Dinosaur Dreams and Family Bonds: A Day at the Museum

Aug 19, 2024 · 17m 34s
Dinosaur Dreams and Family Bonds: A Day at the Museum

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 57s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Dinosaur Dreams and Family Bonds: A Day at the Museum Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/dinosaur-dreams-and-family-bonds-a-day-at-the-museum-2/ Story Transcript: Sk: Milan sa nedočkavo...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Dinosaur Dreams and Family Bonds: A Day at the Museum
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Milan sa nedočkavo pozrel na veľké hodiny vo vstupnej hale Múzea prírodných vied v Bratislave, kde s Katarínou čakali.
En: Milan eagerly glanced at the large clock in the entrance hall of the Natural Science Museum in Bratislava, where he and Katarína were waiting.

Sk: Leto bolo v plnom prúde a vzduch vonku bol horúci a ťažký.
En: Summer was in full swing, and the air outside was hot and heavy.

Sk: Už dlho sa tešili na návštevu dinosaurej výstavy.
En: They had been looking forward to visiting the dinosaur exhibit for a long time.

Sk: Dinosaury fascinovali Milana od detstva.
En: Dinosaurs had fascinated Milan since childhood.

Sk: Už pri vstupe do obrovských priestorov s vysokými stropmi cítil vzrušenie, ktoré stúpalo spolu s nadšením jeho malej sestry.
En: As soon as he entered the enormous hall with high ceilings, he felt a thrill that rose along with the excitement of his little sister.

Sk: "Milan! Pozri sa na toho veľkého tyrannosaura!" zvolala Katarína, ukazujúc prštek smerom k obrovskej kostre dinosaura, ktorá sa týčila nad nimi.
En: "Milan! Look at that big Tyrannosaurus!" exclaimed Katarína, pointing her finger toward the gigantic dinosaur skeleton towering above them.

Sk: Milan sa usmial.
En: Milan smiled.

Sk: Jeho plaché oči sa rozžiarili.
En: His shy eyes lit up.

Sk: Sestru mal veľmi rád, jej nadšenie bolo nákazlivé.
En: He was very fond of his sister, and her enthusiasm was contagious.

Sk: Chcel tento deň stráviť čo najlepšie a urobiť jej radosť.
En: He wanted to make the most of this day and make her happy.

Sk: Ale vedel, že musí byť opatrný.
En: But he knew he needed to be careful.

Sk: Jeho astma sa občas ozývala práve vtedy, keď bol najviac zaujatý niečím, čo mal rád.
En: His asthma sometimes acted up precisely when he was most engrossed in something he loved.

Sk: Prechádzali sa po výstave a Milan sa hlboko sústredil na tabule plné informácií o každom exponáte.
En: They walked through the exhibit, with Milan deeply focused on the information boards for each display.

Sk: V tom momente pocítil, že jeho dych začal byť ťažký.
En: In that moment, he felt his breathing becoming heavy.

Sk: Pokúšal sa to ignorovať, nechcel pokaziť deň Kataríne.
En: He tried to ignore it, not wanting to ruin the day for Katarína.

Sk: Ale jeho pľúca začali odmietať spolupracovať. Na čele mu vyrazili kvapky potu.
En: But his lungs began to refuse to cooperate, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Sk: Katarína, aj keď energická a hravá, bola veľmi všímavá.
En: Katarína, energetic and playful though she was, was very observant.

Sk: Okamžite si všimla, že niečo nie je v poriadku.
En: She immediately noticed that something was wrong.

Sk: "Bráško, si v poriadku?" opýtala sa so starosťou a pritlačila sa k nemu bližšie.
En: "Brother, are you okay?" she asked with concern, pressing closer to him.

Sk: Milan sa pokúsil usmiať, ale len cez zatvorené pery.
En: Milan tried to smile, but only through closed lips.

Sk: Snažil sa schovať obavy, no jeho dýchanie bolo čoraz namáhavejšie.
En: He attempted to hide his worries, but his breathing grew increasingly labored.

Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodol, že riskovať nemôže.
En: Finally, he decided he couldn't take the risk.

Sk: "Katarína, myslím, že potrebujem na chvíľu posedieť," priznal a sťažka sa oprel o blízky stĺp.
En: "Katarína, I think I need to sit down for a bit," he admitted, leaning heavily against a nearby pillar.

Sk: Bez váhania vzala Katarína svojho brata za ruku a spoločne sa vydali hľadať pomoc.
En: Without hesitation, Katarína took her brother's hand, and together they set off to find help.

Sk: Zamestnanci múzea boli veľmi milí a rýchlo si všimli Milanovu núdzu.
En: The museum staff were very kind and quickly noticed Milan's distress.

Sk: Ponúkli mu pohodlné kreslo a pohár vody v tichej časti múzea.
En: They offered him a comfortable chair and a glass of water in a quiet section of the museum.

Sk: Milan so zlomeným hlasom použil inhalátor a pocítil úľavu, keď sa jeho dýchanie začalo zlepšovať.
En: With a strained voice, Milan used his inhaler and felt relief as his breathing began to improve.

Sk: Katarína ho pozorne sledovala s otvorenými očami.
En: Katarína watched him closely with wide eyes.

Sk: "Prepáč, Katarína," povedal Milan, keď sa jeho dýchanie stabilizovalo.
En: "I'm sorry, Katarína," Milan said once his breathing had stabilized.

Sk: "Nechcel som pokaziť náš deň."
En: "I didn't want to ruin our day."

Sk: "No tak, Milan," vetovala Katarína pevne, "nič si nepokazil.
En: "Oh, Milan," Katarína countered firmly, "you didn't ruin anything.

Sk: Len chcem, aby si bol v poriadku.
En: I just want you to be okay.

Sk: Môžeme si dať kľudne malú prestávku. Nemusíme nikam utekať."
En: We can take a little break, we don't have to rush anywhere."

Sk: V najbližšej kaviarni si dali limonádu a vychutnávali letný vzduch, ktorý jemne chladil.
En: At the nearest café, they had lemonade and enjoyed the summer air, which gently cooled them.

Sk: Milan sa usmial a uvedomil si, že pomoc prijatá od druhých nie je známkou slabosti.
En: Milan smiled and realized that accepting help from others is not a sign of weakness.

Sk: Napokon návrat do múzea bol oveľa pokojnejší a obaja si užili dinosaury až do záveru dňa, kráčajúc ruka v ruke, s vedomím, že by mali byť vždy otvorení a opatrní voči sebe navzájom a svojmu zdraviu.
En: Eventually, their return to the museum was much calmer, and they both enjoyed the dinosaurs until the end of the day, walking hand in hand, knowing they should always be open and careful with each other and their health.

Vocabulary Words:
  • eagerly: nedočkavo
  • glanced: pozrel
  • entrance: vstupná
  • exhibit: výstava
  • thrill: vzrušenie
  • gigantic: obrovská
  • skeleton: kostra
  • towering: týčiaca
  • contagious: nákazlivé
  • engrossed: zaujatý
  • refuse: odmietať
  • beads: kvapky
  • forehead: čelo
  • observant: všímavá
  • concern: starosť
  • hesitation: váhanie
  • distress: núdza
  • relief: úľava
  • inhaler: inhalátor
  • strain: namáhavejšie
  • stabilized: stabilizovalo
  • countered: vetovala
  • rush: ponáhľať
  • gentle: jemný
  • cooled: chladil
  • weakness: slabosť
  • calm: pokojnejší
  • enjoyed: užili
  • aware: vedomím
  • careful: opatrný
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Author FluentFiction.org
Organization Kameron Kilchrist
Website www.fluentfiction.org

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