
Fall & Laughter: Unity at Simpang Lima Market

Nov 23, 2023 · 18m
Fall & Laughter: Unity at Simpang Lima Market

01 · Main Story

1m 39s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 55s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Fall & Laughter: Unity at Simpang Lima Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah keramaian Pasar Simpang...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Fall & Laughter: Unity at Simpang Lima Market
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Id: Di tengah keramaian Pasar Simpang Lima, matahari terik menyinari tenda-tenda pedagang yang berjajar rapi.
En: In the midst of the bustling Simpang Lima Market, the scorching sun shone on the neatly arranged rows of vendors' tents.

Id: Budi, seorang anak laki-laki berumur sepuluh tahun, dengan rambut keritingnya yang selalu tampak acak-acakan, tengah melangkah gembira beriringan dengan ibunya.
En: Budi, a ten-year-old boy with his always unkempt curly hair, joyfully walked alongside his mother.

Id: Hari itu, Budi sangat bersemangat karena ia diberikan uang jajan lebih oleh ayahnya.
En: That day, Budi was very excited because his father had given him extra pocket money.

Id: Beragam bau bercampur menjadi satu; ada aroma bumbu dapur, bau ikan segar, dan wangi kue-kue tradisional yang memancing selera.
En: Various scents mixed together; there were the fragrances of spices, the smell of fresh fish, and the aroma of traditional cakes tempting people's appetites.

Id: Hat-hati, Budi. Jangan berlari, pesan ibunya, sambil menyeimbangkan keranjang belanjaannya yang semakin berat dengan sayur dan buah-buahan.
En: Be careful, Budi. Don't run, his mother cautioned, while balancing her increasingly heavy shopping basket filled with vegetables and fruits.

Id: Di penjuru lain pasar, Siti dan Agus, dua sahabat yang tidak terpisahkan, sibuk mengelilingi lapak-lapak, mencari pernak-pernik untuk hiasan kelas mereka.
En: In another corner of the market, Siti and Agus, two inseparable friends, were busy exploring the stalls, looking for decorations for their classroom.

Id: Siti, dengan pita biru yang selalu ia kenakan, mencari-cari sesuatu yang unik.
En: Siti, with her always-worn blue ribbon, searched for something unique.

Id: Agus, yang tinggi dan besar, menjaga agar barang-barang yang mereka pilih tidak hilang ditengah kerumunan.
En: Agus, tall and big, kept an eye on the items they picked amidst the crowd.

Id: Budi yang terlena dengan kantong uang jajan di tangannya tidak sengaja tersandung sebuah batu kecil di jalanan pasar yang tidak rata.
En: Lost in thought with the pocket money in his hand, Budi accidentally stumbled over a small, uneven stone in the market street.

Id: Aduh! teriaknya kaget.
En: Ouch! he exclaimed, startled.

Id: Tubuh kecilnya terdorong ke depan dan seketika itu juga ia jatuh terjerembab ke atas tumpukan sayuran di gerobak Pak Umar, pedagang sayur.
En: His small body was propelled forward and he fell onto the pile of vegetables on Pak Umar's cart, a vegetable vendor.

Id: Semua mata langsung tertuju pada Budi.
En: All eyes immediately turned to Budi.

Id: Terdengar tawa kecil dari berbagai penjuru pasar.
En: Laughter could be heard from various corners of the market.

Id: Namun, tawa itu menjadi ramai dan meluas. Itu bukan tawa cemoohan, tapi tawa keakraban dan kehangatan pasar.
En: However, the laughter grew louder and spread. It wasn't mocking laughter, but rather laughter of camaraderie and warmth of the market.

Id: Siti dan Agus yang kebetulan datang mendekat, tak bisa menahan tawa juga.
En: Siti and Agus, who happened to be nearby, couldn't help but join in the laughter.

Id: Budi yang tadinya merasa malu, akhirnya ikut tertawa, meski pipinya sedikit merah.
En: Budi, who had felt embarrassed at first, eventually laughed along, though his cheeks were slightly red.

Id: Pak Umar, yang sempat kaget melihat sayurannya berantakan, tak bisa marah melihat ekspresi polos Budi.
En: Pak Umar, who had been taken aback by the mess of his vegetables, couldn't be angry when he saw Budi's innocent expression.

Id: Tak apa, Nak, ujar Pak Umar sambil bertindak membantu Budi berdiri.
En: It's okay, child, Pak Umar said as he helped Budi stand up.

Id: Yang penting, kamu tidak terluka.
En: The important thing is that you're not hurt.

Id: Ibunya yang sudah datang berlari juga menghampiri dan memeriksa kondisi Budi dengan penuh kekhawatiran.
En: Budi's mother, who had come running, also approached and checked on Budi's condition with great concern.

Id: Siti dan Agus lalu membantu mengumpulkan sayur-sayuran yang berjatuhan.
En: Siti and Agus then helped gather the fallen vegetables.

Id: Warga pasar lainnya ikut membantu, merapikan sayuran dengan sukarela.
En: Other market-goers pitched in, willingly tidying up the vegetables.

Id: Dalam sekejap, keramaian itu bertransformasi menjadi suasana gotong royong yang hangat.
En: In an instant, the bustle transformed into a warm communal atmosphere of mutual cooperation.

Id: Kesimpulannya, meskipun Budi mengalami kejadian yang membuatnya jatuh, namun ia belajar bahwa kecelakaan kecil bisa menjadi sumber kebersamaan dan kebaikan hati orang-orang di sekitarnya.
En: In conclusion, although Budi experienced an incident that caused him to fall, he learned that little accidents can be a source of togetherness and the kindness of those around him.

Id: Pasar Simpang Lima tidak hanya menjadi tempat berbelanja, tetapi juga tempat di mana komunitas berkumpul dan saling menolong.
En: Simpang Lima Market is not just a place for shopping, but also a place where the community gathers and helps one another.

Id: Dengan perasaan haru dan bersyukur, Budi, Siti, dan Agus menikmati sisa hari mereka di pasar dengan senyuman, mengerti bahwa keakraban dan kepedulian tetangga lebih berharga daripada uang jajan ekstra.
En: With a feeling of gratitude and emotion, Budi, Siti, and Agus enjoyed the remainder of their day at the market with smiles, understanding that neighborly camaraderie and care are more valuable than extra pocket money.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: keramaian
  • scorching: terik
  • neatly: rapi
  • vendors: pedagang
  • tents: tenda-tenda
  • joyfully: gembira
  • unkempt: acak-acakan
  • curly hair: rambut keriting
  • excited: bersemangat
  • extra: lebih
  • fragrances: aroma
  • spices: bumbu dapur
  • fresh fish: ikan segar
  • aroma: wangi
  • tempting: memancing selera
  • appetites: selera
  • cautioned: diingatkan
  • balancing: menyeimbangkan
  • shopping basket: keranjang belanja
  • vegetables: sayur
  • fruits: buah-buahan
  • corner: penjuru
  • inseparable: tidak terpisahkan
  • decorations: pernak-pernik
  • classroom: kelas
  • ribbon: pita
  • gather: mengumpulkan
  • fallen: berjatuhan
  • cooporation: kerjasama
  • gratitude: rasa terima kasih
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