
Finding Light: A Painter's Journey Through Ålesund's Fjords

Sep 16, 2024 · 15m 51s
Finding Light: A Painter's Journey Through Ålesund's Fjords

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 20s


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Finding Light: A Painter's Journey Through Ålesund's Fjords Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Nb: Svein stirret ut av vinduet...

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Finding Light: A Painter's Journey Through Ålesund's Fjords
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Story Transcript:

Nb: Svein stirret ut av vinduet i det lille atelieret sitt i Ålesund.
En: Svein stared out the window of his small studio in Ålesund.

Nb: Bak gardinene kunne han se de smale gatene fylt med fargerik Art Nouveau-arkitektur.
En: Behind the curtains, he could see the narrow streets filled with colorful Art Nouveau architecture.

Nb: Han ønsket å male byens sjel, men alt bleknet i tankene hans.
En: He wanted to paint the city's soul, but everything faded in his mind.

Nb: Hans inspirasjon var tom, og fargene på paletten hans virket dystre.
En: His inspiration was empty, and the colors on his palette seemed gloomy.

Nb: "Ingrid!"
En: "Ingrid!"

Nb: ropte Svein fra rommet sitt.
En: Svein shouted from his room.

Nb: Søsteren hans var alltid full av energi og gode ideer.
En: His sister was always full of energy and good ideas.

Nb: Kanskje hadde hun enda en løsning på problemet han ikke klarte å fikse selv.
En: Maybe she had another solution to the problem he couldn't solve himself.

Nb: "Vi skal på fergetur," svarte Ingrid med et smil, idet hun kom inn.
En: "We're going on a ferry ride," Ingrid replied with a smile as she entered.

Nb: "Fjorden venter."
En: "The fjord awaits."

Nb: Svein nølte.
En: Svein hesitated.

Nb: Han elsket roen i studio, men også stillheten som truet med å kvele kreativiteten hans.
En: He loved the peace of the studio, but also the silence that threatened to stifle his creativity.

Nb: "Er du sikker?
En: "Are you sure?

Nb: Været er ustabilt," sa han, pekende mot den tunge himmelen utenfor.
En: The weather is unstable," he said, pointing to the heavy sky outside.

Nb: "Det er perfekt," insisterte Ingrid.
En: "It's perfect," Ingrid insisted.

Nb: "Litt frisk luft og natur vil gjøre deg godt."
En: "A little fresh air and nature will do you good."

Nb: Svein lot seg til slutt overtale.
En: Svein eventually let himself be persuaded.

Nb: Tidlig om morgenen sto de på dekk av ferga.
En: Early in the morning, they stood on the deck of the ferry.

Nb: Båten gled stille gjennom fjorden.
En: The boat glided quietly through the fjord.

Nb: Vannet var rolig mot skroget, og de høye fjellene som omkranset dem var farget i gul og rød høstprakt.
En: The water was calm against the hull, and the high mountains that surrounded them were painted in the gold and red of autumn splendor.

Nb: Svein trakk pusten dypt.
En: Svein took a deep breath.

Nb: Kald luft fylte lungene hans.
En: Cold air filled his lungs.

Nb: Det var noe i luften; en forventning han ikke hadde følt på lenge.
En: There was something in the air, an anticipation he hadn't felt in a long time.

Nb: Men skyene truet fortsatt, tunge og grå.
En: But the clouds still threatened, heavy and gray.

Nb: Plutselig, mens ferga rundet en sving, brøt en solstråle gjennom skyene.
En: Suddenly, as the ferry rounded a bend, a ray of sunshine broke through the clouds.

Nb: Den kastet et gyllent lys over fjellene, som om verden ble tent i brann.
En: It cast a golden light over the mountains, as if the world had caught fire.

Nb: Svein stirret, hypnotisert av det flyktige øyeblikket, da alt plutselig ble klarere for ham.
En: Svein stared, mesmerized by the fleeting moment when everything suddenly became clearer to him.

Nb: Ingrid så på broren sin og smilte.
En: Ingrid looked at her brother and smiled.

Nb: Han grep raskt skisseblokken sin, og begynte å tegne.
En: He quickly grabbed his sketchpad and began to draw.

Nb: Fingrene beveget seg i en feberaktig hastighet, men i stedet for kaos skapte de orden og skjønnhet.
En: His fingers moved with feverish speed, but instead of chaos, they created order and beauty.

Nb: Ingrid lente seg tilbake, fornøyd med at Svein hadde funnet gnisten igjen.
En: Ingrid leaned back, satisfied that Svein had found his spark again.

Nb: Solen skinte nå klart, og ferga gled videre.
En: The sun now shone brightly, and the ferry continued onward.

Nb: Svein tegnet, fylte siden med linjer som fanget lyset, fjellene, og hjelpen fra søsteren.
En: Svein drew, filling the page with lines capturing the light, the mountains, and his sister's help.

Nb: Turen tilbake føltes raskere.
En: The return trip felt faster.

Nb: Ålesund kom inn i synsfeltet igjen, med sin fargerike prakt.
En: Ålesund came back into view, in all its colorful glory.

Nb: Svein og Ingrid steg av ferga.
En: Svein and Ingrid stepped off the ferry.

Nb: Han takket Ingrid, lyste opp av nyvunnet inspirasjon.
En: He thanked Ingrid, glowing with newfound inspiration.

Nb: "Du hadde rett.
En: "You were right.

Nb: Noen ganger må man ut av studio for å finne fargene," sa Svein.
En: Sometimes you have to leave the studio to find the colors," Svein said.

Nb: Ingrid ga ham en klem.
En: Ingrid gave him a hug.

Nb: "Og noen ganger må man stole på familien."
En: "And sometimes you have to trust your family."

Nb: Så med det dro de hjem, Svein med hjertet fullt av bilder som ventet på å bli malt.
En: And with that, they went home, Svein with his heart full of images waiting to be painted.

Nb: Nå forstod han skjønnheten utenfor sitt eget vindu, og verdi i å ha noen som så ham.
En: Now he understood the beauty outside his own window and the value of having someone who saw him.

Vocabulary Words:
  • studio: atelieret
  • curtains: gardinene
  • narrow: smale
  • architecture: arkitektur
  • palette: paletten
  • gloomy: dystre
  • inspiration: inspirasjon
  • solution: løsning
  • ferry: ferge
  • fjord: fjorden
  • hesitated: nølte
  • silence: stillheten
  • stifle: kvele
  • unstable: ustabilt
  • deck: dekk
  • hull: skroget
  • splendor: prakt
  • lungs: lungene
  • anticipation: forventning
  • mesmerized: hypnotisert
  • fleeting: flyktige
  • sketchpad: skisseblokken
  • feverish: feberaktig
  • chaos: kaos
  • order: orden
  • beauty: skjønnhet
  • spark: gnisten
  • glory: prakt
  • hug: klem
  • value: verdi
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