
Discovering Friendship and Serenity at Lake Bled

May 30, 2024 · 14m 14s
Discovering Friendship and Serenity at Lake Bled

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 17s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Discovering Friendship and Serenity at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Anže, Nina in Matej so sedeli...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Discovering Friendship and Serenity at Lake Bled
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Anže, Nina in Matej so sedeli na klopeh pri jezeru Bled.
En: Anže, Nina, and Matej were sitting on the benches by Lake Bled.

Sl: Sonce je sijalo in nebo je bilo jasno.
En: The sun was shining and the sky was clear.

Sl: Danes so načrtovali obiskati znamenito cerkev na otoku.
En: Today, they planned to visit the famous church on the island.

Sl: "Pridi, gremo na pletno!
En: "Come on, let's get on the pletna!"

Sl: " je rekel Anže.
En: said Anže.

Sl: Vsi trije so stopili na barčico, ki je nežno zibala na vodi.
En: All three of them stepped onto the small boat that gently rocked on the water.

Sl: Pletnar je s palico mirno vozil čez jezero.
En: The boatman calmly rowed them across the lake with a pole.

Sl: Anže je opazoval vodi, kako je lesketala pod sončnimi žarki.
En: Anže watched the water sparkling under the sun's rays.

Sl: Nina je občudovala okoliške gore.
En: Nina admired the surrounding mountains.

Sl: "Je res lep dan," je rekla Nina.
En: "It's really a beautiful day," said Nina.

Sl: "Poglejte, tam je cerkev," je pokazal Matej.
En: "Look, there’s the church," pointed Matej.

Sl: Ko so prispeli do otoka, so se počasi sprehodili do cerkve.
En: When they arrived at the island, they slowly walked to the church.

Sl: Stopnice so bile precej strme, vendar so vsi trije s smehom in pogovorom premagali izziv.
En: The steps were quite steep, but all three of them overcame the challenge with laughter and conversation.

Sl: "Ali veš, da moramo pozvoniti na cerkveni zvon za srečo?
En: "Do you know that we have to ring the church bell for good luck?"

Sl: " je vprašal Matej.
En: asked Matej.

Sl: "Res?
En: "Really?"

Sl: " je presenečeno vprašala Nina.
En: Nina asked, surprised.

Sl: Stopili so v cerkev, ki je bila mirna in polna zgodovine.
En: They stepped into the church, which was peaceful and full of history.

Sl: Anže je prvi potegnil za vrv.
En: Anže was the first to pull the rope.

Sl: Zvonec je zapel po prostoru.
En: The bell rang throughout the space.

Sl: Nato je sledila Nina in Matej.
En: Then Nina and Matej followed.

Sl: Vsi so se nasmehnili in začutili nekakšen poseben mir.
En: All of them smiled and felt a kind of special peace.

Sl: Po obisku cerkve so se vrnili k pletni.
En: After visiting the church, they returned to the pletna.

Sl: Med vožnjo nazaj sta Nina in Matej razmišljala, kako srečna sta, da imata Anžeta za prijatelja.
En: On the way back, Nina and Matej thought about how lucky they were to have Anže as a friend.

Sl: Anže je gledal čudovite bele labode, ki so plavali po jezeru.
En: Anže watched the beautiful white swans swimming on the lake.

Sl: Ko so prispeli nazaj na obrežje, je Nina rekla: "To je bil najlepši dan.
En: When they arrived back at the shore, Nina said, "This was the best day.

Sl: Hvala, Anže.
En: Thank you, Anže."

Sl: "Anže se je nasmehnil in rekel: "Rad imam Blejsko jezero, ampak rad imam tudi vaju.
En: Anže smiled and said, "I love Lake Bled, but I love you both too.

Sl: Naslednjič pridemo spet.
En: Next time we'll come again.

Sl: Mogoče bomo raziskovali grad.
En: Maybe we’ll explore the castle."

Sl: "Sonce se je začelo spuščati za gore.
En: The sun began to set behind the mountains.

Sl: Nebo je postajalo rožnato in oranžno.
En: The sky was turning pink and orange.

Sl: Vedeli so, da se bodo še vrnili, ker so na Bledu našli nekaj posebnega – prijateljstvo in spomine, ki jih bodo nosili v srcu.
En: They knew they would come back because they found something special at Bled – friendship and memories they would carry in their hearts.

Sl: In tako so se poslovili od jezera za ta dan, a vedeli so, da se bodo nekoč vrnili.
En: And so, they said goodbye to the lake for the day, but they knew they would return someday.

Sl: Blejsko jezero jih je vedno čakalo s svojimi zgodbami in skrivnostmi.
En: Lake Bled would always be waiting for them with its stories and mysteries.

Vocabulary Words:
  • benches: klopeh
  • sparkling: lesketala
  • clear: jasno
  • pole: palico
  • surrounding: okoliške
  • steep: strme
  • challenge: izziv
  • laughter: smehom
  • conversation: pogovorom
  • pull: potegnil
  • rope: vrv
  • space: prostoru
  • peaceful: mirna
  • history: zgodovine
  • bell: zvon
  • shore: obrežje
  • sunset: sonce se je začelo spuščati
  • memories: spomine
  • friendship: prijateljstvo
  • mysteries: skrivnostmi
  • adventure: dogodivščina
  • calmly: mirno
  • gently: nežno
  • beautiful: čudovite
  • swans: labode
  • admired: občudovala
  • planned: načrtovali
  • island: otoku
  • church: cerkev
  • explore: raziskovali
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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