
Chase through Ljubljana: An Unexpected Adventure

Dec 19, 2023 · 13m 14s
Chase through Ljubljana: An Unexpected Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 40s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chase through Ljubljana: An Unexpected Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega toplega spomladanskega dne je Marko skupaj...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chase through Ljubljana: An Unexpected Adventure
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekega toplega spomladanskega dne je Marko skupaj z Anjo in Luko sedel na klopci v parku Tivoli v Ljubljani.
En: On a warm spring day, Marko sat on a bench in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana with Anja and Luka.

Sl: Anja je nosila svoj najljubši klobuk, ki je bil čudovite rdeče barve in imel modri trak okrog robu.
En: Anja wore her favorite hat, a beautiful red one with a blue ribbon around the brim.

Sl: Pogovarjali so se in se smejali, ko se je Marko nagnil k Anji, da bi ji nekaj šepnil. A ko je dvignil roko, je nenamerno zamenjal smer in zadel Anjin klobuk.
En: They chatted and laughed, and as Marko leaned towards Anja to whisper something, he accidentally knocked her hat off when he raised his hand.

Sl: Kot bi mignil, je nežen vetrič prešel v močnejši sunek in odnesel Anjin klobuk visoko nad drevesa.
En: Suddenly, a gentle breeze turned into a strong gust, carrying Anja's hat high above the trees.

Sl: Anja je zaklicala, Luka pa je že tekel za klobukom.
En: Anja cried out, and Luka immediately dashed off in pursuit.

Sl: Njegova pot ga je vodila skozi živahne ljubljanske ulice, mimo številnih trgovin in kavarn.
En: His path led him through the bustling streets of Ljubljana, past numerous shops and cafés.

Sl: Ljudje so se obračali za Luko in umikali, ko je hitel mimo njih, z očmi uprtimi v klobuk, ki je plesal v zraku.
En: People turned to look at Luka as he hurried past, his eyes fixed on the hat dancing in the air.

Sl: Prečkal je Tromostovje, znane ljubljanske trojne mostove, in se izogibal kolesarjem, ki so se vozili po cesti.
En: He crossed the Tromostovje, the famous triple bridges of Ljubljana, and dodged cyclists on the road.

Sl: Medtem ko je lovil klobuk, je Luka videl barvne fasade hiš na Ljubljanici in zeleni zmaj s slovitega Zmajskega mostu.
En: While chasing the hat, Luka glimpsed the colorful facades of houses along the Ljubljanica River and the iconic Dragon Bridge with its green dragon statues.

Sl: Klobuk je krožil nad tržnico, kjer so prodajalci prodajali sveže sadje in zelenjavo.
En: The hat circled above the market where vendors sold fresh fruits and vegetables.

Sl: Nenadoma je klobuk padel proti tleh ravno pri Vodnikovem spomeniku.
En: Suddenly, it descended towards the ground near the Vodnik Monument.

Sl: Luka je zbral vso svojo hitrost in se z vso močjo pognal naprej. Prav v zadnjem trenutku je z roko segel naprej in ujel klobuk tik preden bi ta pristal v fontani.
En: Luka gathered all his speed and leaped forward, reaching out just in time to catch the hat before it landed in the fountain.

Sl: Vzadihal je od olajšanja in se zasmejal. Ljudje okoli njega so ploskali, nekateri so mu namenili prijazen nasmešek.
En: He let out a sigh of relief and laughed, as the people around him applauded and some gave him friendly smiles.

Sl: Anja in Marko sta pritekla do Luke, ki je dvignil klobuk v zrak kot zmagovalni pokal.
En: Anja and Marko ran to Luka, who triumphantly held the hat in the air like a victorious trophy.

Sl: Anja je skočila v objem obema prijateljema in si z veseljem spet poveznila klobuk na glavo.
En: Anja hugged both her friends before happily putting her hat back on.

Sl: Odšli so nazaj v park Tivoli, kjer so ob reki Ljubljanici nadaljevali s svojim prijetnim popoldnevom in se še dolgo smejali dogodivščinam dneva.
En: They returned to Tivoli Park by the Ljubljanica River, continuing their pleasant afternoon and laughing about the day's adventures.

Sl: Klobuk je bil rešen, prijateljstvo pa še bolj utrjeno.
En: The hat was saved, and their friendship was even stronger.

Sl: V Ljubljani, mestu, ki je bilo pravkar priča malemu, a srčnemu podvigu, je dan počasi prehajal v večer.
En: In Ljubljana, the city that had just witnessed a small but brave feat, the day slowly turned into evening.

Vocabulary Words:
  • spring: spomladanski
  • bench: klop
  • park: park
  • favorite: najljubši
  • red: rdeče
  • ribbon: trak
  • brim: rob
  • chatted: pogovarjali
  • laughed: smejali
  • whisper: šepnil
  • knocked: zadel
  • gust: sunek
  • high: visoko
  • cried out: zaklicala
  • dashed off: tekel za
  • bustling: živahne
  • numerous: številnih
  • cafés: kavarn
  • glimpsed: videl
  • facades: fasade
  • vendors: prodajalci
  • fruits: sadje
  • vegetables: zelenjavo
  • descended: padel
  • fountain: fontani
  • applauded: ploskali
  • triumphantly: zmagovalno
  • trophy: pokal
  • hugged: objem
  • returned: odšli
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