
Crisis at Ciutadella: Friendship and Bravery Amidst the Festa

Aug 11, 2024 · 19m 21s
Crisis at Ciutadella: Friendship and Bravery Amidst the Festa

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 27s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Crisis at Ciutadella: Friendship and Bravery Amidst the Festa Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: El sol d'estiu brillava...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Crisis at Ciutadella: Friendship and Bravery Amidst the Festa
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Story Transcript:

Ca: El sol d'estiu brillava intensament sobre el Parc de la Ciutadella.
En: The summer sun was shining brightly over the Parc de la Ciutadella.

Ca: Els turistes i locals passejaven, gaudint del bon temps.
En: Tourists and locals strolled around, enjoying the good weather.

Ca: La meravellosa energia de Barcelona es notava per tot arreu.
En: The wonderful energy of Barcelona was palpable everywhere.

Ca: Els artistes de carrer estaven preparant-se per a la Festa de la Mercè.
En: Street artists were preparing for the Festa de la Mercè.

Ca: Elsa caminava per entre els arbres del parc, amb la seva càmera penjada del coll.
En: Elsa walked among the park's trees, with her camera hanging around her neck.

Ca: Buscava la foto perfecta per al concurs de fotografia.
En: She was searching for the perfect photo for the photography contest.

Ca: Elsa era una noia creativa, amb una passió per la fotografia.
En: Elsa was a creative girl with a passion for photography.

Ca: Malgrat la seva aparença despreocupada, estava atenta a la salut de la seva mare, que no estava bé.
En: Despite her carefree appearance, she was attentive to her mother's health, who wasn't well.

Ca: A prop de la font, Marc, el seu millor amic, revisava el seu kit de primers auxilis.
En: Near the fountain, Marc, her best friend, was checking his first aid kit.

Ca: Era estudiant de medicina i sempre estava preparat per qualsevol emergència.
En: He was a medical student and always prepared for any emergency.

Ca: Compartia la il·lusió d'Elsa pel concurs, però estava preocupat per Laia, la noia que ballava sobre la corda fluixa.
En: He shared Elsa's excitement about the contest but was concerned about Laia, the girl walking on the tightrope.

Ca: Laia era una artista de carrer que necessitava els diners de les seves actuacions per viure.
En: Laia was a street artist who needed the money from her performances to live.

Ca: Però últimament tenia dificultats per respirar, un símptoma que intentava amagar per por a perdre els seus ingressos.
En: But lately, she had been having trouble breathing, a symptom she tried to hide for fear of losing her income.

Ca: Marc ho havia notat i estava intranquil.
En: Marc had noticed and was uneasy.

Ca: "Mirar quina llum, Marc!" va dir Elsa emocionada.
En: "Look at this light, Marc!" Elsa said excitedly.

Ca: "És perfecta per a la foto de Laia."
En: "It's perfect for Laia's photo."

Ca: Marc va assentir, però no podia deixar de pensar en la salut de Laia.
En: Marc nodded but couldn't stop thinking about Laia's health.

Ca: "Sí, és un bon dia per fotografiar.
En: "Yes, it's a good day for photographing.

Ca: Però has vist com està ella?
En: But have you seen how she is?

Ca: No sembla gaire bé."
En: She doesn't seem very well."

Ca: Just en aquell moment, Laia va començar la seva actuació.
En: Just at that moment, Laia began her performance.

Ca: Els seus moviments eren graciosos, però lluitava per respirar mentre caminava per la corda.
En: Her movements were graceful, but she struggled to breathe while walking on the rope.

Ca: Elsa es va preparar amb la càmera, esperant capturar el moment perfecte.
En: Elsa got ready with her camera, waiting to capture the perfect moment.

Ca: De sobte, Laia va perdre l'equilibri i va caure.
En: Suddenly, Laia lost her balance and fell.

Ca: Va agafar-se el pit, lluitant per l'aire.
En: She clutched her chest, struggling for air.

Ca: Marc va correr fins a ella, obrint el seu kit de primers auxilis.
En: Marc ran to her, opening his first aid kit.

Ca: Elsa, amb la càmera a la mà, es va quedar congelada.
En: Elsa, with the camera in hand, froze.

Ca: "No puc... respirar..." va dir Laia amb veu feble.
En: "I can't... breathe..." Laia said weakly.

Ca: Marc va actuar ràpidament, proporcionant a Laia un inhalador.
En: Marc acted quickly, providing Laia with an inhaler.

Ca: Elsa tenia dues opcions: prendre la foto o ajudar els seus amics.
En: Elsa had two options: take the photo or help her friends.

Ca: Va decidir no fer la foto.
En: She decided not to take the photo.

Ca: Va deixar la seva càmera i va córrer fins a Marc.
En: She dropped her camera and ran to Marc.

Ca: "Marc, què necessites?" va preguntar Elsa.
En: "Marc, what do you need?" Elsa asked.

Ca: "Ajuda'm a mantenir-la calmada," va respondre ell mentre ajudava Laia a respirar.
En: "Help me keep her calm," he responded as he helped Laia breathe.

Ca: Poc a poc, Laia començava a sentir-se millor.
En: Slowly, Laia began to feel better.

Ca: Els transeünts els miraven preocupats.
En: Bystanders looked on, concerned.

Ca: Després de l'atac, Laia es va asseure a la gespa, recuperant-se.
En: After the attack, Laia sat on the grass, recovering.

Ca: Va mirar Elsa i Marc amb gratitud.
En: She looked at Elsa and Marc with gratitude.

Ca: "Gràcies per ajudar-me," va dir Laia.
En: "Thank you for helping me," Laia said.

Ca: "No vull deixar de treballar, però crec que he d'ocupar-me de la meva salut."
En: "I don't want to stop working, but I think I need to take care of my health."

Ca: Elsa la mirava amb amabilitat.
En: Elsa looked at her kindly.

Ca: "Ho entenem, Laia.
En: "We understand, Laia.

Ca: Ens has donat molt més que una foto.
En: You've given us much more than a photo.

Ca: Has de cuidar-te."
En: You need to take care of yourself."

Ca: En aquell moment, Elsa va saber que havia pres la decisió correcta.
En: At that moment, Elsa knew she had made the right decision.

Ca: Marc, també, se sentia segur del seu futur com a metge.
En: Marc, too, felt confident about his future as a doctor.

Ca: I Laia, gràcies als seus nous amics, va trobar la força per prioritzar la seva salut per sobre de tot el demés.
En: And Laia, thanks to her newfound friends, found the strength to prioritize her health above everything else.

Ca: Per a tots, aquell dia al Parc de la Ciutadella va ser molt més que un dia de feina o un passeig d'estiu.
En: For all of them, that day at the Parc de la Ciutadella was much more than just a workday or a summer stroll.

Ca: Va ser un recordatori de la importància de la salut i l'amistat.
En: It was a reminder of the importance of health and friendship.

Vocabulary Words:
  • the summer: l'estiu
  • the sun: el sol
  • to stroll: passejar
  • the wonderful energy: la meravellosa energia
  • palpable: notava
  • to prepare: preparar
  • the girl: la noia
  • creative: creativa
  • the health: la salut
  • the medical student: l'estudiant de medicina
  • the medical kit: el kit de primers auxilis
  • the contest: el concurs
  • the tightrope: la corda fluixa
  • to perform: actuar
  • to breathe: respirar
  • to notice: notar
  • to shine: brillar
  • the photo: la foto
  • to capture: capturar
  • to lose balance: perdre l'equilibri
  • to clutch: agafar-se
  • to struggle: lluitar
  • the bystanders: els transeünts
  • the inhaler: l'inhalador
  • the attack: l'atac
  • to recover: recuperar-se
  • the gratitude: la gratitud
  • to take care of oneself: ocupar-se de si mateix
  • kindly: amb amabilitat
  • the reminder: el recordatori
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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