
A Picnic Predicament: The Great Snowdonia Snack Surprises

Jun 18, 2024 · 17m 7s
A Picnic Predicament: The Great Snowdonia Snack Surprises

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 1s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Picnic Predicament: The Great Snowdonia Snack Surprises Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: O dan awyr las a...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Picnic Predicament: The Great Snowdonia Snack Surprises
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Story Transcript:

Cy: O dan awyr las a haul cynnes, cychwynnodd Carys, Geraint, a Rhys eu hantur.
En: On a day of blue skies and warm sunshine, Carys, Geraint, and Rhys began their adventure.

Cy: Penderfynon nhw ymweld â Pharc Cenedlaethol Eryri.
En: They decided to visit Snowdonia National Park.

Cy: Roedd y bore'n berffaith ar gyfer cerdded, a direidi ar y mynyddoedd.
En: The morning was perfect for walking and frolicking on the mountains.

Cy: "Mae popeth gennym ni?" gofynnodd Geraint.
En: "Do we have everything?" Geraint asked.

Cy: "Ydw, rwy’n meddwl hynny," atebodd Carys gyda gwên.
En: "Yes, I think so," answered Carys with a smile.

Cy: Wrth iddynt ddringo’r llwybr byrlymus, roedd pawb yn hapus.
En: As they climbed the winding path, everyone was happy.

Cy: Roedd yr olygfa’n wych, ac roeddent yn siarad a chwerthin yn uchel.
En: The view was magnificent, and they talked and laughed loudly.

Cy: Ar ddiwedd eu taith i gopa’r mynydd, eisteddon nhw i lawr ar y glaswellt caled.
En: At the end of their hike to the mountain's peak, they sat down on the hard grass.

Cy: "Mae’n amser am bicnic!" cyhoeddodd Rhys.
En: "It's time for a picnic!" announced Rhys.

Cy: Dechreuodd Carys chwilota yn ei bag.
En: Carys started rummaging through her bag.

Cy: Stopiodd am eiliad ac yna gwelwyd edrych arswyd ar ei hwyneb.
En: She stopped for a moment, and then a look of horror appeared on her face.

Cy: "O na!" dywedodd gyda chroesair.
En: "Oh no!" she said with a frown.

Cy: "Beth sy’n bod?" gofynnodd Geraint, yn bryderus.
En: "What's wrong?" asked Geraint, worried.

Cy: "Roeddwn i’n meddwl bod gen i fyrbrydau, ond... ond... rwy’n unig wedi pacio teganau a gwleddoedd y gath!"
En: "I thought I had snacks, but... but... I've only packed toys and cat treats!"

Cy: Roedd pawb yn rhedeg i’w weld, eithr Rhys a Geraint yn ysgwyd eu pennau, chwerthin.
En: Everyone rushed to see, except Rhys and Geraint who shook their heads, laughing.

Cy: "O, Carys!" ddywedodd Rhys, yn chwerthin o dan ei fygyth.
En: "Oh, Carys!" said Rhys, laughing under his breath.

Cy: "Beth allwn ni wneud nawr?" meddai Geraint.
En: "What can we do now?" said Geraint.

Cy: Edrychodd Carys o amgylch.
En: Carys looked around.

Cy: Yna gwelodd ddafad yn pori gerllaw.
En: Then she saw a sheep grazing nearby.

Cy: "Gawn ni roi cynnig ar fasnachu?" awgrymodd hi.
En: "Shall we try bartering?" she suggested.

Cy: Â phrawf, cerddodd hi at y ddafad ac agorodd y bag bwyd cath.
En: With a trial, she walked to the sheep and opened the bag of cat food.

Cy: "Helo, ddafad. Hoffet ti rhai o’r rhain am dy laswellt?" gofynnodd Carys.
En: "Hello, sheep. Would you like some of these for your grass?" Carys asked.

Cy: Rhoddodd y ddafad dipyn o syn na thwrw dim, dal yn bwyta ei glaswellt.
En: The sheep gave a bit of a puzzled look but didn't make a sound, still eating its grass.

Cy: Gofynnodd Carys eto, ond yr un ymateb.
En: Carys asked again, but got the same response.

Cy: Gwelodd Rhys a Geraint y sefyllfa a throdd y sylw i lawr gyda chwerthin cynnes.
En: Rhys and Geraint saw the situation and turned their attention down with warm laughter.

Cy: O’r diwedd, penderfynodd mab Geraint, sef Rhys, dorri tipyn o hances a’i roi ar dy laswellt.
En: In the end, Geraint's son, Rhys, decided to tear a bit of handkerchief and place it on the grass.

Cy: "Dyma ni, Carys. Picnig gostyngedig. Nid yw o fel cacenni, ond mae’n well na dim."
En: "Here we go, Carys. A humble picnic. It's not like cakes, but it's better than nothing."

Cy: Eisteddon nhw’n llonydd ar y copa, gan fwyta eu pryd diffygiol, ac edrych ar fynyddoedd gwych Eryri.
En: They sat quietly on the peak, eating their meager meal, and looked at the magnificent Snowdonia mountains.

Cy: Roedd yr awyrgylch tawel a gwenu gyda ffrindiau a barodd eu hantur i fod yn un di-amser.
En: The peaceful atmosphere and smiling with friends made their adventure timeless.

Cy: Er iddyn nhw waged agor teganau cath a gogo papur, ydi hi am gofio’r wers bwysig honno.
En: Even as they opened cat toys and paper packets, they are sure to remember this important lesson.

Cy: Meithrin anturiaethau gyda chelfi profiad yw’r prif lythyr yn setlo i gaffi.
En: Creating adventures with experienced gear is the main note to settling in a cafe.

Cy: Roedd fory, felly, yn haul ychwanegol ar eu bywyd; dyma 'stasydd llawen y munud.'
En: The future, therefore, was another day of sunshine on their lives; the 'joyful stasis of the moment.'

Cy: A phan ddaeth hi’n amser i fynd, dywedodd Geraint, “Wel, un peth yn siwr, Carys. Nad fyddi di byth yn anghofio bwyd ar gyfer y gath!”
En: And when it was time to go, Geraint said, "Well, one thing's for sure, Carys. You'll never forget food for the cat again!"

Cy: Chwerthin i gyd oedd y tri wrth gadw mwynhau’r golygfeydd anhygoel.
En: All three laughed while continuing to enjoy the incredible views.

Cy: Diwedd hapus ar daith anfarwol i Eryri.
En: A happy ending to an immortal journey to Snowdonia.

Vocabulary Words:
  • adventure: antur
  • frolicking: direidi
  • magnificent: wych
  • winding: byrlymus
  • peak: copa
  • hard grass: glaswellt caled
  • rummaging: chwilota
  • horror: arswyd
  • frown: croesair
  • bartering: masnachu
  • puzzled look: syn
  • warm laughter: chwerthin cynnes
  • meager meal: pryd diffygiol
  • peaceful atmosphere: awyrgylch tawel
  • important lesson: wers bwysig
  • experienced gear: celfi profiad
  • joyful stasis: stasydd llawen
  • immortal journey: taith anfarwol
  • bags of cat food: bag bwyd cath
  • mountainous: mynyddig
  • sheep: ddafad
  • graze: pori
  • snacks: byrbrydau
  • toys: teganau
  • cat treats: gwleddoedd y gath
  • handkerchief: hances
  • laugh under his breath: chwerthin o dan ei fygyth
  • scenery: golygfeydd
  • she whispered: sibrydiodd hi
  • she packed: pecynodd hi
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