
Detours and Discoveries: An Unplanned Journey to Wonder

Sep 9, 2024 · 18m 7s
Detours and Discoveries: An Unplanned Journey to Wonder

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 8s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Detours and Discoveries: An Unplanned Journey to Wonder Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Matahari bersinar terik di atas...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Detours and Discoveries: An Unplanned Journey to Wonder
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Story Transcript:

Id: Matahari bersinar terik di atas langit cerah ketika Adi dan Sari memulai perjalanan mereka menuju Borobudur.
En: The sun shone brightly in the clear sky as Adi and Sari began their journey to Borobudur.

Id: Kerikil-kerikil kecil menggelinding di bawah roda mobil mereka yang melaju melalui jalan-jalan berliku di antara sawah yang hijau subur dan pegunungan yang bertirai kabut.
En: Small pebbles rolled under their car wheels as they drove through winding roads between lush green rice fields and mountains veiled in mist.

Id: Adi, si petualang sejati, duduk di samping Sari yang sibuk memeriksa peta dengan teliti.
En: Adi, the true adventurer, sat beside Sari, who was busy meticulously checking the map.

Id: "Jangan lupa belok di pertigaan setelah desa," ingat Sari sambil memperhatikan GPS di ponselnya.
En: "Don't forget to turn at the intersection after the village," Sari reminded while keeping an eye on the GPS on her phone.

Id: Adi mengangguk, namun matanya terus melirik pemandangan yang membentang.
En: Adi nodded, but his eyes kept wandering to the sprawling scenery.

Id: Mereka tertawa ringan, menikmati angin sepoi-sepoi yang masuk melalui jendela yang sedikit terbuka.
En: They laughed lightly, enjoying the gentle breeze coming through the slightly open window.

Id: Sesuatu yang aneh terjadi.
En: Something strange happened.

Id: Tanpa sadar, Adi mengambil belokan yang salah.
En: Unknowingly, Adi took a wrong turn.

Id: "Masalah kecil," ujarnya ceria sambil menatap Sari.
En: "A minor issue," he said cheerfully while glancing at Sari.

Id: Mereka tiba di sebuah desa penuh warna yang meriah dengan dekorasi dan suara musik tradisional.
En: They arrived in a colorful village bustling with decorations and the sound of traditional music.

Id: Seorang penduduk lokal menyambut mereka dengan ramah, "Selamat datang di Festival Budaya Dewasana!
En: A local resident greeted them warmly, "Welcome to the Dewasana Cultural Festival!"

Id: ""Uh-oh," gumam Sari dengan cemas.
En: "Uh-oh," Sari murmured anxiously.

Id: "Kita tersesat.
En: "We're lost."

Id: ""Tapi lihat, ini menarik!
En: "But look, this is interesting!"

Id: " sahut Adi dengan senyuman lebar.
En: Adi replied with a broad smile.

Id: "Kapan lagi kita bisa merasakan pengalaman langsung seperti ini?
En: "When else can we experience something like this firsthand?"

Id: "Sari ragu sesaat, tetapi kemudian tergoda oleh kehangatan suasana.
En: Sari hesitated for a moment, but then she was tempted by the warm atmosphere.

Id: Bunyi gamelan dan aroma sate membuatnya penasaran.
En: The sound of gamelan and the aroma of satay aroused her curiosity.

Id: Meski hatinya masih ingin melanjutkan ke Borobudur, kakinya mulai melangkah mengikuti suara dan bau yang mengundang itu.
En: Even though her heart still wanted to proceed to Borobudur, her feet began to follow the enticing sounds and smells.

Id: Mereka bergabung dalam kerumunan.
En: They joined the crowd.

Id: Adi dengan cepat belajar cara bermain alat musik sederhana dari seorang anak desa, sementara Sari takjub menyaksikan tarian yang riang.
En: Adi quickly learned how to play a simple musical instrument from a village child, while Sari was amazed watching the joyful dance.

Id: Seorang wanita setempat menawarkan untuk mengajari Sari tarian tradisional singkat.
En: A local woman offered to teach Sari a short traditional dance.

Id: Awalnya, Sari merasa canggung, tapi dukungan dan tawa penduduk setempat membuatnya berani.
En: Initially, Sari felt awkward, but the support and laughter of the locals gave her courage.

Id: Sari mencoba mengikuti gerakan yang diajarkan, terhuyung-huyung tetapi penuh semangat.
En: Sari tried to follow the taught movements, stumbling yet full of enthusiasm.

Id: Adi menyemangatinya dari pinggir, bersama gelak tawa dan tepuk tangan masyarakat sekitar.
En: Adi cheered her on from the sidelines, along with the laughter and applause of the surrounding community.

Id: Adi mengambil ponselnya untuk mengabadikan momen itu.
En: Adi took out his phone to capture the moment.

Id: Saat sore menjelang, mereka berdua duduk di bawah pohon besar di tepi desa.
En: As the afternoon approached, the two of them sat under a large tree at the edge of the village.

Id: "Aku mengerti kenapa kamu suka event tanpa rencana, Adi," kata Sari dengan senyuman kecil.
En: "I understand why you like unplanned events, Adi," Sari said with a small smile.

Id: "Pengalaman ini luar biasa.
En: "This experience is amazing."

Id: "Adi menanggapi, "Dan aku mengerti kenapa kamu suka merencanakan.
En: Adi responded, "And I understand why you like planning.

Id: Tapi, terkadang kejutan seperti ini bisa lebih berkesan.
En: But sometimes surprises like this can be more memorable."

Id: "Ketika mereka meninggalkan desa, hati mereka penuh rasa syukur dan kekaguman.
En: As they left the village, their hearts were filled with gratitude and awe.

Id: Borobudur masih menanti mereka, tetapi petualangan tak terduga ini telah memberi mereka pelajaran berharga.
En: Borobudur still awaited them, but this unexpected adventure had given them valuable lessons.

Id: Kehangatan masyarakat dan kekayaan budaya yang mereka alami membuka mata dan hati mereka.
En: The warmth of the people and the cultural richness they experienced opened their eyes and hearts.

Id: Petualangan ini mengajari mereka bahwa perjalanan terbaik adalah ketika mereka bisa menemukan makna dalam setiap perhentian, direncanakan atau tidak.
En: This adventure taught them that the best journeys are when they can find meaning in every stop, planned or not.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shone: bersinar
  • journey: perjalanan
  • pebbles: kerikil-kerikil
  • winding: berliku
  • lush: subur
  • veiled: bertirai
  • meticulously: dengan teliti
  • sprawling: membentang
  • gentle: sepoi-sepoi
  • unknowingly: tanpa sadar
  • intersection: pertigaan
  • bustling: meriah
  • decorations: dekorasi
  • greeted: menyambut
  • murmured: gumam
  • tempted: tergoda
  • aroma: aroma
  • curiosity: penasaran
  • enticing: mengundang
  • stumbling: terhuyung-huyung
  • enthusiasm: semangat
  • sidelines: pinggir
  • applause: tepuk tangan
  • capture: mengabadikan
  • gratitude: syukur
  • awe: kekaguman
  • unexpected: tak terduga
  • valuable: berharga
  • warmth: kehangatan
  • richness: kekayaan
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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