
An Unexpected Café Code: Luka and Iva's Summer Mystery

Aug 13, 2024 · 16m 19s
An Unexpected Café Code: Luka and Iva's Summer Mystery

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 43s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: An Unexpected Café Code: Luka and Iva's Summer Mystery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Luka je sjedio na...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: An Unexpected Café Code: Luka and Iva's Summer Mystery
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Luka je sjedio na svom omiljenom mjestu u kafiću.
En: Luka was sitting at his favorite spot in the café.

Hr: Bio je ljetni dan, sunce je sjalo, a miris svježe kave ispunjavao je zrak.
En: It was a summer day; the sun was shining, and the smell of fresh coffee filled the air.

Hr: Iva, vesela baristica, pripremala je kavu iza šanka.
En: Iva, the cheerful barista, was making coffee behind the counter.

Hr: "Jedna crna kava, molim," rekao je Luka uz osmijeh.
En: "One black coffee, please," Luka said with a smile.

Hr: Obožavao je tu kavu, iako je više volio miris nego okus.
En: He loved that coffee, even though he preferred the smell to the taste.

Hr: Dok je čekao, prstima je dodirnuo dno stolice ispod stola.
En: While he waited, he touched the bottom of the chair under the table with his fingers.

Hr: Osjetio je nešto čudno.
En: He felt something strange.

Hr: Bila je to mala, zgužvana papirnata bilješka.
En: It was a small, crumpled piece of paper.

Hr: Pogledao je oko sebe, ali nitko nije obraćao pažnju.
En: He looked around, but no one seemed to notice.

Hr: "Luka, kava je spremna," rekla je Iva, stavljajući šalicu na stol.
En: "Luka, the coffee is ready," Iva said, placing the cup on the table.

Hr: "Hvala, Iva," odgovorio je.
En: "Thanks, Iva," he replied.

Hr: "Pogledaj ovo, našao sam ispod stolice.
En: "Look at this, I found it under the chair."

Hr: "Iva je bacila pogled na bilješku.
En: Iva glanced at the note.

Hr: "To je neki kod," rekla je.
En: "It's some kind of code," she said.

Hr: "Jesi li je ti napisao?
En: "Did you write it?"

Hr: ""Ne," rekao je Luka.
En: "No," Luka said.

Hr: "Ali ću probati dešifrirati.
En: "But I'll try to decipher it."

Hr: "Otišao je kući sa bilješkom.
En: He went home with the note.

Hr: Satima je pokušavao dešifrirati, ali nije uspijevao.
En: For hours, he tried to decode it but failed.

Hr: Sljedeći dan opet je došao u kafić.
En: The next day, he returned to the café.

Hr: Radoznao je pitao Ivu je li primijetila nešto neobično.
En: Curious, he asked Iva if she had noticed anything unusual.

Hr: "Ne baš," rekla je, "osim onog čudnog tipa, Marka.
En: "Not really," she said, "except for that weird guy, Marko.

Hr: On stalno mijenja izgled.
En: He always changes his appearance."

Hr: "Marko je sjedio u kutu, promatrajući Luku.
En: Marko was sitting in a corner, watching Luka.

Hr: Izgledao je sumnjivo, kao da nešto skriva.
En: He looked suspicious, as if hiding something.

Hr: "Ovaj kod je kompliciran," rekao je Luka.
En: "This code is complicated," Luka said.

Hr: "Trebat će mi pomoć.
En: "I'll need help."

Hr: ""Ja ću ti pomoći," rekla je Iva.
En: "I'll help you," Iva said.

Hr: "Inače, posjetitelji kafića su mi jako važni.
En: "Besides, the café's patrons are very important to me."

Hr: "Radeći zajedno, Luka i Iva su napokon otkrili smisao bilješke.
En: Working together, Luka and Iva finally uncovered the meaning of the note.

Hr: Pisalo je: "Skriveni ključ u polici za knjige.
En: It read: "Hidden key on the bookshelf."

Hr: "Pronašli su ključ prikriven među knjigama.
En: They found the key concealed among the books.

Hr: U trenutku kada su pomislili da su riješili misterij, Marko ih je suočio.
En: Just as they thought they had solved the mystery, Marko confronted them.

Hr: "Dajte mi ključ," rekao je oštro.
En: "Give me the key," he said sharply.

Hr: Luka, sjetivši se da je ključ važan, smislio je plan.
En: Remembering the key's importance, Luka devised a plan.

Hr: "Drži ga," rekao je Ivi, "skloni se iza šanka.
En: "Hold onto it," he told Iva, "hide behind the counter."

Hr: "Dok je Marko promatrao Luku, Iva je diskretno pozvala policiju.
En: While Marko watched Luka, Iva discreetly called the police.

Hr: Luka je zadržavao Markovu pažnju dok su čekali njihovo dolazak.
En: Luka kept Marko's attention while they waited for their arrival.

Hr: Ubrzo, policija je ušla u kafić i Marka privela.
En: Soon, the police entered the café and arrested Marko.

Hr: "Bila si sjajna, Iva," rekao je Luka sretno.
En: "You were amazing, Iva," Luka said happily.

Hr: "Spasili smo kafić i otkrili istinu.
En: "We saved the café and uncovered the truth."

Hr: ""Kao tim," odgovorila je Iva s osmijehom.
En: "As a team," Iva replied with a smile.

Hr: Luka je osjetio novu energiju i entuzijazam za avanturu, a Iva je shvatila da nije sama u borbi za kafić.
En: Luka felt a new energy and enthusiasm for adventure, and Iva realized she wasn't alone in fighting for the café.

Hr: Taj ljetni dan nije bio samo topao, već i pun uzbudljivih događaja, koji će zauvijek ostati u njihovim sjećanjima.
En: That summer day wasn't just warm, but also full of exciting events that would forever stay in their memories.

Vocabulary Words:
  • spot: mjesto
  • cheerful: vesela
  • counter: šank
  • crumpled: zgužvan
  • glanced: bacila pogled
  • code: kod
  • decipher: dešifrirati
  • curious: radoznao
  • unusual: neobično
  • weird: čudan
  • appearance: izgled
  • suspicious: sumnjivo
  • complicated: kompliciran
  • concealed: prikriven
  • confronted: suočio
  • sharply: oštro
  • devised: smislio
  • attention: pažnja
  • discreetly: diskretno
  • arrested: privela
  • uncode: odkriti
  • patrons: posjetitelji
  • enthusiasm: entuzijazam
  • adventure: avantura
  • important: važni
  • bookshelf: polica za knjige
  • revealed: otkrili
  • eatery: kafić
  • plan: plan
  • solution: riješenje
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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