Breaking the Ice: Freelance Connections in Cape Town's Winter

Jul 21, 2024 · 16m 28s
Breaking the Ice: Freelance Connections in Cape Town's Winter

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 45s


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Breaking the Ice: Freelance Connections in Cape Town's Winter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: In die gesellige stad...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Breaking the Ice: Freelance Connections in Cape Town's Winter
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Story Transcript:

Af: In die gesellige stad Kaapstad, was die winter in volle swang.
En: In the sociable city of Cape Town, winter was in full swing.

Af: Die koue wind buite was fel, maar binne in die moderne mede-werkspasie was dit warm en vriendelik.
En: The cold wind outside was fierce, but inside the modern co-working space, it was warm and friendly.

Af: 'n Vuur het knetterend in die kaggel gebrand, en die geur van vars koffie het die lug gevul.
En: A fire crackled in the fireplace, and the aroma of fresh coffee filled the air.

Af: Sagte jazz-musiek het rustig in die agtergrond gespeel.
En: Soft jazz music played calmly in the background.

Af: Johan, 'n vryskut-grafiese ontwerper in sy middel-dertigs, het ongemaklik by die deur gestaan.
En: Johan, a freelance graphic designer in his mid-thirties, stood awkwardly by the door.

Af: Hy het 'n vrystaande lewe gelei, maar die isolasie het hom begin raak.
En: He led a solitary life, but the isolation was starting to affect him.

Af: Hy het gehoop dat hierdie netwerkgeleentheid vir vryskutters nuwe moontlikhede sou bring.
En: He hoped that this networking event for freelancers would bring new opportunities.

Af: Vandag, op Mandela-dag, het hy besluit om sy sosiale angs te oorwin.
En: Today, on Mandela Day, he decided to overcome his social anxiety.

Af: Johan het na die mense om hom gekyk.
En: Johan looked at the people around him.

Af: Allemaal het vrolik gesels.
En: Everyone was cheerfully chatting.

Af: Hy wou aansluit en belangrike konneksies maak, maar die vrees vir verwerping het sy moed geknou.
En: He wanted to join in and make important connections, but the fear of rejection shook his courage.

Af: Toe sien hy Claire.
En: Then he saw Claire.

Af: Sy was 'n suksesvolle vryskutskrywer en haar naam was in die bedryf bekend.
En: She was a successful freelance writer, well-known in the industry.

Af: Sy het met 'n paar ander gepraat en gelag.
En: She was talking and laughing with a few others.

Af: "Dit is nou of nooit," het Johan vir homself gesê.
En: "It's now or never," Johan told himself.

Af: Hy het diep asemgehaal en sy pad na Claire gevolg.
En: He took a deep breath and made his way toward Claire.

Af: "Hallo," het hy gesê, terwyl hy sy hand uitsteek.
En: "Hello," he said, extending his hand.

Af: "Ek is Johan.
En: "I'm Johan."

Af: ""Hallo Johan," het Claire vriendelik geglimlag en sy hand geskud.
En: "Hello Johan," Claire smiled warmly and shook his hand.

Af: "Ek is Claire.
En: "I'm Claire.

Af: Waarmee hou jy jou besig?
En: What do you do?"

Af: ""Ek is 'n grafiese ontwerper.
En: "I'm a graphic designer.

Af: Ek werk tans aan 'n paar projekte, maar ek soek na nuwe samewerkings," het Johan geantwoord.
En: I'm currently working on a few projects, but I'm looking for new collaborations," Johan responded.

Af: Claire se glimlag het sy vrees verminder.
En: Claire's smile eased his fear.

Af: "Dit is wonderlik!
En: "That's wonderful!

Af: Ek werk aan 'n nuwe projek wat jou ontwerpvaardighede kan gebruik," het Claire gesê.
En: I'm working on a new project that could use your design skills," Claire said.

Af: Johan se hart het vinniger begin klop.
En: Johan's heart began to race.

Af: Kon dit wees dat sy groot kans voor hom staan?
En: Could this be the big chance he was waiting for?

Af: Hulle het begin gesels oor die projek, wat gesondheidsbewustheid in moeilike gemeenskappe bevorder het.
En: They started talking about the project, which promoted health awareness in underprivileged communities.

Af: Dit was 'n onderwerp wat vir beide na aan die hart gelê het.
En: It was a topic close to both their hearts.

Af: Die gesprek het vlot verloop en Johan het eerste keer in 'n lang tyd ontspanne gevoel.
En: The conversation flowed smoothly, and for the first time in a long while, Johan felt relaxed.

Af: "Hoe lyk dit as ons mekaar volgende week ontmoet om besonderhede te bespreek?
En: "How about we meet next week to discuss the details?"

Af: " het Claire voorgestel.
En: Claire suggested.

Af: "Ek sal dit baie geniet," het Johan geantwoord, en kon die glimlag op sy gesig nie keer nie.
En: "I would really enjoy that," Johan replied, unable to hide the smile on his face.

Af: Toe Johan die geleentheid verlaat, het hy meer hoopvol gevoel.
En: As Johan left the event, he felt more hopeful.

Af: Hy het besef dat dit soms nodig is om uit jou gemaksone te stap.
En: He realized that sometimes it's necessary to step out of your comfort zone.

Af: Die isolasie van sy vryskut-lewe het nie meer so oorweldigend gevoel nie, en hy het nou 'n opwindende nuwe projek om na uit te sien.
En: The isolation of his freelance life no longer felt so overwhelming, and he now had an exciting new project to look forward to.

Af: In daardie koue winteraand het Johan 'n waardevolle les geleer: om verbinding te maak, verg moed.
En: On that cold winter's night, Johan learned a valuable lesson: connecting with others takes courage.

Af: Maar die belonings is die moeite werd.
En: But the rewards are worth it.

Af: En met die verwagting van 'n nuwe samewerking, het hy die warmte van die oggendson in sy hart gevoel.
En: And with the anticipation of a new collaboration, he felt the warmth of the morning sun in his heart.

Vocabulary Words:
  • fierce: fel
  • sociable: gesellige
  • crackled: 'n Vuur het knetterend
  • aroma: geur
  • solitary: vrystaande
  • isolation: isolasie
  • networking: netwerkgeleentheid
  • freelancers: vryskutters
  • opportunities: moontlikhede
  • anxiety: angs
  • rejection: verwerping
  • successful: suksesvolle
  • collaborations: samewerkings
  • awareness: bewustheid
  • underprivileged: moeilike
  • promoted: bevorder
  • relaxed: ontspanne
  • freelancer: vryskut
  • courage: moed
  • opportunity: kans
  • mid-thirties: middel-dertigs
  • fireplace: kaggel
  • heart: hart
  • fear: vrees
  • shook: geknou
  • freelance: vryskut
  • 'collaboration': samewerking
  • connections: konneksies
  • background: agtergrond
  • new: nuwe
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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