
Cabbage Caper: A Mix-Up & A Masterchef

Dec 8, 2023 · 16m 6s
Cabbage Caper: A Mix-Up & A Masterchef

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 36s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Cabbage Caper: A Mix-Up & A Masterchef Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Na malom vidieckom trhu, kde každý...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Cabbage Caper: A Mix-Up & A Masterchef
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Na malom vidieckom trhu, kde každý poznal každého, sa začal deň ako každý iný. Slnko svietilo a ľudia sa prechádzali medzi stánkami, obdivujúc čerstvé ovocie, voňavé pečivo a šťavnatú zeleninu.
En: At a small rural market where everyone knew each other, the day began like any other. The sun was shining, and people strolled among the stalls, admiring the fresh fruit, fragrant pastries, and juicy vegetables.

Sk: Náš hrdina, Juraj, si bol práve vybrať najlepšiu kapustu na trhu. Bol presvedčený, že jeho minuloročný recept na kapustnicu bol najlepší v celom meste a tento rok sa chcel presláviť ešte viac. Obchádzal trh so zoznamom surovín v ruke, keď si všimol, akú krásnu kapustu má Eva vo svojom stánku.
En: Our hero, Juraj, was just picking out the best cabbage in the market. He was convinced that his recipe for cabbage soup from last year was the best in the whole town, and this year he wanted to become even more famous. He walked around the market with a list of ingredients in hand when he noticed how beautiful cabbage Eva had at her stall.

Sk: Eva, známa pre svoje záhradnícke zručnosti, pečlivo pestovala všetko, čo predávala, a jej kapusta bola najkrajšia na celom trhu.
En: Eva, known for her gardening skills, carefully nurtured everything she sold, and her cabbage was the most beautiful in the whole market.

Sk: Juraj, bez váhania, pristúpil ku stánku. Okrem nákupu si vymenil s Evou aj zopár slov o počasí a posledných novinkách z trhu. V správnom momente zbalil svoju kapustu do tašky a s úsmevom sa vybral domov.
En: Juraj, without hesitation, approached the stall. In addition to his purchase, he exchanged a few words with Eva about the weather and the latest market news. At the right moment, he packed his cabbage into his bag and left with a smile.

Sk: Eva, medzitým, pokračovala v predaji, nedbajúc na to, že jej majstrovský kus kapusty práve opustil trh bez toho, aby ju ktokoľvek zaplatil.
En: Meanwhile, Eva continued to sell, disregarding the fact that her masterful piece of cabbage had just left the market without anyone paying for it.

Sk: Lukáš, ktorý stál neďaleko a všetko pozoroval, si všimol, ako Juraj omylom vzal Evine kapusty. Vedel, že to musel byť omyl; Juraj bol známy svojou čestnosťou a nikdy by niečo nevzal zámerne. Lukáš sa rozhodol počkať, kým Juraj odíde, a potom Eva upovedomil o pomýlení.
En: Lukáš, who was standing nearby and observing everything, noticed how Juraj had accidentally taken Eva's cabbage. He knew it had to be a mistake; Juraj was known for his honesty and would never take something intentionally. Lukáš decided to wait until Juraj left and then informed Eva of the mistake.

Sk: Eva bola prekvapená, ale nie nahnevaná. Vedela, že Luděk to nezabalil zámerne a chápala, že takéto veci sa na trhu stávajú. "Poďme za Jurajom a poviem mu, čo sa stalo," navrhla, pričom sa obrátila k Lukášovi so smiechom.
En: Eva was surprised, but not angry. She knew that Juraj hadn't packed it on purpose and understood that such things happen at the market. "Let's go find Juraj and tell him what happened," she suggested, turning to Lukáš with a laugh.

Sk: Oboje sa vydali hľadať Juraja, aby mu vrátili jeho kapustu a zobrali späť tu, ktorú omylom vzal.
En: They both set out to find Juraj to return his cabbage and take back the one he had mistakenly taken.

Sk: Juraj, doma, práve vybalil svoje nákupy a pripravoval sa na to, aby v kuchyni čaroval so svojím známym receptom, keď počul klopanie na dvere. Bol to Eva a Lukáš s úsmevmi na tvárach. Rýchlo pochopil, čo sa stalo, a začervenal sa úprimnými ospravedlneniami.
En: Juraj, at home, had just unpacked his purchases and was getting ready to work his magic in the kitchen with his famous recipe when he heard a knock on the door. It was Eva and Lukáš with smiles on their faces. He quickly understood what had happened and blushed with sincere apologies.

Sk: Eva mu pokojne odpustila a všetci sa zasmiali nad nečakaným dobrodružstvom.
En: Eva forgave him calmly, and they all laughed at the unexpected adventure.

Sk: Vymenili medzi sebou kapusty a pred odchodom Eva Jurajovi povedala: "A teraz tú svoju kapustu využi a sprav nám tu najlepšiu kapustnicu, o ktorej si hovoril!"
En: They exchanged cabbages with each other and before leaving, Eva told Juraj, "Now use that cabbage of yours and make us the best cabbage soup you've been talking about!"

Sk: Juraj prisľúbil, že tento rok bude jeho kapustnica naozajstným vrcholom, a pozval ich obidvoch na ochutnávku, keď bude hotová.
En: Juraj promised that this year his cabbage soup would be truly exceptional and invited both of them to taste it when it was ready.

Sk: A tak sa deň, ktorý začal malým zmätkom, skončil smiechom a novou priateľstvom. Jurajove kapustnice boli lepšie než kedykoľvek predtým, a od tohto dňa si na trhu už nikdy nezobrali cudziu kapustu.
En: And so the day, which began with a little confusion, ended with laughter and a new friendship. Juraj's cabbage soups were better than ever, and from that day on, they never took someone else's cabbage at the market.

Vocabulary Words:
  • At: rural
  • market: kapustnica
  • everyone: vidieckom
  • knew: Eva
  • day: Lukáš
  • began: krásnu
  • like: suštiacky
  • sun: zeleninu
  • shining: zahradnícke
  • people: trhu
  • strolled: ovocie
  • among: obdivujúc
  • stalls: triešte
  • admiring: pečivo
  • fresh: predávala
  • fruit: krásna
  • fragrant: kus
  • pastries: pomýlení
  • juicy: čaroval
  • vegetables: známym
  • Hero: kuchyni
  • Juraj: ju
  • picking: Rozvoľnili
  • out: smerom
  • best: úprimnými
  • cabbage: připravoval
  • recipe: klopanie
  • soup: ospravedlneniami
  • last: nečakaným
  • year: smechom
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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