
Aisle of Laughs: Johan's Supermarket Hideaway

Dec 10, 2023 · 17m 23s
Aisle of Laughs: Johan's Supermarket Hideaway

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 1s


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Aisle of Laughs: Johan's Supermarket Hideaway Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: In die hartjie van 'n besige dorp...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Aisle of Laughs: Johan's Supermarket Hideaway
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Story Transcript:

Af: In die hartjie van 'n besige dorp was daar 'n supermark bekend as Koop-en-Geniet.
En: In the heart of a bustling town, there was a supermarket known as Buy-and-Enjoy.

Af: Die rakke was altyd stampvol en die mense het ingekom en uitgegaan soos bye in 'n byekorf.
En: The shelves were always packed, and people came and went like bees in a beehive.

Af: Op 'n sonskyn Saterdag het Johan, 'n lewendige klein seuntjie, saam met sy vriende, Liesl en Pieter, na die supermark toe gekom om vir hulle nuwe avontuur te soek.
En: On a sunny Saturday, Johan, a lively little boy, came to the supermarket with his friends Liesl and Pieter to search for their new adventure.

Af: Terwyl hulle deur die gange van die supermark geloop het, het hulle oë groot geword vir al die wonderlike dinge wat hulle kon sien.
En: As they walked through the aisles of the supermarket, their eyes widened at all the wonderful things they could see.

Af: Van glinsterende pakkies koekies tot reënboë van vars vrugte en groente, die supermark was soos 'n skatkis vir die drie vriende.
En: From shiny packages of cookies to rainbows of fresh fruits and vegetables, the supermarket was like a treasure trove for the three friends.

Af: Johan het 'n blink idee gehad.
En: Johan had a bright idea.

Af: "Kom ons maak dit 'n wedren!
En: "Let's make it a race!"

Af: " het hy met 'n stout glimlag gesê.
En: he said with a mischievous smile.

Af: "Liesl en Pieter, julle tel tot tien en ek gaan wegkruip.
En: "Liesl and Pieter, you count to ten and I'll hide.

Af: Dan moet julle my soek!
En: Then you have to find me!"

Af: " Liesl en Pieter het op hulle plekke gespring, reg om te tel.
En: Liesl and Pieter jumped into position, ready to count.

Af: Johan het omgedraai en hardloop so vinnig as sy bene hom kon dra, op soek na die perfekte wegkruipplek.
En: Johan turned around and ran as fast as his legs could carry him, searching for the perfect hiding spot.

Af: Toe sien hy dit – 'n groot, leë winkelwaentjie langs die kombuisware-raket.
En: Then he saw it – a large, empty shopping cart next to the kitchenware aisle.

Af: Sonder om 'n tweede keer te dink, het Johan in die waentjie geklim.
En: Without thinking twice, Johan climbed into the cart.

Af: Hy het gedink dit sal die perfekte plek wees om homself weg te steek.
En: He thought it would be the perfect place to hide himself.

Af: Maar nes hy sy wegkruipplek gereed kry, het die waentjie begin beweeg!
En: But just as he got himself settled, the cart started moving!

Af: Dit het vorentoe gestorm en reguit in die kombuisware-raket ingevaar.
En: It dashed forward and straight into the kitchenware aisle.

Af: Pote en panne het begin klingel en klangel soos 'n simfonie van chaos.
En: Pots and pans began to clatter and clang like a symphony of chaos.

Af: En in die middel van hierdie komedie van foute was klein Johan, wat nou vasgevang was tussen 'n berg van handvatsels en deksels.
En: And in the midst of this comedy of errors was little Johan, now trapped among a mountain of handles and lids.

Af: Intussen het Liesl en Pieter klaar getel en het hulle soek begin.
En: Meanwhile, Liesl and Pieter had finished counting and started searching.

Af: Hulle het op en af gegaan deur elke gang, agter die brood rakke gekyk, en selfs in die vrieskaste geloer.
En: They went up and down every aisle, checked behind the bread shelves, and even peeked into the freezers.

Af: Maar Johan was nerens te vinde nie.
En: But Johan was nowhere to be found.

Af: Skoon bekommerd het Liesl voorgestel, "Wat van die kombuisware-afdeling?
En: With growing concern, Liesl suggested, "What about the kitchenware section?"

Af: " Met 'n knope in hulle mae het hulle na die kombuisware toe gestap.
En: With knots in their stomachs, they walked to the kitchenware section.

Af: En daar, te midde van 'n see van potte en panne, het hulle hulle vriendjie gekry.
En: And there, amid a sea of pots and pans, they found their little friend.

Af: Johan se gesig was rooi van verleentheid en die groot steelpan wat oor sy kop gehang het het soos 'n silwer kroon gelyk.
En: Johan's face was red with embarrassment, and the large saucepan hanging over his head looked like a silver crown.

Af: Maar voor Liesl of Pieter kon lag, het hulle gesien hoe bang Johan regtig was.
En: But before Liesl or Pieter could laugh, they saw how truly scared Johan was.

Af: "Sjoe, Johan, jy het jouself regtig in 'n gemors gewerk hier," het Liesl gesê terwyl sy nader stap om te help.
En: "Phew, Johan, you really got yourself into a mess here," Liesl said as she walked closer to help.

Af: Eers het hulle al die kombuisware saggies een vir een verwyder.
En: First, they gently removed all the kitchenware one by one.

Af: Met elke pot en pan wat hulle opgetel het, het hulle Johan se bevryding nader gebring.
En: With each pot and pan they picked up, they brought Johan's liberation closer.

Af: Uiteindelik was die laaste pan gelig, en Johan kon uit die waentjie klim, vry!
En: Finally, the last pan was lifted, and Johan could climb out of the cart, free!

Af: Opgelug en steeds 'n bietjie oorstelp, het Johan gesê, "Ek dink dit is beter as ons liewerst nie meer wegkruipertjie speel in die supermark nie.
En: Relieved and still a little overwhelmed, Johan said, "I think it's better if we don't play hide-and-seek in the supermarket again."

Af: " Met 'n giggel het Liesl en Pieter ingestem, en hulle het al drie hand aan hand gewandel, veilig uit die supermark se hekke.
En: With a giggle, Liesl and Pieter agreed, and all three walked hand in hand, safely out of the supermarket's gates.

Af: Van daardie dag af, het hulle 'n nuwe reël gemaak: Om altyd na mekaar om te sien en nooit weer weg te kruip in winkelwaentjies nie.
En: From that day on, they made a new rule: To always look out for each other and never hide in shopping carts again.

Af: Maar hulle avontuur by Koop-en-Geniet sou nog lank in hulle herinneringe bly, 'n greep uit 'n kinderwêreld vol lag en lesse oor vriendskap en kameraadskap.
En: But their adventure at Buy and Enjoy would remain in their memories for a long time, a glimpse into a child's world full of laughter and lessons about friendship and camaraderie.

Vocabulary Words:
  • heart: hart
  • bustling: besige
  • town: dorp
  • supermarket: supermark
  • shelves: rakke
  • packed: stampvol
  • bees: bye
  • beehive: byekorf
  • lively: lewendige
  • little: klein
  • friends: vriende
  • search: soek
  • walked: geloop
  • aisles: gange
  • wonderful: wonderlike
  • things: dinge
  • shiny: glinsterende
  • packages: pakkies
  • cookies: koekies
  • rainbows: reënboë
  • fresh: vars
  • fruits: vrugte
  • vegetables: groente
  • treasure: skatkis
  • trove: troos
  • bright: blink
  • idea: idee
  • race: wedren
  • smile: glimlag
  • hide: wegkruip
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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