
Artists Unite: An Enchanting Evening at Park Güell

Jun 10, 2024 · 15m 54s
Artists Unite: An Enchanting Evening at Park Güell

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 23s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Artists Unite: An Enchanting Evening at Park Güell Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: El sol brillava alt al...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Artists Unite: An Enchanting Evening at Park Güell
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Story Transcript:

Ca: El sol brillava alt al cel blau.
En: The sun shone high in the blue sky.

Ca: La Laia, en Pau i la Montserrat estaven asseguts a una taula al Parc Güell.
En: Laia, Pau, and Montserrat were sitting at a table in Park Güell.

Ca: Les fulles dels arbres es movien amb la brisa suau.
En: The leaves of the trees swayed with the gentle breeze.

Ca: El temps era perfecte per preparar una exposició d'art.
En: The weather was perfect for setting up an art exhibition.

Ca: La Laia era una artista.
En: Laia was an artist.

Ca: Pintava quadres molt bonics.
En: She painted very beautiful paintings.

Ca: En Pau era fotògraf.
En: Pau was a photographer.

Ca: Li agradava fer fotos dels paisatges i de les persones.
En: He liked taking photos of landscapes and people.

Ca: La Montserrat era escultora.
En: Montserrat was a sculptor.

Ca: Feia escultures de fang i pedra.
En: She made sculptures from clay and stone.

Ca: "Hem de decidir on col·locarem cadascuna de les nostres obres," va dir la Laia, mirant els seus amics.
En: "We need to decide where to place each of our works," said Laia, looking at her friends.

Ca: El Parc Güell era gran i tenia molts espais bonics.
En: Park Güell was large and had many beautiful spaces.

Ca: Volien aprofitar-ho tot.
En: They wanted to make the most of it.

Ca: "D'acord," va dir en Pau.
En: "Okay," said Pau.

Ca: "Jo puc posar les meves fotos prop de les escales.
En: "I can put my photos near the stairs.

Ca: Hi ha molta llum allà.
En: There’s a lot of light there.

Ca: Les fotos quedaran bé.
En: The photos will look good."

Ca: ""La meva idea és posar les escultures prop de la plaça de la Natura," va dir la Montserrat.
En: "My idea is to place the sculptures near the Nature Square," said Montserrat.

Ca: "És un lloc gran i la gent les veurà fàcilment.
En: "It's a large place, and people will see them easily."

Ca: ""Perfecte," va dir la Laia amb entusiasme.
En: "Perfect," said Laia with enthusiasm.

Ca: "Jo poso els meus quadres a prop del Banc de Trencadís.
En: "I’ll put my paintings near the Trencadís Bench.

Ca: Allà hi ha molts colors.
En: There are many colors there.

Ca: Els meus quadres i el banc faran un bon conjunt.
En: My paintings and the bench will make a good combination."

Ca: "Van passar tota la tarda planificant la seva exposició.
En: They spent the entire afternoon planning their exhibition.

Ca: Quan va arribar el vespre, la llum del sol es va tornar daurada i va il·luminar el parc amb un to molt acollidor.
En: When evening came, the sunlight turned golden and illuminated the park with a very welcoming tone.

Ca: Sabien que l'endemà arribaria molta gent per veure l'art.
En: They knew the next day many people would come to see the art.

Ca: Finalment, la gran nit va arribar.
En: Finally, the big night arrived.

Ca: La Laia, en Pau i la Montserrat estaven nerviosos però també molt contents.
En: Laia, Pau, and Montserrat were nervous but also very happy.

Ca: La gent va començar a arribar.
En: People started to arrive.

Ca: Primer eren uns pocs, però després el parc es va omplir de visitants.
En: At first, there were just a few, but soon the park filled with visitors.

Ca: Els quadres de la Laia brillaven amb els colors del Banc de Trencadís.
En: Laia's paintings shone with the colors of the Trencadís Bench.

Ca: Les fotos d'en Pau capturaven l'essència del lloc i les escultures de la Montserrat donaven més vida a la plaça de la Natura.
En: Pau's photos captured the essence of the place, and Montserrat's sculptures brought more life to the Nature Square.

Ca: La gent passejava admirant l'art, comentant i prenent fotos.
En: People strolled around, admiring the art, commenting, and taking photos.

Ca: "Hem fet una molt bona feina," va dir la Montserrat amb un somriure.
En: "We did a very good job," said Montserrat with a smile.

Ca: "És una nit perfecta.
En: "It's a perfect night."

Ca: ""Sí, estic molt contenta," va afegir la Laia.
En: "Yes, I’m very happy," added Laia.

Ca: "Crec que tothom està gaudint molt.
En: "I think everyone is enjoying a lot."

Ca: "En Pau va fer una última foto amb els seus amics al final de la nit, capturant el seu primer èxit junts.
En: Pau took one last photo with his friends at the end of the night, capturing their first success together.

Ca: "Això és només el començament," va dir amb confiança.
En: "This is just the beginning," he said confidently.

Ca: I així, sota el cel estrellat de Barcelona, la Laia, en Pau i la Montserrat van tancar la seva primera exposició d'art al Parc Güell, amb la promesa de moltes més aventures artístiques en el futur.
En: And so, under the starry sky of Barcelona, Laia, Pau, and Montserrat closed their first art exhibition at Park Güell, with the promise of many more artistic adventures in the future.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shone: brillava
  • swayed: es movien
  • gentle: suau
  • set up: preparar
  • sculptures: escultures
  • clay: fang
  • stone: pedra
  • decide: decidir
  • place: col·locar
  • staircase: escales
  • large: gran
  • colors: colors
  • combination: conjunt
  • enthusiasm: entusiasme
  • evening: vespre
  • illuminated: il·luminar
  • welcoming: acollidor
  • visitors: visitants
  • captured: capturaven
  • essence: essència
  • strolled: passejava
  • admiring: admirant
  • commenting: comentant
  • smile: somriure
  • success: èxit
  • confidently: confiança
  • beginning: començament
  • starry: estrellat
  • adventures: aventures
  • future: futur
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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