
Deadlines & Dreams: Amira's Balancing Act in a Cozy Café

Jul 21, 2024 · 18m 39s
Deadlines & Dreams: Amira's Balancing Act in a Cozy Café

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 48s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Deadlines & Dreams: Amira's Balancing Act in a Cozy Café Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah gemerlap...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Deadlines & Dreams: Amira's Balancing Act in a Cozy Café
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di tengah gemerlap lampu kecil dan aroma kopi yang harum, Café Freelancer di Yogyakarta menjadi tempat favorit banyak mahasiswa.
En: Amidst the twinkling small lights and the fragrant aroma of coffee, Café Freelancer in Yogyakarta has become a favorite spot for many students.

Id: Amira sering datang ke sini.
En: Amira often comes here.

Id: Dia duduk di meja dekat jendela, laptop terbuka, buku-buku tersebar di sekitarnya.
En: She sits at a table near the window, her laptop open, books scattered around her.

Id: Udara kering bulan Juli membuat suasana semakin nyaman.
En: The dry July air makes the atmosphere even cozier.

Id: Di depannya, selembar kertas dengan sketsa lukisan yang belum selesai.
En: In front of her, a sheet of paper with an unfinished painting sketch.

Id: Amira mahasiswa Gadjah Mada yang rajin dan ambisius.
En: Amira is a diligent and ambitious student at Gadjah Mada University.

Id: Dia punya impian besar untuk mendapatkan beasiswa pascasarjana.
En: She has big dreams of getting a postgraduate scholarship.

Id: Tetapi dia juga punya hobi tersembunyi: melukis.
En: But she also has a hidden hobby: painting.

Id: Sore itu, Amira memandang sketsa lukisan dengan perasaan gugup.
En: That afternoon, Amira looked nervously at the painting sketch.

Id: Dia punya dua tugas besar: menyelesaikan proyek akhir semester dan melukis.
En: She had two major tasks: finishing her end-of-semester project and painting.

Id: Tapi waktunya terbatas.
En: But time was limited.

Id: "Harus fokus pada proyek," gumam Amira.
En: "I must focus on the project," Amira murmured.

Id: Dia memutuskan untuk sementara mengabaikan lukisannya dan hanya fokus pada proyek.
En: She decided to temporarily ignore her painting and just focus on the project.

Id: Dia mengetik dengan semangat, berharap semua akan selesai tepat waktu.
En: She typed with enthusiasm, hoping everything would be finished on time.

Id: Namun, malam sebelum batas waktu, Amira menemukan kesalahan besar dalam proyeknya.
En: However, the night before the deadline, Amira found a major error in her project.

Id: Panik menyerang.
En: Panic struck.

Id: Dia mengetuk-ngetuk tuts laptop dengan cepat, berharap dapat memperbaiki masalah.
En: She tapped on the laptop keys quickly, hoping to fix the issue.

Id: Tetapi semakin dicoba, semakin besar kesalahannya.
En: But the more she tried, the bigger the mistake became.

Id: "Tidak!
En: "No!

Id: Apa yang harus kulakukan?
En: What should I do?"

Id: " Amira hampir putus asa.
En: Amira was almost in despair.

Id: Di saat genting itu, Budi, teman dekatnya, masuk ke café.
En: At that critical moment, Budi, her close friend, entered the café.

Id: Dia lihat Amira terlihat panik.
En: He saw Amira looking panicked.

Id: "Ada apa, Amira?
En: "What's wrong, Amira?"

Id: " tanya Budi sambil mendekat.
En: Budi asked, approaching her.

Id: "Ada kesalahan besar dalam proyekku.
En: "There's a huge mistake in my project.

Id: Aku tidak tahu cara memperbaikinya," jawab Amira dengan suara gemetar.
En: I don't know how to fix it," Amira replied with a trembling voice.

Id: Budi duduk di sebelahnya, melihat dokumen di layar laptop.
En: Budi sat next to her, looking at the document on the laptop screen.

Id: "Biar aku bantu," katanya.
En: "Let me help," he said.

Id: Dengan mata tajam dan pemikirannya yang cepat, Budi mulai memperbaiki kesalahan satu per satu.
En: With sharp eyes and quick thinking, Budi began correcting the mistakes one by one.

Id: Amira memperhatikan dengan seksama, rasa lega mulai menyelimuti.
En: Amira watched closely, a sense of relief beginning to envelop her.

Id: "Terima kasih, Budi.
En: "Thank you, Budi.

Id: Aku tidak tahu apa yang akan kulakukan tanpamu," katanya.
En: I don't know what I would do without you," she said.

Id: Beberapa jam kemudian, proyek itu sempurna.
En: A few hours later, the project was perfect.

Id: Amira mengirimkannya tepat pada waktunya.
En: Amira submitted it just in time.

Id: Perasaan lega menyelimuti dirinya.
En: Relief filled her.

Id: "Aku harus belajar untuk meminta bantuan lebih sering," pikir Amira.
En: "I need to learn to ask for help more often," Amira thought.

Id: Budi tersenyum.
En: Budi smiled.

Id: "Meminta bantuan bukan tanda kelemahan.
En: "Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.

Id: Itu tanda kekuatan," katanya.
En: It's a sign of strength," he said.

Id: Amira tersenyum menanggapi.
En: Amira smiled in response.

Id: Di tengah-sempit waktunya, dia belajar tentang prioritas dan pentingnya meminta bantuan.
En: In her tight schedule, she learned about priorities and the importance of asking for help.

Id: Hari itu, di café kecil yang nyaman itu, Amira merasa dirinya sedikit lebih bijaksana.
En: That day, in the cozy little café, Amira felt a bit wiser.

Id: Ketika keluar dari café, Amira melihat sketsa lukisannya lagi.
En: As she left the café, Amira looked at her painting sketch again.

Id: Dia tahu, suatu saat nanti, dia akan menyelesaikannya juga.
En: She knew that one day, she would finish it too.

Id: Namun sekarang, fokus utamanya adalah mencapai cita-citanya.
En: But for now, her main focus was achieving her dreams.

Id: Dengan rasa percaya diri yang baru, Amira melangkah kembali ke jalan hidupnya dengan semangat yang lebih kuat.
En: With a new sense of confidence, Amira stepped back onto her life path with renewed vigor.

Vocabulary Words:
  • twinkling: gemerlap
  • fragrant: harum
  • aroma: aroma
  • scattered: tersebar
  • dry: kering
  • cozy: nyaman
  • diligent: rajin
  • ambitious: ambisius
  • postgraduate: pascasarjana
  • nervously: gugup
  • murmured: gumam
  • temporarily: sementara
  • enthusiasm: semangat
  • deadline: batas waktu
  • error: kesalahan
  • panic: panik
  • struck: menyerang
  • despair: putus asa
  • trembling: gemetar
  • correcting: memperbaiki
  • relief: lega
  • envelop: menyelimuti
  • submitted: mengirimkan
  • sign: tanda
  • strength: kekuatan
  • schedule: waktu
  • priorities: prioritas
  • confidence: percaya diri
  • vigor: semangat
  • path: jalan
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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