
Finding Courage: Dewi's Journey Through Anxiety

Sep 27, 2024 · 18m 3s
Finding Courage: Dewi's Journey Through Anxiety

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 47s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Courage: Dewi's Journey Through Anxiety Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di sebuah bangsal psikiatri yang sunyi, Dewi...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Courage: Dewi's Journey Through Anxiety
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Id: Di sebuah bangsal psikiatri yang sunyi, Dewi duduk di dekat jendela sempit.
En: In a quiet psychiatric ward, Dewi sat near the narrow window.

Id: Matahari musim semi memasuki ruangan dengan lembut, memberikan sedikit kehangatan dalam lingkungan yang dingin.
En: The spring sun entered the room gently, offering a bit of warmth in the cold environment.

Id: Dinding putih tampak mengelilinginya seperti benteng, mengingatkannya pada tekanan yang ia hadapi.
En: The white walls surrounded her like a fortress, reminding her of the pressure she faced.

Id: Dewi berusaha untuk fokus pada buku-buku di depannya.
En: Dewi tried to focus on the books before her.

Id: Final sekolah sebentar lagi.
En: Finals were approaching.

Id: Ia harus sukses, untuk dirinya dan keluarganya.
En: She needed to succeed, for herself and her family.

Id: Dewi memang siswa yang rajin.
En: Dewi was indeed a diligent student.

Id: Namun, pikirannya sering mengembara.
En: However, her mind often wandered.

Id: Kadang rasa cemas dan khawatir menyergapnya tanpa peringatan.
En: Sometimes anxiety and worry seized her without warning.

Id: Terkurung di antara lembar-lembar buku itu, ia merasa terasing dari dunia luar.
En: Trapped among the pages of those books, she felt alienated from the outside world.

Id: Setiap halaman yang ia baca seperti menambah beban di pundaknya.
En: Every page she read seemed to add a burden on her shoulders.

Id: Tapi Dewi tidak sendiri.
En: But Dewi was not alone.

Id: Agus, sahabatnya, selalu datang mengunjunginya.
En: Agus, her best friend, always came to visit her.

Id: Ia duduk di seberang meja kecil, wajahnya penuh semangat, "Kamu bisa, Dewi," katanya setiap kali.
En: He sat across the small table, his face full of enthusiasm, "You can do it, Dewi," he said each time.

Id: Dukungan Agus seperti cahaya di tengah kegelapan pikiran Dewi.
En: Agus's support was like a light in the darkness of Dewi's thoughts.

Id: Mereka berbicara tentang ujian, jurusan kuliah, dan impian masa depan.
En: They talked about exams, college majors, and dreams for the future.

Id: Suatu sore, Agus membawakan Dewi teh hangat.
En: One afternoon, Agus brought Dewi a warm cup of tea.

Id: Mereka duduk diam, meresapi keheningan selagi sinar matahari redup.
En: They sat in silence, absorbing the tranquility as the sunlight dimmed.

Id: "Dewi, kadang kita harus istirahat sejenak untuk melompat lebih jauh," kata Agus pelan.
En: "Dewi, sometimes we have to take a break to leap further," Agus said softly.

Id: Kata-kata itu membuat Dewi berpikir.
En: Those words made Dewi reflect.

Id: Selama ini ia terlalu keras pada dirinya sendiri.
En: She had been too hard on herself all this time.

Id: Malam sebelum ujian terakhir, Dewi merasa tak tenang.
En: The night before the final exam, Dewi felt uneasy.

Id: Di kepalanya bertubi-tubi pertanyaan, "Apakah aku bisa?".
En: Questions bombarded her mind, "Can I do it?"

Id: Agus, seperti biasa, datang menemaninya.
En: As usual, Agus came to keep her company.

Id: Kali ini, ia bercerita tentang perjalanan panjang hidup, tentang bagaimana setiap langkah kecil penting.
En: This time, he talked about the long journey of life, about how every small step matters.

Id: "Keberhasilan bukan hanya soal nilai, tapi bagaimana kamu melaluinya," lanjut Agus.
En: "Success is not just about grades, but how you get through it," Agus continued.

Id: Dewi merasa lapang.
En: Dewi felt relieved.

Id: Ada pencerahan seketika.
En: There was a sudden clarity.

Id: Percakapan itu membawa ketenangan.
En: That conversation brought her peace.

Id: Ia menyadari, mengejar ambisi itu penting, tapi lebih penting lagi menjaga diri.
En: She realized that chasing ambition was important, but it was even more important to take care of oneself.

Id: Keseimbangan adalah kuncinya.
En: Balance was the key.

Id: Esoknya, Dewi mengerjakan ujiannya.
En: The next day, Dewi took her exam.

Id: Ketika selesai, ia keluar dengan senyum.
En: When she finished, she left with a smile.

Id: Ia tahu, apapun hasilnya, ia telah berani melawan ketakutannya.
En: She knew, whatever the result, she had bravely faced her fears.

Id: Dewi kembali ke bangsal dengan perasaan bangga.
En: Dewi returned to the ward with a sense of pride.

Id: Ia menemukan keberanian.
En: She had found courage.

Id: Keberanian untuk menerima dirinya, untuk meminta bantuan, dan untuk menghargai sosok seperti Agus dalam hidupnya.
En: Courage to accept herself, to ask for help, and to appreciate people like Agus in her life.

Id: Dewi belajar satu pelajaran berharga: dalam tiap perjuangan, tidak apa-apa untuk melangkah perlahan dan menerima dukungan orang lain.
En: Dewi learned a valuable lesson: in every struggle, it is okay to take small steps and accept support from others.

Vocabulary Words:
  • psychiatric: psikiatri
  • ward: bangsal
  • narrow: sempit
  • fortress: benteng
  • pressure: tekanan
  • diligent: rajin
  • anxiety: cemas
  • burden: beban
  • alienated: terasing
  • enthusiasm: semangat
  • tranquility: keheningan
  • reflect: berpikir
  • uneasy: tak tenang
  • bombarded: bertubi-tubi
  • clarity: pencerahan
  • balance: keseimbangan
  • courage: keberanian
  • accept: menerima
  • appreciate: menghargai
  • lesson: pelajaran
  • struggle: perjuangan
  • reminding: mengingatkan
  • approaching: sebentar lagi
  • seized: menyergap
  • trapped: terkurung
  • support: dukungan
  • absorb: meresapi
  • peace: ketenangan
  • ambition: ambisi
  • journey: perjalanan
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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