbed.

Id: Monyet itu berlari cepat, mencuri satu per satu barang milik peserta.
En: The monkey swiftly ran, stealing the belongings of the participants one by one.

Id: Tas, botol air, dan bahkan sandal Budi pun tak luput.
En: Bags, water bottles, and even Budi's sandals were not spared.

Id: Para peserta terkejut, dan seketika meditasi berubah menjadi kebingungan.
En: The participants were shocked, and the meditation instantly turned into confusion.

Id: Budi merasa kesabarannya diuji.
En: Budi felt his patience being tested.

Id: Ini adalah momen untuk tetap tenang, tetapi ia kesal.
En: This was a moment to remain calm, but he was annoyed.

Id: "Aku harus mengusir monyet itu," pikirnya dengan geram.
En: "I have to chase that monkey away," he thought angrily.

Id: Ayu mengamati situasinya.
En: Ayu observed the situation.

Id: "Jangan, Budi," katanya menenangkan.
En: "Don't, Budi," she said calmingly.

Id: "Mungkin kita bisa belajar menerima kehadirannya.
En: "Maybe we can learn to accept its presence."

Id: " Namun, Budi sudah bertekad.
En: However, Budi was determined.

Id: Ia bangkit, dan mulai mengejar monyet itu.
En: He stood up and started chasing the monkey.

Id: Lari ke sana kemari, ia mencoba menangkap monyet yang lincah.
En: Running here and there, he tried to capture the nimble monkey.

Id: Peserta lainnya terpingkal melihat aksi Budi yang tampak lucu dan bertolak belakang dengan nuansa retreat.
En: The other participants burst into laughter at Budi's actions, which seemed comical and contrary to the retreat's serene ambiance.

Id: Ayu tetap mencoba menjaga ketenangan dari kejauhan, walau dalam hatinya ia ingin tertawa.
En: Ayu continued to try to maintain calm from a distance, even though she too wanted to laugh.

Id: Akhirnya, setelah cukup lelah dan menyadari betapa absurdnya keadaan, Budi berhenti.
En: Finally, after feeling quite tired and realizing the absurdity of the situation, Budi stopped.

Id: Ia tersenyum kikuk, lalu tertawa.
En: He smiled awkwardly, then laughed.

Id: Ayu pun tak bisa menahan tawa.
En: Ayu couldn't hold back her laughter either.

Id: "Apa yang kita pelajari di sini?
En: "What have we learned here?"

Id: " tanyanya sambil tersenyum.
En: she asked with a smile.

Id: Keduanya menyadari bahwa kedamaian bukan hanya soal ketenangan, tapi juga menerima kekacauan dengan hati terbuka.
En: Both realized that peace is not only about calmness, but also accepting chaos with an open heart.

Id: Monyet kecil tadi pun melompat ke dahan pohon, seolah tersenyum pada mereka.
En: The little monkey then jumped onto a tree branch, as if smiling at them.

Id: Budi belajar melepaskan, menemukan sisi humor dalam kejutan hidup.
En: Budi learned to let go, finding humor in life's surprises.

Id: Ia mendapatkan kedamaian yang dicari.
En: He found the peace he was seeking.

Id: Ayu pun menjadi lebih fleksibel, menerima bahwa meskipun rencana bisa berantakan, kebahagiaan tetap bisa diraih.
En: Ayu also became more flexible, accepting that even when plans fall apart, happiness can still be achieved.

Id: Retreat yang semula terancam berakhir berantakan, justru memberikan pelajaran berharga tentang menerima dan tertawa bersama.
En: A retreat that initially seemed threatened to end in chaos actually provided valuable lessons about acceptance and laughing together.

Id: Monyet jahil itu telah mengingatkan mereka bahwa kedamaian sejati ada dalam kebersamaan dan keikhlasan menerima apa adanya.
En: The mischievous monkey had reminded them that true peace lies in togetherness and the willingness to accept things as they are.

Vocabulary Words:
  • spiritual: spiritual
  • retreat: retreat
  • lush: subur
  • serene: tenang
  • tranquility: ketenangan
  • chaos: kekacauan
  • mischievous: jahil
  • peek: mengintip
  • disturb: mengusik
  • swiftly: cepat
  • belongings: barang
  • patience: kesabaran
  • annoyed: kesal
  • capture: menangkap
  • nimble: lincah
  • comical: lucu
  • ambiance: nuansa
  • absurdity: absurd
  • acceptance: penerimaan
  • willingness: keikhlasan
  • togetherness: kebersamaan
  • whispering: membisikkan
  • cross-legged: bersila
  • inhale: tarik napas
  • disturbances: gangguan
  • spared: luput
  • determined: bertekad
  • awkwardly: kikuk
  • flexible: fleksibel
  • threatened: terancam
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