
Barcelona's Market Magic: A Culinary Journey of Friendship

Jun 4, 2024 · 15m 40s
Barcelona's Market Magic: A Culinary Journey of Friendship

01 · Main Story

1m 46s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 15s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Barcelona's Market Magic: A Culinary Journey of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: Saps aquell dia que el...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Barcelona's Market Magic: A Culinary Journey of Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Ca: Saps aquell dia que el sol brilla tant que sembla que balla sobre els edificis?
En: Do you know that day when the sun shines so brightly that it seems to dance over the buildings?

Ca: Bé, era un dia així.
En: Well, it was one of those days.

Ca: Núria i Jordi caminaven cap al Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria.
En: Núria and Jordi were walking to the Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria.

Ca: "Jordi, tenim tot a la llista?
En: "Jordi, do we have everything on the list?"

Ca: " va preguntar la Núria.
En: Núria asked.

Ca: "Si, Núria.
En: "Yes, Núria.

Ca: Ho tenim tot!
En: We have everything!"

Ca: " va respondre en Jordi, somrient.
En: Jordi replied, smiling.

Ca: El mercat estava ple de gent.
En: The market was bustling with people.

Ca: Olors fresques de fruita i verdures omplien l'aire.
En: Fresh scents of fruit and vegetables filled the air.

Ca: Els colors eren vius: vermells de tomates, grocs de pebrots, verds d'enciam.
En: The colors were vibrant: reds of tomatoes, yellows of peppers, greens of lettuce.

Ca: "Comencem amb les verdures," va dir la Núria.
En: "Let's start with the vegetables," Núria said.

Ca: Van anar a una parada on un pagès venia hortalisses.
En: They went to a stand where a farmer was selling produce.

Ca: La Núria va triar unes cebes dolces i uns pebrots.
En: Núria picked out some sweet onions and peppers.

Ca: "Per favor, dos quilos de cebes i un quilo de pebrots," va dir la Núria.
En: "Two kilos of onions and one kilo of peppers, please," Núria said.

Ca: En Jordi va somriure, veient com la Núria parlava amb el venedor.
En: Jordi smiled, watching Núria talk to the vendor.

Ca: Després, van anar a la parada dels peixos.
En: Then, they went to the fish stand.

Ca: "Necessitem bacallà," va dir Jordi.
En: "We need cod," Jordi said.

Ca: La peixatera els va donar un tros de bacallà fresc.
En: The fishmonger gave them a fresh piece of cod.

Ca: "Perfecte per fer esqueixada," va dir la peixatera.
En: "Perfect for making esqueixada," the fishmonger said.

Ca: "Gràcies!
En: "Thank you!"

Ca: " va dir Jordi.
En: Jordi said.

Ca: Van somriure tots dos.
En: They both smiled.

Ca: Van continuar comprant.
En: They continued shopping.

Ca: A cada parada, trobaven tots els ingredients per preparar un àpat tradicional català.
En: At each stand, they found all the ingredients to prepare a traditional Catalan meal.

Ca: L'última parada era la de fruita.
En: The last stop was the fruit stand.

Ca: Allà, van comprar taronges i figues.
En: There, they bought oranges and figs.

Ca: El cistell era ple i els dos amics estaven contents.
En: The basket was full and the two friends were happy.

Ca: "Estic emocionat per cuinar aquesta nit," va dir la Núria.
En: "I'm excited to cook tonight," Núria said.

Ca: "M'agrada cuinar amb tu," va dir Jordi amb un guiny a l'ull.
En: "I love cooking with you," Jordi said with a wink.

Ca: Finalment, van tornar a casa.
En: Finally, they returned home.

Ca: La cuina estava plena de les aromes del mercat.
En: The kitchen was filled with the aromas of the market.

Ca: Els dos van començar a preparar l’àpat amb grans somriures.
En: The two began preparing the meal with big smiles.

Ca: La Núria va tallar les verdures mentre en Jordi preparava el bacallà.
En: Núria chopped the vegetables while Jordi prepared the cod.

Ca: Quan el sol es va colgar, l’àpat estava llest.
En: When the sun set, the meal was ready.

Ca: Van seure a taula, orgullosos del que havien preparat.
En: They sat at the table, proud of what they had prepared.

Ca: L’ambient era càlid, com una abraçada.
En: The atmosphere was warm, like a hug.

Ca: Núria va aixecar el seu got de vi.
En: Núria raised her glass of wine.

Ca: "Salud!
En: "Cheers!"

Ca: " va dir.
En: she said.

Ca: "A la nostra amistat i a la bona cuina!
En: "To our friendship and good cooking!"

Ca: ""Salud!
En: "Cheers!"

Ca: " va repetir en Jordi.
En: Jordi repeated.

Ca: I van brindar, sabent que aquell àpat era més que menjar.
En: And they toasted, knowing that this meal was more than food.

Ca: Era una celebració de la seva amistat, del mercat màgic, i de la cuina catalana.
En: It was a celebration of their friendship, the magical market, and Catalan cuisine.

Ca: I així, amb el cor ple i l’estómac content, la Nit va continuar amb rialles i històries compartides.
En: And so, with hearts full and stomachs content, the night continued with laughter and shared stories.

Ca: La tradició continuava amb passió i amor.
En: The tradition continued with passion and love.

Vocabulary Words:
  • brightly: tant
  • buildings: edificis
  • bustling: ple
  • vibrant: vius
  • scents: olors
  • stand: parada
  • produce: hortalisses
  • vendor: venedor
  • cod: bacallà
  • fishmonger: peixatera
  • shopping: comprant
  • ingredients: ingredients
  • traditional: tradicional
  • meal: àpat
  • figs: figues
  • basket: cistell
  • excited: emocionat
  • wink: guiny
  • aromas: aromes
  • chopped: tallar
  • prepared: preparar
  • atmosphere: ambient
  • hug: abraçada
  • raised: aixecar
  • cheers: salud
  • celebration: celebració
  • cuisine: cuina
  • hearts: cor
  • content: content
  • laughter: rialles
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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