Family Feasts: A Heartwarming Day at Barcelona’s Famous Market

Jun 22, 2024 · 15m 6s
Family Feasts: A Heartwarming Day at Barcelona’s Famous Market

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 40s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Family Feasts: A Heartwarming Day at Barcelona’s Famous Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: El sol del matí...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Family Feasts: A Heartwarming Day at Barcelona’s Famous Market
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Story Transcript:

Ca: El sol del matí entrava pels carrers estrets de Barcelona.
En: The morning sun poured through the narrow streets of Barcelona.

Ca: Jordi, Laia i Montse caminaven pel barri vell, cap al Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria.
En: Jordi, Laia, and Montse were walking through the old neighborhood, heading towards the Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria.

Ca: L’aire era fresc i olia a mar, verdures i espècies.
En: The air was fresh and smelled of the sea, vegetables, and spices.

Ca: "Avui farem un sopar especial," va dir Montse amb un somriure.
En: "Today we will have a special dinner," Montse said with a smile.

Ca: Ella és la mare de Jordi i Laia.
En: She is Jordi and Laia's mother.

Ca: Els tres caminaven junts.
En: The three of them walked together.

Ca: Avui compraven marisc i verdures fresques per al sopar familiar.
En: Today they were buying seafood and fresh vegetables for the family dinner.

Ca: Laia va ser la primera a veure les parades de marisc.
En: Laia was the first to see the seafood stalls.

Ca: "Mira, Jordi!
En: "Look, Jordi!

Ca: Quines gambes més grans!
En: What big prawns!"

Ca: " va exclamar, assenyalant una parada plena de marisc fresc.
En: she exclaimed, pointing to a stall full of fresh seafood.

Ca: "Sí, i les ostres també semblen molt bones," va dir Jordi.
En: "Yes, and the oysters look very good too," said Jordi.

Ca: Es va acostar i va parlar amb el venedor.
En: He approached and spoke to the vendor.

Ca: "Quin és el preu de les gambes?
En: "What is the price of the prawns?"

Ca: ""Avui tenim una oferta especial," va dir el venedor.
En: "Today we have a special offer," said the vendor.

Ca: "Vint euros el quilo.
En: "Twenty euros per kilo."

Ca: ""En necessitem un quilo," va dir Montse.
En: "We need a kilo," said Montse.

Ca: En Jordi va donar els diners al venedor i va agafar les gambes.
En: Jordi handed the money to the vendor and took the prawns.

Ca: Després, van anar a la secció de verdures.
En: Next, they went to the vegetable section.

Ca: Les parades eren acolorides i plenes de vida.
En: The stalls were colorful and full of life.

Ca: La Laia va veure uns tomàquets molt vermells.
En: Laia saw some very red tomatoes.

Ca: "Mamà, comprem aquests tomàquets per a la amanida?
En: "Mom, shall we buy these tomatoes for the salad?"

Ca: ""Sí, fills.
En: "Yes, kids.

Ca: També necessitem pebrots, pastanagues i patates," va dir Montse.
En: We also need peppers, carrots, and potatoes," said Montse.

Ca: Van agafar una bossa de cada verdura.
En: They picked a bag of each vegetable.

Ca: Amb el carro ple, van anar a pagar a la caixa.
En: With the cart full, they went to the checkout to pay.

Ca: Tots tenien ganes d'arribar a casa i començar a preparar el sopar.
En: They were all eager to get home and start preparing dinner.

Ca: El sol començava a baixar i la ciutat s’omplia de llums.
En: The sun was starting to set, and the city was lighting up.

Ca: A casa, la Montse tallava les verdures mentre Jordi netejava les gambes.
En: At home, Montse was chopping the vegetables while Jordi cleaned the prawns.

Ca: La Laia ajudava a parar la taula.
En: Laia helped set the table.

Ca: Tot estava a punt per a una nit especial.
En: Everything was ready for a special evening.

Ca: La família es va reunir al voltant de la taula, plena de plats del mar i de l’hort.
En: The family gathered around the table, filled with dishes from the sea and the garden.

Ca: "Gràcies per ajudar-me avui," va dir Montse.
En: "Thank you for helping me today," said Montse.

Ca: Ella estava feliç veient els seus fills disfrutar del menjar.
En: She was happy to see her children enjoying the meal.

Ca: Jordi i Laia somreien, orgullosos de l’esforç conjunt.
En: Jordi and Laia smiled, proud of the joint effort.

Ca: Aquella nit, la família va menjar, va riure i va parlar llargament.
En: That night, the family ate, laughed, and talked at length.

Ca: El Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria va ser l’escenari d’una història senzilla, però plena de calor i amor.
En: The Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria had been the setting of a simple story, but one full of warmth and love.

Ca: I així, amb els cors plens i els estómacs més plens encara, van acabar el dia, sabent que els moments senzills també poden ser extraordinaris.
En: And so, with hearts full and bellies even fuller, they ended the day, knowing that simple moments can also be extraordinary.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sun: sol
  • narrow: estrets
  • neighborhood: barri
  • fresh: fresc
  • air: aire
  • special: especial
  • dinner: sopar
  • smile: somriure
  • seafood: marisc
  • stalls: parades
  • prawns: gambes
  • pointing: assenyalant
  • oysters: ostres
  • vendor: venedor
  • price: preu
  • kilo: quilo
  • offer: oferta
  • handed: donar
  • vegetable: verdura
  • colorful: acolorides
  • life: vida
  • tomatoes: tomàquets
  • salad: amanida
  • peppers: pebrots
  • carrots: pastanagues
  • potatoes: patates
  • checkout: caixa
  • eager: tenir ganes
  • chopping: tallava
  • joint effort: esforç conjunt
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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