Episiotomy and Perineal Tear: What You Need To Know After a Vaginal Delivery Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 35

Apr 7, 2020 · 33m 33s
Episiotomy and Perineal Tear: What You Need To Know After a Vaginal Delivery Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 35

01 · science of puke


02 · throwing up on a tuesday

16m 24s

03 · count pukeula

16m 35s

04 · mia baby laugh

20m 45s

05 · tips tricks

20m 48s

06 · outro pukeology podcast

33m 18s


Episiotomy and perineal tears are the two words that give most pregnant women anxiety about a vaginal child birth. I’m here to be the voice of medical reason and let...

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Episiotomy and perineal tears are the two words
that give most pregnant women anxiety about a
vaginal child birth. I’m here to be the voice of
medical reason and let you know what is an
episiotomy is, the different types of perineal
tears, how vaginal tears are graded, and potential
complications post-delivery. Learn the truth
about what factors that can cause a change in
vaginal elasticity, how quickly your vagina will
heal, and 4 exercises to tighten your vagina so no
one ever knows you’ve had a child.

This podcast is perfect for all women who are
pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and
want answers for the best information about
pregnancy that there is to date. Think of
Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to
all things pregnant as told to you by your best
friend who happens to be a doctor. And our
podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few
pregnancy puke stories that will give you the
comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-
chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment =
Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 35:
Episiotomy and Perineal Tear: What You Need to
Know After a Vaginal Delivery!
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Author Pregnancy Pukeology
Organization Pregnancy Pukeology
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