1 Samuel 25: Desarrolla la virtud de la persuasión.

Nov 23, 2022 · 8m 12s
1 Samuel 25: Desarrolla la virtud de la persuasión.

1 Samuel 25: Desarrolla la virtud de la persuasión. 1 Samuel 25:23-33: (Por favor, leer en su biblia) Este es un momento donde David fue humillado y menospreciado por un...

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1 Samuel 25: Desarrolla la virtud de la persuasión.

1 Samuel 25:23-33: (Por favor, leer en su biblia)

Este es un momento donde David fue humillado y menospreciado por un hombre testarudo llamado Nabal, pero él tenía una esposa muy sabia y sagaz, que corrió para salir al encuentro en el camino a David, pues David estaba muy enojado e indignado por el trato despreciable de Nabal hacia el trabajo y protección dado a sus pastores y ovejas, y se dirigía a su casa para castigarlo severamente con destrucción.
Su esposa, Abigail, actuó con sabiduría, y con celeridad alistó provisiones para ofrecerlas a David y sus guerreros, dándose prisa para encontrarlos en el camino. Pero la mayor cualidad que esta mujer tenía, además de ser muy inteligente, bella, sabia y prudente, era que ella conocía el arte de la persuasión. Ella utilizó palabras sabias para que David cambiara su intención, su plan contra la casa de Nabal. Ella sabía que cuando un hombre estaba decidido a hacer algo, era muy difícil detenerlo, especialmente cuando su honor estaba en juego.
Por eso es tan importante el don de la persuasión. Lee una vez más las palabras que ella usó para lograr persuadir a David, calmando su enojo y haciéndolo reflexionar para que no hiciera justicia por sus propias manos, y más bien le deje espacio a la justicia de Dios.
Primero, ella llega con un presente que llenaría la necesidad inmediata de David y sus soldados: preparó un cargamento exquisito con lo mejor de la casa. Lo ofreció con una actitud de un genuino arrepentimiento. Luego, lo hizo reflexionar acerca de la insensatez de su esposo y que ella estaba ahí para cumplir los deseos de David. Luego, le habló al corazón y le dijo que esto era un plan de Dios que ella lo encontrara en el camino porque Dios no quiere que David tenga esa mancha de haber derramado sangre en el enojo, especialmente porque él sería el próximo rey de Israel, y porque él estaba protegido por el Señor y en la lista de los privilegiados por el Todopoderoso.
Al final, ella se puso al servicio de David y le deseó éxitos en su vida presente y en la venidera cuando se convierta en el monarca de Israel, recordándole a David su identidad final. En pocas palabras, lo sacó de esa identidad, en el presente, de mercenario, y lo llevó a su identidad como futuro rey y juez de Israel y Judá.

¡Qué bueno que podamos desarrollar esta virtud! Que con nuestras palabras y buen trato podamos persuadir a nuestros seres queridos a que tomen el camino correcto y de justicia. No confundamos persuasión con manipulación. La manipulación es cuando se usan palabras y actitudes que intentan convencer a alguien a que haga nuestra voluntad y cumpla nuestro propio deseo. En cambio, persuasión es cuando queremos que alguien desista de hacer algo que lo va a herir o destruir.
Pidamos al Señor que podamos tener su gracia y sabiduría para poder guiar a nuestro hogar por el camino del bien, usando formas que los persuadan a tomar las mejores decisiones. Explica con paciencia tu punto de vista, muéstrales las bases morales y principios bíblicos que ellos deben seguir, cuéntales tus propias experiencias de vida, y dales el espacio para que ellos se expresen y puedan desahogar contigo esas frustraciones que los están impulsando al error.
No permitas que la frustración te lleve al enojo y, en vez de persuadir a tu pareja o tu hijos, los alejes más o los empujes más hacia el peligro en el cual están a punto de caer.
Con la ayuda de Dios, ellos tomarán la decisión final así como David lo hizo, calmando su enojo, dejando que el Señor hiciera justicia, agradeciéndole a Abigail su acción valerosa y por haberlo persuadido a desistir de su plan. Al final, Nabal murió y David mandó a llamar a Abigail porque quería proponerle matrimonio a esta gran mujer que se ganó el respeto y aprecio de David.

Soy Eduardo Rodríguez.

1 Samuel 25:23-33:
Now when Abigail saw David, she dismounted quickly from the donkey, fell on her face before David, and bowed down to the ground. So she fell at his feet and said: “On me, my lord, on me let this iniquity be! And please let your maidservant speak in your ears, and hear the words of your maidservant. Please, let not my lord regard this scoundrel Nabal. For as his name is, so is he: Nabal is his name, and folly is with him! But I, your maidservant, did not see the young men of my lord whom you sent. Now therefore, my lord, as the Lord lives and as your soul lives, since the Lord has held you back from coming to bloodshed and from avenging yourself with your own hand, now then, let your enemies and those who seek harm for my lord be as Nabal. And now this present which your maidservant has brought to my lord, let it be given to the young men who follow my lord. Please forgive the trespass of your maidservant. For the Lord will certainly make for my lord an enduring house, because my lord fights the battles of the Lord, and evil is not found in you throughout your days. Yet a man has risen to pursue you and seek your life, but the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living with the Lord your God; and the lives of your enemies He shall sling out, as from the pocket of a sling. And it shall come to pass, when the Lord has done for my lord according to all the good that He has spoken concerning you, and has appointed you ruler over Israel, that this will be no grief to you, nor offense of heart to my lord, either that you have shed blood without cause, or that my lord has avenged himself. But when the Lord has dealt well with my lord, then remember your maidservant.” Then David said to Abigail: “Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me! And blessed is your advice and blessed are you, because you have kept me this day from coming to bloodshed and from avenging myself with my own hand.

This is a moment where David was humiliated and belittled by a stubborn man named Nabal, but he had a very wise and sagacious wife, who ran to meet David on the road, because David was very angry and indignant at Nabal's despicable treatment of work and protection given to his shepherds and sheep, and went to his house to punish him severely with destruction.
His wife, Abigail, acted wisely, and quickly prepared provisions to offer to David and his warriors, hastening to meet them on the road. But the greatest quality that this woman had, besides being very intelligent, beautiful, wise and prudent, was that she knew the art of persuasion. She used words of wisdom to get David to change his intention, his plan against Nabal's house. She knew that when a man was determined to do something, it was very difficult to stop him, especially when his honor was at stake.
That is why the gift of persuasion is so important. Read once more the words that she used to persuade David, calming his anger and making him reflect so that he would not take justice into his own hands, and rather leave room for God's justice.
First, she arrives with a present that would fill the immediate need of David and his soldiers: she prepared an exquisite cargo with the best of the house. She offered it with an attitude of genuine regret. Then, she made him reflect on the foolishness of her husband and that she was there to carry out David's wishes. Then, she spoke to his heart and told him that this was God's plan for her to meet him on the road because God does not want David to have that stain of having shed blood in anger, especially since he would be the next king of Israel, and because he was protected by the Lord and on the list of those privileged by the Almighty.
In the end, she placed herself in David's service and wished him success in his present life and in the life to come when he becomes the monarch of Israel, reminding David of his final identity. In short words, she took him out of that identity, in the present, of a mercenary, and into his future identity as king and judge of Israel and Judah.

How good that we can develop this virtue! That with our words and good treatment we can persuade our loved ones to take the right path and justice. Let's not confuse persuasion with manipulation. Manipulation is when words and attitudes are used that try to convince someone to do our will and fulfill our own desire. Instead, persuasion is when we want someone to stop doing something that will hurt or destroy them.
Let us ask the Lord that we may have His grace and wisdom to be able to guide our home on the path of good, using ways that persuade them to make the best decisions. Patiently explain your point of view, show them the moral bases and biblical principles that they must follow, tell them about your own life experiences, and give them the space for them to express themselves and vent with you those frustrations that are driving them into error.
Don't let frustration lead you to anger and, instead of persuading your partner or your children, drive them further away or push them further into the danger into which they are about to fall.
With God's help, they will make the final decision just as David did, calming his anger, letting the Lord do justice, thanking Abigail for her courageous action and for persuading him to give up his plan. In the end, Nabal died and David sent for Abigail because he wanted to propose to this great woman who earned David's respect and appreciation.

I'm Eduardo Rodríguez.

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